
19 December 2011

Slaving Away....happily

I've been maniacally sewing.  I've got a knot in my right shoulder from kneeling on the floor tracing and cutting patterns.  My sewing machine seems to be going slow motion, for as fast as I'm trying to get through things.  I even checked to make sure it wasn't on 1/2 speed.  It wasn't.
Today I thought all the girls were playing unusually (and suspiciously) quiet, so I went searching to find Divine and Olive playing out in the garage, not causing too much havoc.  Pearl was holding Drummer and then I looked out the back window and found Azure in her swimsuit and Clover in nothing with muddy little feet and hands.
Then I went back to sewing, because really, what was I to do?  At least they were playing nicely together.
This is an Oliver + S pattern and I used ticking for the fabric.
Ticking?  You say.  Isn't that typically used to cover mattresses and pillows?  Why, yes, yes it is!  But I think it looks awfully cute and a bit old fashioned, and I love how this pattern shows off the striped on the bias for the collar and sleeve cuffs, and then I turned it horizontally for the top part of the yoke.
Oh, and don't worry about me.  I've got Ryan and his hands to rub that knot out.  That is as soon as I get more sewing finished. ;)


  1. I've had that same knot from doing the same thing. My boss swore all you had to do was have someone take an elbow to the knot and it would be better. I was skeptical, but my husband dug his elbow in, and the next day I was pain free! Good luck.

  2. Adorable- especially the way those stripes change directions! I don't think my sewing machine is going half speed, I'm pretty sure it's just me. ha.

  3. I absolutely love this pattern! I have it, but have yet to make it. I love it in the red ticking.

  4. So adorable, I think the ticking is perfect

  5. I love the ticking bows too!

    I think I have about 7 years worth of knots from feeding, carrying and not sleeping.

  6. I especially love how you say - accented the stripes in the material. Simply beautiful. You are so talented and gifted. Good luck with the rest of your sewing.

  7. Sweet little dress for a sweet little girl. It reminds me those old-fashioned, romantic Jean Webster novels, Daddy-Long-Legs and Dear Enemy. :o)

  8. Oooo, i love the ticking stripe! Happy sewing!

  9. The ticking is perfect for the School photo dress. I love it! Good luck with the sewing!

  10. oh, such a sweet dress. I have been wanting to use ticking to make some clothes for Clover, but I need to take a coupon in to Joanns and grab some.

    This morning I thought the kitchen seemed strangely silent after Violet went in, and I discovered her standing in a pile of sewing pins while shoving them into her mouth. Seriously?!?!?! Thank God all the points were facing OUT.

  11. Thanks for the good laugh. I love that you saw Clover and Azure outside in swimsuit and birthday suit and just walked back to what you were doing. I've done that a few times myself... no harm done, right? :)


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