
09 January 2012

Resolve: before and after

To make or not to make New Year's Resolutions seems to be more divisive than political party affiliation these days.  I used to love making resolutions when I was a girl.  Starting fresh, a whole long list of my grand plans. When you're little, you have faith (and maybe naïveté) that you lose bit by bit each year.  We asked the kids what their resolutions were going to be.  Divine immediately piped up with the idea that we all need to be more organized.
Pearl then had the brilliant idea that we should all tell what someone else needs work on.  I guess she hasn't heard about beams and motes.  Ryan said he was going to chew his food more.  Me: Since when do you make resolutions?  Him: I got this one.  Shooting high, my love.
I'm keeping it simple too.  Organization, weight, exercise, sugar intake all wax and wane, and most likely always will, so I announced that my resolution was to hug my big and little dills more.  Too much rushing and hurrying and hopping in and out  and not enough hugging.  Grandly simple.  I got this one.

Do you resolve?


  1. I used to. Gave up the formal lists a few years ago. I like to keep it simple and just keep doing a little better each day in mind.

  2. we still do... I have a firm belief that if I truly want something to change in my life (not just something I think I 'should' be changing) than if I write it down my subconcious will presist me to do it, even though my resolution isn't the particular reason I'm doing what I'm doing... does that mak any sense? haha... for example last year I decided to beautify our home and I blogged about it... I forgot about it until the end of the year and when I looked back I had done TONS of things that beautified our home... anyways so yes, I still do and my hubby tries to as well :D

    the update on last years and the new ones for this year :D

    I have complete faith that you'll hug your babies more because it something that means a lot to you :D

  3. I always sort through my facebook friends on new years day. I'm not much of a resolution maker - but love the hugging your kids more one!

  4. I think Pearl had a very good idea. My husband and I did something similar for our New Year's resolutions.

  5. I used to but now I just unofficially decide and don't fully commit so I don't feel as bad when I don't. Your resolution is awesome!!

  6. That seems like a perfect resolution!

  7. I decided this year to set goals, not resolutions. Semantics, I know. But goals I can work to reach, resolutions always seem like wishes whispered into the ether -- gone as soon as they're uttered. Good luck for 2012! We could all do with giving and getting more hugs!!

  8. Mine never changes. Listen more, talk less.

    I like the hugging one too. Maybe I'll go big and have two resolutions this year.

  9. Not this year.

    When my hubby asked our 4 year old what he should do more this year she said, "Hug me, talk to me and read me stories." Hmm, much wisdom from our little ones don't you think?

  10. Don't forget twirling! :) I am resolving not to think about resolutions this year. I'm too overwhelmed right now.

    Very cute post. Chewing more isn't a bad idea. :)

  11. Awww, that's No Big DROOL! ;) My shirts look like that on a daily basis and my 2 1/2 year old likes to ask, "Did Sydney drool on that side? Do you want me to drool on the other side?"

  12. Loved this.

    Can you include big Jones' in your hugging-to-do?

  13. I'm with you Katie. Too many parents here in New Zealand have lost there precious children over this festive season due to freaky accidents. My resolution list used to be long like yours did.. This year its to hug, love and relish in my two children. Happy New Year to you and yours! x

  14. joining you on that one !! Hugging those silly lovable little heads of mine also on my top list and unique resolution for this year !!

  15. I'm resolving to do less in the evenings. I'm going to try to relax after I get the girls to bed, as opposed to running around like a crazed chicken, and then passing out cold at 10 pm. Maybe some hot tea. Maybe even some HGTV. I NEVER watch TV, but I think I might try to unwind this year.

  16. I never have...I guess it depends on the culture/country you are from. I guess I have one less thing to worry about ;o)

  17. I also chose a resolution that I can't help but succeed at. I resolved to "do a little bit every day." I figure that if I keep all of my long-term projects and goals in mind and do baby steps towards the intended future each day, then I've made more progress than starting big and ending in a crash.

  18. I chose one thing. My husband chose one thing. And as a family (which happens to be him and I and a bun in the oven) chose one thing. We had to keep it simple this year, because life demands too many changes of us as it is. :) I like your ideas too! Hug more, and chew food. Sounds doable!

  19. Instead of a resolution, which usually involves guilt, I try to find something I look forward to doing more of in the new year.

    2012 will be the year of bread and I'm giving myself liberty to burn through my 25 pounds of King Arthur flour in search of the most enjoyable loaf -- more enjoyable say than running to the store and paying $5, enjoyable to bake and of course, enjoyable to eat.

    I also would like to learn crochet. I might even make a potholder to use when baking.

    Not earth shattering stuff, and yes I too should lose some weight, exercise more, and eat less sweets but by giving myself the permission in my busy day to do something creative and pleasurable, I'm enjoying my life and improving it at the same time. Without the guilt.

    I hope you enjoy your day today too.

  20. I'm planning on enduring and to smile more at everyone. Hugging is a great idea and my arms are willing, able and ready.

  21. Haven't made them the last few years but this year I decided to jump back on the bandwagon. I've pledged to wear plaid once a week (just for fun) and make something new each week (can be sewing, crocheting, cooking, crafting, etc.). Nothing earth shattering but I'm hoping they'll keep me focused on having fun and stretching myself. Hugs are good too!

  22. I like to view them as goals, rather than resolutions...and I do write them down. I think writing them down and revisiting them periodically is a key factor to actually reaching them. Last year I wrote out some goals for myself/household and a few weeks ago revisited them for the final time and realized that I essentially accomplished all but one! (That was to learn how to make may or may not get added to this year's list.)

    We're adding to our family in the coming weeks so haven't yet decided how realistic other stuff is going to be to achieve, so I think I'll be going with something more of a guiding principle or life motto rather than a list of things to accomplish this year... We'll see.

  23. I made resolutions this year, but they were more about making a decision about the vision I have for the next year of my life, and then breaking that into a month by month plan of how I want to make that happen. I always go back and forth on the validity of resolutions, but this year, I decided, why not?

  24. I made resolutions this year, but they were more about making a decision about the vision I have for the next year of my life, and then breaking that into a month by month plan of how I want to make that happen. I always go back and forth on the validity of resolutions, but this year, I decided, why not?

  25. I don't make resolutions so much as thinking of things I'd like to tweak in my life. This year? Sew more and actually make stuff for me.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.