
06 February 2012

Teeth, Feathers, and Storms

Some of you wondered how I get anything accomplished with this chunk of cuteness lying around (or is it laying? I never know).  
I'll tell you.
I've got a whole bunch of little mothers who sometimes fight over him.  I'll even admit to using him as an incentive.  Whoever gets their homework finished and lunch made first gets to hold Drummer first! I yell over my shoulder as we come in from the car: scrambling backpacks and scribbling pencils commence.
In other Dill household news, little miss Olive lost her first tooth this weekend!  At the end of the school year last year, Olive confided in me one day.  I feel lonely.  Why? thinking she missed her schoolmates and the hubbub of 4 sisters wasn't enough of a social fix for this girl.  Because I'm the only one in my class that hasn't lost a tooth.
Yes, she waited long for this moment and, as good sisters do, Pearl helped her finally free it with a bump to the face with her hard head (literal and figurative.)
The tooth fairy was generous and we joked that by the time Drummer got around to loosing his teeth (after he actually gets them, of course) that she'll be dropping a 20 on each one.
Divine gasped, got her big eyes going and then began to madly count her own teeth trying to calculate just how much that would be.  
Yes.  The boy is spoiled and probably always will be,
but I'm sure the spoilage and the torture inflicted by older sisters will somehow balance out.

Pearl was sewing up a storm again this week.  A most wonderfully wild stallion and two black cats.
Miserably, I failed to take pictures before she gave them to friends.  Makes you want to be friends with her.
(Someone else likes orange, too :)
A sandy Sunday stroll brought feathers for flying.

And why does it never get old to chase seagulls into flight?
I did it a few times myself.

I had Drummer strapped and sleeping.

We thought we could outrun the threatening storm looming in the distance.  I love how it looks as though Azure is conducting it.

We returned home curlier with a side of sogginess.  
It felt good. 


  1. It is just pure joy to read your posts!!! Mr.D is just about the cutest little fellow ever!! Just love your family!!
    Oh and am doing the cowl it!!

  2. I agree with Miss Holly - pure joy!

    Chloe lost her first tooth yesterday as well...when she told Madeline, Maddy wanted to go find it. kids are great that way :)

  3. I lost my two front teeth on my little sisters head. She was always slow getting out of the car and we had just arrived at Sea World (the Argentine equivalent anyway). Somehow in the rush to escape the car my teeth got lodged in her hair.

  4. Oh goodness look at the beautiful!

    Looks likes things have been fun and jam packed on your end! Love the shadow picture of the bikes and the one of your hubs holding hands with your daughter.....sooo sweet. :o)

    Hope the tooth fairy was good to Olive.

    Kendra aka "Domestic Princess in Training"

  5. It always looks like you live in paradise. Are you Florida?

  6. I thought about you last night when I finally taught Kylie how to sew a button on her pants. She picked it right up! Guess we need to find something more advanced now:). Nice scruff, Ryan (meant in loving way). Love those Drummer cheeks! Can't wait to pinch them in March!

  7. Great post! And looks like a great day at the beach! Glad I could peek I'm a long way from the ocean!

  8. What a lovely outing. You live in a really beautiful place!

    I wish I could come squeeze those adorable cheeks too. What a handsome boy.

  9. so lovely photos.. thank you for sharing them.
    we got -19°C this morning here in Germany and we`re longing for a trip to the beach, when we see your images.
    love, Elisabeth

  10. The photos are wonderful! I love that your little guy is an incentive! My wish is that every baby could be loved like that.....I think $20 seems fair....with inflation and all :)

    I really love you blog!

    love cate

  11. Every time you post pictures of the beach I think, "My, that pier looks familiar..." and recently I realized that they are, in fact, the same piers- that we go to the same farmers' market- and that we had the same midwives. Howdy, neighbor! I love stopping by your breath of fresh air on the web. If you ever host another sewing soirée, I'm going to try and finagle an invite ;)

  12. My little guy lost his first tooth today- and he accidentally swallowed it, so he wrote a note to the tooth farie explaining- which reminds me, she needs to make stop by his room before she heads to bed. nite nite.

  13. This post made me smile - utterly peaceful moments of family life.

  14. My mother has one brother, he has 5 sisters! When I refer to the love yours have for Drummer, I speak from experience, of the love my aunt's and mom have for their only brother, the baby of course! Oh what a lucky boy!And how lucky, beach days in February!

  15. I had followed your blog forever and then the love of my life got me a smart phone. I ditched the computer, got swept into a total facebook addiction and lost track of some of my favorite blogs. It was fun though today to catch back up, see how your babies have grown, and check out your beautiful pictures of this amazing world. :0)

  16. beautiful, beautiful moments and pictures! Thank you for taking us with you ;-)

  17. I want to live where you live! The beach in February looks amazing.

  18. The beach in February? I could use a little of that loveliness! Congrats to Olive!

  19. Your photos are extraordinary! You are such an inspiration in so many ways :-)

  20. just have to tell you, I love your blog. Your family is so beautiful and your photos are extraordinary!


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