
07 February 2012

I Ought to be Ashamed

at the amount of photos I took of this boy.  
But it's like when you make Deb's Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats,
and she has you add a bit of extra butter and then brown it (could anything smell better?),
loving the toe grab
and you dump it into a dish to spread that gooey, warm, delectable (Clover's new favorite word) confection,
who can resist putting some of that in their mouth, even though it might burn your tongue?
toes, illuminated
The sweetness is entirely overpowering after more than one piece, but it's still warm and still marshmallow stringy, so you indulge, and smile while you do. 
knuckle dimples
It's like that.  
hand discovery
It was the perfect photo shoot recipe: the early morning happies from the boy,
whistle blower
as I pulled him into bed to change his clothes and diaper,
golden goodness streaming in from the window,
those blues looking like they do, and that lower lip suck.
So, though I should be embarrassed,
I'm not, 
because I'm confident
you might have done the same.


  1. Would have...and have done the same with mine. He's beautiful!

  2. oh i love it all.
    not too many photos by any means.
    i could have used more :)
    love that last shot.

  3. oh, those chubby little thighs are so delicious!

  4. sister's and brother's photo is just breathtaking!

  5. Gorgeous pictures. If I had a baby I'd do the same. When I have a baby I will do the same! ;)

  6. No shame! You've a handsome hunka baby boy. I do the same thing with my 5mo boy. :)

  7. Heartwarming! You can put the camera down for just a moment to gobble him up...then go take some more!

  8. yes, I would have done the same. Such a wonderful little man! That last shot is wonderful.

  9. It's a good thing I'm pregnant because this post made me baby hungry. :)

    How can resist that beautiful boy?

  10. Oh! I was willing to scroll down for another good hour or two! Thanks for sharing.

  11. would have, have done and still do....
    time flies so quickly...

  12. That last picture is perfect!

  13. The lump in my throat is as big as my love for this little boy, his sisters and parents. Beautiful!

  14. This is why we invested in a DSLR soon after our son was born. His someday wife will pour over all these wonderful picture to see all the baby cuteness she can look forward to.

    He's growing to fast!

  15. I love this... LOVE.

  16. It's actually sinful the amount of photos I take of the newest one. Now that I know how to use my DSLR on manual, I just can't stop taking photos!

  17. I think Clover has it right - baby toes Are delectable!

  18. Oh my goodness that lower lip suck brings back memories. My favorite thing!

  19. Love the last shot!!! He's a cutie, all your kids are.

  20. You are a genious and this post is the sweetest, most truthful and loving thing I've seen in ages. And oh yes I've done the same with my boys although my pics are not as beautiful as your ones. You are a very talented woman!

  21. beautiful! makes me baby hungry... and that is an accomplishment!

  22. He is beautiful!
    And, he lucky so very lucky to have a mummy that remembers to pick up the camera!!!

  23. Oh he is too sweet for words!

  24. Aww, isn't he sweet??? I just love him to pieces! Thanks for the pictures; I have baby fever!!

  25. I could look at him all day - you lucky girl!

  26. And that gives me the little kick to think OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES I want another one (I have 3 with special needs so I am busy already!). Stupid hormons who won't calm down. And sweet babies are just one of the best things in the world.
    Keep on taking pics there is never enough.

  27. What a beautiful boy! LOVE these pictures!!!! :) (and Clover's favorite word).

  28. oh sigh...he is delectable :)

    beautiful pictures...and yes, i would have done the same.

  29. Oh Katy, this was one of the sweetest posts I've seen. I need to go cuddle my Penny pie, you made me hungry!


  30. ha ha, yes! He is deliciously sweet and they are addictive. Beautiful moments Katy.

  31. nom nom nom - katy, he is delicious! wonderful photos.

  32. It's been two days now that my little guy had draw with blue sharpies in my computer screen, and this is the first time the scribble annoys me, because those pictures are beautiful and the scribble kind of ruins them.

  33. he's so darling, i can't stand it. i want another boy. right now. :)

  34. He's gorgeous and you are clever!

  35. I just had that little heart pang wishing I had my baby boys again! Do enjoy that sweet boy!

  36. Beautiful photos. Beautiful boy. Isn't the morning sun the best?

  37. precious boy! These photos made my ovaries twitch a little. I'm ready for a baby, the rest of my life, not so much.. gotta get done with school and get a few years of work under my belt...but then, then I'll do the same (and without shame too :D)

  38. Oh crumb! Could you make it any more difficult that we are finished having children!?! Ours are 8, 9, and 10...I guess I'll just have to wait patiently for those grandchildren...he is just too yummy!

  39. These are so beautiful. I had a similar photoshoot with Harper when she was that age and went crazy and took like 200 pictures of her. It was awesome and the lighting was perfect and they are still some of my favorite photos of her as a baby. What a cutie pie he is.

    P.s. Love the invite to visit. I'll be right over :P Hugs! xoxo

  40. I just did a similar post with my little Willa and her bunny. I'm not embarrassed, but yes, I also take a TON of pics of my girls!

  41. Oh.My.Gosh! How do you make such juicy, cute babies? Each photo was perfectly delectable.

  42. Definetly. I would and have done the same. gorgeous boy. x

  43. delectable indeed. while reading this post about the smells of krispie treats...i imagined how good that little baby boy smelled!! remembering my own little ones, i loved the way their little heads smelled. enjoy that drummer!!


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