
13 February 2012

Ready for V-day

Thank you for your encouraging words from my last post.  It didn't help to find out that two of my friends who have had babies more recently than I both have theirs sleeping through the night already, both girls.  Is there something to it?  

Meanwhile, bags and bags and bags of Valentine's are hung with coordinating backpacks, at the ready for distribution tomorrow.  Is everyone in blogland doing these sucker holding photos?  Divine was embarrassed that her's was in her pajamas, so I made it black and white to disguise it.  Don't know if it helped or not.  Azure had already gone to bed when I was taking these, so hers are a bit different.
But I imagine they'll bring a smile to anyone who gets one.  I think it might be my favorite.
And while we're on the subject of the Love holiday, little Ms cLOVEr sure has taken a shine to her mini brother.  I bought some fabric to make her a new blankie and she shared it with Drummer posthaste.  Of course the two of them can't be left alone.  She's still a bit rough with him, with all her 3-year-old enthusiasm.
Do you have lovey-dovey plans for Valentine's day?  I'll be playing my harp for romantic ambiance at a dinner for some friends.


  1. LOVE to you, and I covet a blanket with that fabric. It's so yummy. Happy Valentine's Day.

  2. I had forgotten about those sucker valentine's! I remember seeing them last year on a round-up on MADE. will have to remember that for next the ones your girls made. :)

  3. Those are pretty cute cards! I too will have to file them away for next year. :D (PS - my daughter is 16 months and still not sleeping through the night)

  4. I don't know if it's just my boys or all boys, but my oldest is 3.5 and has probably only slept through the night a handful of times. My youngest slept through the night from 9 weeks-6 months and then gave it up cold turkey, I think he's done it twice since then and he's almost 2. It's crazy and I would love a good night's sleep, but at least they both sleep in until about 7 or 7:30 so I'm not up at 5:30 like some of my friends!

  5. well my little 6mo old boy is most definitely not sleeping through the night... so you are not alone! it makes ME feel better hearing you talk about your non-sleeper :) love your sweet valentines.

  6. I did a version of that Valentine with my preschool class. Each child made a flower out of felt, pipe cleaners, and buttons, and I put that in their hand, so it looked like they were giving their parents flowers. I think its cute either way!

    And, my daughters slept through the night at 6 weeks. My son woke up every 30 minutes to snuggle (and occasionally nurse) for the first 8 months of his life and didn't fully sleep through the night until he was 6. Not to be discouraging... However, the nights I spent holding him while we slept are some of the sweetest moments of my life. Your relationship will be very different with the boy!

  7. aw, my littlest one would sleep from 11 to 4:30 from day 4. And as shiny as that sounds, at 15 months she still gets up once a night! My older one took longer to start sleeping 'well' but she definitely started sleeping properly through the night a lot earlier...

  8. my boy slept better than my girls and longer - once he had days/nights figured out and the early startle reflex was a thing of the past. he is still the one who self regulates. "mom, i just have to go to sleep" um. ok.

    really i had to write because you said "posthaste" - which i love. we should all use it more!

  9. My son didin't sleep through the night until 9 months, nine months! Not very encouraging, I know. We started going crazy at 5 months, read "healthy sleep habits happy child," tried that for a month, gave up and at 9 months we gave up and we moved out of our only bedroom. 2 nights later and a few crying sessions and it's been heaven ever since. The boy loved to nurse to sleep! On the bright side, look at all the cute valentines you made while sleep deprived!

  10. oh goodness, i cannot even imagine a baby sleeping through at that age. three of our four have been frequent night wakers. they didn't sleep through (or night wean!) until 18 months. our third is a fantastic sleeper... and she was adopted. our fourth is a month younger than drummer and wakes every two-four hours, depending on the night. when she does finally sleep a long stretch, then i can't because i'm so engorged!

  11. Katy those Valentines are SO cute! I love every one of them and Azure is fantastic! What fun they must have had. Happy V-day to you tomorrow and I am wishing you some sleep.

  12. ha ha...I love Azure's the best! What a cute girl.

    Love that picture of Drummer all snuggled up in that blanket too. Owen used to bring Reid every toy he could find and build a mountain around him. Reid ended looking like E.T. peeking out through all those toys. :)

  13. My guy didn't sleep through the night till 16 months it mighta been earlier but I was working and it was easier to nurse him back to sleep. Two nights of ferber sleep training absurd sleeps a solid 12-13 hours a night and now he's almost two...and he takes a three hour nap. It'll be okay.

  14. Please, PLEASE don't beat yourself up about the little dude not sleeping through the night, or think that there is something you should be doing differently. (Did all your girlies sleep well?) I tend to just not talk about sleep with other people (though it's a topic that's tough to avoid when one has children, esp. babies) because my kiddos are just so different.

    My older daughter had her second birthday before she slept through the night. My younger daughter is almost 18 months and has not yet slept through the night. Not once. (I'm talking the whole not, not the "medical definition" of 5 hours, which is decidedly NOT through the night).

    Hang in there, and buy some good coffee.

