
26 January 2012

Birthday Flattery

This was taken when we had half the kids we do now!  Seems like an eternity ago.  

I could write all night about things I adore about my mom, from her selflessness to her love of all things fiber (could that be genetic?), but as imitation is the highest form of flattery: 
I want to be just like her when I grow up.  
Love you mom.  Happy Birthday.


  1. Katy--and I want to be just like YOU when I grow up! Love you and thanks for the birthday wish.

  2. Happy birthday to your mom! It's my best friend's birthday too. :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Katy's mom, thank you for the wonderfully talented daughter who makes me laugh and helps me live vicariously through my grand- magnificents.

  4. Your mom really is amazing! I envy you and your siblings that you have a mother who relishes motherhood and being a grandmother so much! Such a beautiful family :-)!

  5. I agree!

    Mom and Dad look like they just woke up. Ha ha.

  6. Beautifully said and what a nice tribute.


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