
28 November 2011

ThanksGiveaway Winners

The winner of the balancing books print by PolkadotStripes is Erin!

 Elif will be wearing a cute little spool around her neck, thanks to Karlita's Shop!

 The winner of the Alice in Wonderland Novel Purse by Novel Creations is UBee!

 Dagan gets to pick out her favorite cupcake from Petit Plat!
(please email me, Dagan)

 Kate Giovinco Photography is the winner of this one and only Where's Waldo? star!

The Astorga Crew will be enjoying a $50 gift certificate to The Fat Quarter Shop!  (By the way, the Fat Quarter Shop is having a Monday Cyber sale with 25% off your purchase!!)

And the 4 winners of Dana's Rollie Pollie Pattern are:

Congrats, you lucky winners!  
Come back later for a muster of YOUR creations for OUT and one last giveaway!


  1. I hope that Kristie is me. My kids would love the roly poly bag chair. Thanks! kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  2. Yay! I'm super excited thanks so much to you and Dana!

  3. Oh katy, I love the fabric you used on the Rollie Pollie! So cute!

  4. Oh, wow! I can't believe it! I really can hardly believe it! Thank you so much Katy!!! This series is already such a treat of it's own. And a big thank you to Novel Creations, too! I love the whimsy of that adorable purse!!!

    Congrats to all the other winners too! Thanks again!

  5. Thank you! I'm so excited to make my own Rollie Pollies - do I need to contact Dana directly for the pattern?


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