
28 November 2011

OUT: Muster of YOU! (plus a giveaway)

So many of you have been playing right along with Once Upon a Thread and have done such fun projects.  Here are just a few from the Flickr group:

Sweet Cheeks Design had fun with the princess and the pea!

Liza Jane made this colorful jacket based on the book "I Ain't Gonna Paint No More," actually painting the fabric!  (The book looks like a very fun one, too.)

A Piggy Baby did some cute onesies inspired by "A Color of His Own"

Feather's Flights made this cute applique and somehow managed to capture this shot of her cutie cute mimicking the bird from "Are You My Mother?"  Love it.
And we all recognize these characters from Richard Scarry.  Good job girls from Crafting Makes the Heart Grow Fonder!

Darling bunny from "Fluffy" and I'm loving the cover to the book as well!

A peasant dress from Bremen Town Musicians, great applique work!

Story dolls-I can pick out Pippi Longstocking, can you tell who the rest are?

Colorful Skirt and Shirt inspired by Suki's Kimono written by Chieri Uegaki--makes me want to check out the book!

"Little Blue and Little Yellow" land on a hoodie!  

"The Little House," of course!  You'll want to click to see Jane's great roof detail.

Another one you'll want to click on to see the interior details from "Will You Be My Mommy." 

Another Pigeon Project!  Look at the tie.  Love that detail!  Good job, Jen.

Richard Scarry's characters in a quilt to keep you warm!  Darling, and fantastic embroidery.
and a matching "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" quilt!

"Emily's Balloon" recreated by stamping random red stars on the fabric.  Brilliant!

And I've been waiting for this one to appear!  "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See."  I know my little Cloves would love this as she "reads" it.

Look what those lovely gals at Clever Charlotte came up with using their patterns, as well as the Knuffle Bunny look alike!

I hadn't heard of this book before OUT, but think I need to check it out, because I certainly have 7 silly eaters of my own!

You really just need to check out the Flickr group to see them all, such great projects, everyone!  I wish we could just all meet up and have a night of sewing and sharing our inspiration and eat avocado ice cream with almond cookies.  I think I'll put it on my wish list to Santa.

Now, for one more giveaway to send you off from another round of Once Upon a Thread, I have 3 patterns returning from last OUT, Follow the White Bunny!

This would be a great holiday project to take with you when you travel, you know, just in case you have the itch to sew in the midst of the fruit cake and mistletoe.

Okay.  So: 
➊ Leave a comment to enter to win one of 3 patterns!
➋ Please include your email address if it's not linked to your profile.
Open JUST TODAY!! (so hop on it. ;) Closed!

Thank you one and all for another great round of Once Upon a Thread!  
It was delightful as usual!


  1. So many creative women! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I sure hope you do it again!! I so enjoy it. And maybe if you do it next time I can get my act together and do one myself ;)!!!!

  3. It is always fun to see what fun things everyone comes up with!

  4. Love all the different projects, so much talent!

  5. oh what fun stuff from readers! I absolutely love this series. Thanks so much for sharing! Thanks for the giveaway too.

  6. Those projects are so beautiful. I love to see them.

  7. I love this series! So much creativity. Good work everyone!

  8. I have to agree, so many incredible creations! OUT is such a delightful treat. ericandursula at embarqmail dot com. I swoon everytime I see that Princess and the Pea embroidery, it woudl be such a treat to win it!!

  9. So many cute things! I would like a chance to win a pattern :)

  10. Amazing projects! I'll have to get around to trying one of my own!

  11. i just love the princess and the pea creations!

  12. What awesome projects, and so inspired!

  13. I just love the pattern. Fingers crossed I am a winner:)

  14. There are so many creative people out there!

  15. I love this challenge. It was so much fun to be a part of!

  16. These giveaways have all been great! Thanks for featuring my dolls, too. :)

  17. Love this series! emmillee(at)gmail(dot)com

  18. I would love to get into embroidery. So cozy for the winter sitting under a blanket in the comfy chair.
    Loved the series! Thanks.

  19. I love this series and seeing what everyone did. Sewing + children's literature = 2 of my very favorite things. Would love to win a pattern!
    Sarah M

  20. I *love* this post! Such wonderful sewing!
    achristinesearl [at] gmail [dot] com
    I am also very fond of the patterns. :)

  21. so many nice things - tone,

  22. Wow, so many creative ideas! The ones with the pigeon are my favourite. I had never heard of the book before, now I'm off to check if I can get it over here in Germany!
    Thank you for another inspirational series Katy!

