
03 February 2012

I'm not normally so judgmental

I am not very good at staying up with the latest of anything.  Technology first and foremost (why yes, that is a VCR sitting next to the DVD player!)  I didn't even know there was a Color of the Year until I was informed by several people who know my penchant for the orange hue.  Yes, 2012 is all about orange!  Well, Tangerine Tango to be more precise.  Lucky me!  To celebrate, Erin over at Two More Seconds is having a quilt challenge and, no, they did NOT ask me to submit something (whew!), but they've asked if I will help out with the judging!  I can do that :)  Do I have any quilter friends out there?  If you're a quilter, make me proud and hop on over there to get the details of how to enter.

If quilting isn't quite your thing (like me!) Rachel over at Family Ever After is having a sewing competition called SEW-VIVOR!  And let me tell you what, I was tempted to enter myself after seeing what she's got up for grabs for the winning contestant, over $900 worth of sewing goods!  Instead, I get to help judge!  All you do is submit a project you've sewn and the top 10 entries will be chosen to compete for the grand prize.  So click on over to her blog for more information on how to enter.

And last, but not least, there's Project Run & Play, which I know all too well, sweating it out each week with several fantastic designers and sewers in the first season.  I think that encouraged me to create some of my personal best designs, honestly.  This is the third season and also exploding with talent, if you haven't been following and voting along.  I'm on the judging panel and look forward to each Friday when the designs are featured.  Here are the winning designs from the round so far:

Amazing, right?  You can also play along with Project Run & Play by submitting your design along the theme each week, and there have been some stunning entries!  Hop on over to take a look.

So, anyone out there playing along with these fun competitions?


  1. I'm one of your quilter followers. Off to check it out...but I already did orange last year ;)!

  2. holy smokes, i am in LOVE with all of those things!!
    umm, there is a color for each year? eek, didn't know that...but i love your hues of orange (and grey seeds :)
    i might just take a swig at that rainbow dress and creamy jacket. my girl would look devine in both :)

  3. I've been having fun with the Project Run & Play sew-along... I participated in 3 of the 5 challenges ~ so happy they added the sew-along :)

  4. Oh my! I am SOOO in love with that Little Man Tuck! Is there any way they'll be creating a tutorial or pattern to buy? LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  5. I've been participating in Project Run and Play's sew along competition, it has been really great for making me stop focusing solely on my schooling, and make time for creativity outside of my school work!

  6. ah, thank you so much for giving Sew-vivor a shout out! I knew you were on the judge panel for Project Run and Play, and now you're a judge for 3 contests! haha, imagine all the fun things you'll get to see! thank you sooo very much for being an immunity guest judge. i can't wait to share more details with ya!

  7. wow, you are judgy mcjudgerson over there! fun stuff. ;)

  8. Loved you when you competed...appreciate you as a judge...your input is wonderful...I know why you are such a wanted lady.

  9. Thanks for taking the time to consider all these design challenges. Not an easy task I'd imagine.

  10. I have been playing along with Project Run & Play and it has been so fun! I am honored to have tied for first one week and won last week! I hope they do the sew-along again next time. BTW, your kids are adorable!!!

  11. EEK! I am participating in Sew-vivor! It's my first time to enter a sewing competition! I'm so nervous! I absolutely love your website, btw. I've been a stalker for a long time, lol, but I didn't want to post until I had a (what I feel is) legitimate blog >._.< Such an inspiration! FYI, your little boy was born just about when my Sephira was: July 5th! Take care! Wish me luck!


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