
16 January 2012

4 Months

Did you know yesterday was National Hat Day?  Yeah, I completely missed out on an opportunity to wear a hat. 
Ah.  Well.  It's one of the less important things I've forgotten these days.  Field trip slips, homework, forgotten more than once.  One day I even forgot what time to pick up my kids from school.  Not that I don't pick them up at the same time 5 days a week.  Sheesh. 
I blame it on the lack of sleep.  Yes, still not getting this boy to sleep very well.  So, if you ask me how I am, I will tell you tired.  Happy, smitten, but tired.  Ryan and I managed to get the first of the kids in bed by 6:30 and the last by 8:15 and we were in bed by 8:30.  Nice.
Oh, this boy, this boy.  What a loved little baby he is.
He is now rolling over.  He likes music, dancing, and most anything at all as long as it involves being held.  His favorite exercise is kicking his legs when he gets excited to see me.  He's still working on the hair and the teeth, but he's got the chub going at a rapid rate.
This is his smolder.  He's got that down pat.  No resistance here.
4 months looks mighty good on you, Drummer boy.


  1. Oh my! He is soooo cute. I want to reach through the monitor and pinch those thighs... gently of course. Must have another baby over here.

  2. He's getting so big! What a good little model.

  3. Great shots. He looks so adorable. And I am sure you are so tired. This will pass, this will pass, this will pass :D

  4. these pictures are adorable. He is so cute. And I hope he starts sleeping better for you soon! Being tired really does make us all a little loopy and forgetful doesn't it?

  5. He's so handsome! I can't believe I'm going to have one in 4 months! (I wonder if those late pregnant bellies in blogland were contagious...)

  6. He's precious! Is he a little harder to please than your girls were? (You've mentioned a time or two that he just wants to be held...) My baby boys were always happiest in someone's (preferably Mama's) arms and I've long had a theory that boys are a little (or in my case, a lot!) high maintenance than girls as babies. But they are such love bugs so it's worth it!

  7. Ho-ly shmokes! He is SO cute!!!! I think pictures of him were exactly what I was missing in my life at the moment. Keep 'em coming.

  8. Drummer is so lovely! If we lived in the neigbourhood, we would happily borrow him (and the girls of course) sometimes to let you have some sleep. :o)

  9. Every time you post one of these updates I think "Holy Smokes! It can't possibly be that long since he was born!!!" Time is just flying and your chubby little baby looks like he is ready to be kissed and nibbled on all the time! (as I am sure he is!)

  10. He is just too cute, Katy! Love these photos. :)

  11. it sounds like my babe's taken a page from drummer's book! hope you get more sleep soon!

  12. Wow...he is sure one gorgeous little boy...I so hope u get sleep soon...

  13. Love the chubs. :) Hope he starts sleeping better for you soon. PS you should have your own hat day celebration. :)

  14. Oh that little drummer boy is so cute and one more with those eyes! You can see down to your kids soul with their eyes! and then there is that perfectly kissable cheek. Who needs sleep right?

  15. Oh, he's so gorgeous. What a great idea to do these monthly photos on the calendar. I have good hope that by six months you will all be getting more sleep :-)

  16. Oh, those eyes! (Isn't it comforting to know that "the mommy sleepies" don't last forever?)

  17. Katy - seriously I don't say this about other kids (because I think my kids are so dang cute how can anyone beat that) but little drummer is such a cute baby! He is just C.U.T.E. all the way around! and that birthmark... LOVE it! I mean I have two daughters and you tell little drummer I am keeping my eyes on him:) lol

    Good job momma... you really have a beautiful family!

  18. Okay, that boy is such a delicious little baby. I just want to smell his little neck and squish his little cheeks.

  19. Awww...he is adorable. Love his eyes.

  20. My third son is also 4 months. I only know about boys, but I think it must be a boy thing???...all of mine were very high-maintenance as babies. I have come to believe that it's a sign of wanting to be social and a demonstration of intelligence. It's almost like their spirit and the capabilities of their bodies don't quite match up yet and they get cranky and frustrated easily. My two oldest outgrew it as they were able to do more physically and I expect the same with my third. I consider it a blessing in disguise, but the first year is definitely challenging and sleepless. Hang in there!

  21. ...and he wears orange so well, hooray!

    Love his 'blue-steel'.

  22. Leah--yes! It also seems I had my girls sleeping through the night for the most part by 4 months. Sigh.

    cyndalynn--well thank you, thank you!

    Laura--must be the case, right? He is SO responsive to human interaction, even from the time he was born.

  23. so cute! He's going to be a good lookin guy when he's older. You can just tell :).
    btw, what is that cute crocheted toy? Did you make it?

  24. so cute! He's going to be a good lookin guy when he's older. You can just tell :).
    btw, what is that cute crocheted toy? Did you make it?


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