
09 December 2011

Attention: Utahns and Winners

Those of you living in Utah are invited to a Stained Glass Star Open House at my sister's tomorrow!  Yes, it's quite the family business :).  These are already made and ready to walk out the door with you, first come, first serve.  Gifts or just for your window, you can never have too many, as you can see!  Email her for more information and directions.


And what about the 2 winners of the Clever Charlotte Pattern?  Here they are:


Don't forget that you can still use coupon code "nobigdill" through December 10th for 20% off your entire order from Clever Charlotte.  You can also find them on my sidebar.


Also, if you haven't entered the HP Touchsmart Computer giveaway yet, go here.  We're getting great use out of ours already.  Pearl is learning her times table right now, playing lots of multiplication games on it. She actually comes home from school and says, I need to work on my 4's today.  Can I get on the computer?  Do you have multiplication game website that have been helpful for your kids learning their times table?

PS Are there any Charlestonians (SC) out there who can recommend some fun things to do there?  Fabric shops not to miss?


  1. I am in Charleston SC and there is a cannot miss shop just outside Charleston in a town called Summerville. It's called People, Places, and Quilts. They have a shop in downtown Charleston as well, but the one in Summerville is truly the best :) Right across the street from it is the Village Knittery, an adorable natural yarn shop is you need some of that as well :) they also have a beautiful selection of buttons.


  2. Charlestonian's...we really aren't a hot bed for fabrics- but in Mount Pleasant (right across the Ravenel Bridge) we have a couple of neat stores. Stich n' Sew (on Chuck Dawley Blvd) There is also a bead shop called the beaded Venus. In the old village there is a store & bakery NOT TO BE MISSED. It is called out of hand and it is amazing. Grab lunch at the Village Bakery too!
    If you are feeling adventurous- we have a store downtown on King Street that has been around for a long, long time and you can get some great oil cloth fabrics & notions there. It's always an adventure.
    If you need any more recommendations (restaurants, adventures, etc- don't hesitate to email me!)

  3. What is the address of your sister? I am in Utah and think that would be great to go to tomorrow!

  4. bjahlstrom--great! email her for the information:

  5. Have fun in Charleston! Love that city!

    For Pearl, is a great site for all things times tables! There is also a great video song for learning the 9's finger trick here... Beware it might get stuck in you head!

  6. I smile when I think of a bald old man making stain-glass stars:) How cute is he?
    i say that with all endearment. Bald runs think in our family. Is that an oxymoron?

  7. You MUST go eat pizza at Andolini's. There's one downtown and one in West Ashley. You MUST.

  8. can we come down one state to meet you??

  9. Not sure about fabric in Charleston but carriage rides are always fun with the kids and Drayton House is a plantation on the Ashley River that our family enjoys. It has been left "as is" to enjoy, not furnished as it "might have been" in it's prime.

    I teach 4th grade - best site for facts. You can do single operation or combine. You can do 1 fact family or combine them. They can get certificates for finishing in under a minute. Always a fave!

  11. That picture of pearl definitely desearves a frame! Beautiful!

  12. If you're in Charleston, one shop to stop by is Poe Studios in West Ashley - all handmade/etsy stuff and very cute.
    Children's museum is cute and manageable.
    Kid-friendly food: Jack's cosmic dogs in Mt. Pleasant is old school - not super healthy but you're on vacation. Also Taco Boy right by the ravenel on the charleston side is a good and easy place if you all like mexican. Don't go by the name - it really is good.
    Food for adults - Fig and Husk are amazing but not cheap.
    I have a 5 and a 2 and we like to go to the battery and just watch the horses go by. you can see them really close up.
    Fabric and crafting aupplies are a bust. I go to the community thrift store in north charleston for thrifty finds.
    Parks: Waterfront park right over the bridge is great. it has a pier you can walk down, lots of open space and a fun playground. James Island county park is also really nice.
    Also, look up the charleston food truck federation on facebook. there's some good ones and they pick spots around town. kids would like it.
    hope that helps.

  13. I know I am kind of late to the party. The game our students were using this year was but I am unsure if you can sign up at home or have to have a school participating. The students were also dying to play whenever we would let them. There are a lot of games on coolmath, but there's a category for "math" and just make sure they are doing the educational games.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.