
14 January 2012

A Picture Worth a Thousand...

I love a lot of things about this photo.  First of all, I love how Ashley is dressed head to toe.  She's always ready to go and do.  I love how ridiculously happy we all look, probably laughing at something my dad said or did.  I love the paperwhites on each side--always flowers in our home (and slightly jealous because ours didn't bloom this year.) I love the carpet.  Okay, not really, but it's amusing, at least.  What I love most about it is how Jacob and I are touching our little bare feet together.
Ashley, Jordan, me, Jacob
That's one of the things I love about him.  He doesn't need drama and the grandiose.  He's fine and better with the little, simple details (and good at them too), which are usually the ones that make the most difference anyway.
Mom, Dad, Ryan, Jacob
Happy birthday, Jake.  Love your orange tie and your guts, too.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen baby pictures of Jacob (this must be remedied). What a cutie!

  2. As your site!!!!!

  3. Happy birthday, Jake! And the carpet...replaced with white tile.

  4. That photo of you guys as kids makes me smile...and want to have lots more kids.

  5. Thanks for the kind words Katy! Miss you!

  6. I love old timey photos of your family. My paperwhites didn't grow this year either! I even bought mine at a fancy nursery. This year I'm sticking to the grocery store variety.

  7. You are welcome to mine. I bought a kit last week and they are TALL. I couldn't tell what the weird smell was ( i was thinking wet diapers) and it turns out it was the flowers. They grew amazingly well but the scent drives me nuts.


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