  15. Oh yours came out great! I love the one in black and white. You really can't tell that she is wearing PJs!
    I did one this year for my youngest holding an agave stick here:
    Happy Valentine's day to you and your lovely family!
    I wish we all could hear your harp music:)

  16. funny - yup, we made those w/ my kids today too, and i just posted pics on my blog. i like how azure's turned out also :)

  17. Cute Valentine's Day cards!
    Sleep is overrated! Haha! But seriously who came up with those ridiculous ideas that babies should be doing this or that or the other at said time? He WILL eventually sleep through the night. Of course then you won't be sleeping. You will be up wondering what's wrong, why isn't he getting up? =D Oh those baby days!

  18. Oh Katy I know how you feel, Ive had 5 kids and all horrible sleepers I always wondered how people got their babies to sleep through the night. I knew if I stayed awake and held my babies they would sleep all night. I think people who's babies sleep through the night are "routine people, put the baby down while their awake they dont need to be held all the time...."kinda people, and that's fine, it obviously creates great sleepers, but for me......I held my babies all the time because I wanted too....I even held them while they slept early on, because I never wanted to be without them...and when I was ready to put them down for me time they'd have none of short, our babies dont sleep through the night because they know the secret to a better way.....they know being held all the time is nicer :-)))... He'll sleep the meantime, do you like caffeine? :-))))

  19. I LOVE those valentines! I wish I had thought of it for my kids!! I am sad and only have one left in Elementary and exchanging cards! Tell Divine that if she does not tell anyone they are PJ's noone will ever know! I actually kind of like the black and white best, it makes the red POP!!!

  20. I fall into despair and condemnation over how unsuccessful I have been in getting my youngest to sleep. Especially when my friends seem to have it happen so easily. She is 18 months now and is still a horrible sleeper, waking often crying, having to nurse to be comforted. She also still wants to be carried around with me everywhere and gets anxious if I leave her sight. She is such a contradiction, because she is full of hilarious nergy and spunk, and not afraid to try anything. She is the one that I couldn't put down for the first two weeks of her life or she would scream and scream and scream. I think she basically nursed for 2 weeks straight. Lol.

    So after having my kids 18 months apart, Clover (now turning 3) being a bad sleeper too, and 18 months of truly awful sleep with Violet, I am so tired all the time I just want to cry. I've lashed out really angrily at my husband for ignoring my pleas to watch Violet downstairs on the rare weekend morning we have together, just so I can get a little more sleep. Like, DO NOT piss off a sleep deprived woman. lol. Violet insists on waking sometime between 5:15 and 5:30am every day, and since the only way to get any sleep without her screaming bloody murder all night is to drag her into bed with us in the middle of the night, I am forced to get up with her.

    Dude....I am SO TIRED. And we have tried everything. Some kids are just like that I guess.

  21. None of my kids slept through the night before 11 or 12 months. Don't feel like you are doing something wrong. It'll happen eventually and you just have to survive until it does...I'm hoping you get enough rest to keep you sane! :)

  22. I follow your blog through my favourites and just had to make a comment about babies sleeping through the night. With my three oldest (my youngest is only 3 weeks) as soon as they slept a longer time during the night, and they've done so at least 2 or 3 times, I'd let them cry for a while the next time because I knew they didn't need to be fed--they just like it. If they continued crying for say 15-20 min, I'd give in and feed them. But, this helped all of them (2 boys and a girl) to sleep through the night at around 4-6 weeks.

  23. I used to be all jealous because my friends babies all seemed to sleep thru the night too. Neither of my boys slept through a single night until they were 11 months old. I feel for you, but this might be just the way little Drummer is going to be.

  24. Happy Valentine's Day! My girl slept through the night at 6 weeks, my little guy had to eat every three hours-and didn't sleep through the night until he was done nursing. It sounds like Drummer loves to eat too. I could never let my guy cry it out because it would have waken the entire house-and I would rather have dealt with just me having little sleep rather than the whole family. Keep it up, he will start sleeping soon enough.

  25. My kids have not been very good night sleepers at all. And my sister who has mirror image kids(same ages) sleep through the night really early. To me, it just depends on your attitude. I am enjoying the moments with my boy, and staying positive during the day. Oh, and the older kids enjoy a short movie while mama sleeps in the afternoon. :)

  26. I have 3 boys. They started sleeping through the night at 2 1/2 year old. I don't want to discourage you but it will get better. Not perfect just better.
    Enjoying your blog so much!

  27. Katy! Those Valentines are so great. I'm thrilled that it seems one or two might be headed our way! Love you!

  28. I've got three kids. My oldest, boy, was the WORSE sleeper. He didn't sleep longer then 3 hours will he was about 3 months old. It took him forever to sleep through the night. I don't think he slept through the night till we started solid foods at almost 6 months. He was also the biggest of all our babies. My second, boy, was our best sleeper. Came home from the hospital sleeping 5-6 hours and 9-10 by about 4 weeks. Our third, a girl, was somewhere in the middle (I nursed all three). Now our second is the one who gets up most in the middle of the night and he's almost 4. Hang in there! When my first was an infant I was so tired I regularly told my husband we were NOT having any more kids.

  29. Just thought I would add my input about sleep habits: my girl has always slept better than my boys.

  30. It would be safe to say it's a busy time in your home just preparing treats to send in with your little ones to school!! You did an awesome job with your Valentine's. I really like how Azure's turned out!!

  31. loved your V-day cards.
    LOVE the characters on the cards!

  32. Happy Valentine's Day to you all.

    Check HERE
    to see all the homemade gifts i had made for darling husband, dear sister and daughter!


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