  23. such talented women. very inspiring!! thank you!

  24. i am loving all this creativity!!!

  25. So many things that I love. My todo list just got longer. Love the OUT series next time would love to play along.

  26. I love LOVE Follow The White Bunny!

  27. There are some beautiful projects! They inspire me =)

  28. You people are amazing! :) Thanks for the great inspiration and the chance to win!

  29. Think I need to make some chameleon onesies asap!

  30. I had a lot of fun doing this!! Thanks for featuring my "Little House"!! I look forward to trying the once upon a thread challenge again!!

  31. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  32. Es todo precioso. A ve si tengo suerte esta vez.

  33. So many darling projects! We recently discovered seven silly eaters (saw it mentioned on soulemama) and you have to check it out!

  34. This is such an inspiring gallery of work! So many creative minds ...

  35. This has been just as much fun as your first adventure into Once Upon a Thread! So many very very very creative and talented people out there. And I know it is mainly fiber related but the non-sewing stuff was just as much fun, too! Thanks for putting this together. Great job!

  36. What lovely inspirational projects! I must put down my knitting a sew something soon!

  37. So fun! I'm sure I'm not the only one whose mind wanders when I'm reading bedtime stories to my kids.... Hmmmm, I wonder if I could make that?!!?

  38. Your Blog has me inspired to be more creative. (so sweet to see my girl in her colorful skirt and shirt) Not sure I'm eligable to win as I live in Canada.

  39. We LOVE the Seven Silly Eaters! That's my favorite project--or the kimono. How very cool!

  40. So many creative projects! And so many fun books to check out. Love it!

  41. Oh, I've been eyeing that Princess and the Pea pattern. If we didn't already have too many dolls, I'd sew up the game too.

  42. Oh, so pretty!!

  43. Love that princess and the pea!

  44. Thank you for another great OUT! The pictures and projects have been amazing! equest2005 at woh (dot) rr (dot) com. The princess and the pea embroidery is absolutely beautiful! It would be wonderful to win any of the patterns from Follow the White Bunny!

  45. thanks for featuring my princess and the pea gift set. i've had my eye on that embroidery pattern for a while.

  46. These are so great! This is one of my favorite events in blogland!

  47. I love it when Once Upon A Thread takes two fave hobbies, reading and sewing!

  48. I was happy to catch the series this time around. Thanks for putting it all together - what a treat!

    Just in case: latent dot hostility at

  49. What talented people! Thanks for the giveaway! Any @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  50. What sweet little designs!!

    I'll definitely be trying to toss my hand in when you do another OUT - so many good books to create from!!

  51. What fun projects! And I love Nicole's embroidery patterns. Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. What a cute embroidery pattern. I would love to make it for my daughter's room.

  53. Ugh thank you so very much for this series and the chance to win! I want to make that princess and the pea embroidery so bad! My daughter and me love that story!

  54. Ooh, THANK you! So fun to see my project here.

    I really love that Mo Willems inspired jacket. I'd like one in my size.

  55. I just love Once Upon a Thread. I find myself thinking of crafts now when I am reading to my son :) I would love to win a new embroidery pattern - thanks for the opportunity!

  56. Very inspirational. Would love to try embroidering something someday soon. Thanks for the chance!

  57. I love Once Upon a Thread. It's so great to see the wonderful projects children's books inspire.

    Mon.e.kah at gmail dot com

  58. Wow. So many amazing creations! I'm totally impressed! It's fun to see all the interpretations.

  59. I have had so much fun checking out what's new with OUT every day! Thank you.

    kaseymgm (at) gmail (dot) com

  60. I love every single one of these projects!!! LOVELY! As for the embroidery patterns, they are all beautiful! I particularly like the apple tree one. Darling!

  61. We LOVE Richard Scarry at our house!

  62. I had so much fun coming up with an OUT project--can't wait til the next time around! Thanks as well for the giveaway.

  63. Thanks for the giveaway! We're starting to collect books for our daughter's library - love everything that was featured!

  64. I adored this event! Thank you for featuring my peasant dress and leggings! I can't wait till next time around! ~Stephanie

  65. Love OUT and I LOVE that embroidery pattern - so sweet!

  66. Is it over already? I love books and I love sewing! Once Upon a Thread is absolutely my favorite (and I don't have many 'favorites'). Can't wait till the next round. Until then I'll be reading (mostly to my little bookworms) and sewing as often as possible!

  67. i do have an itch to sew. thanks for sharing some of the great projects out in blogland.

  68. Thanks for posting my Seven Silly Eaters Apron!
    I had so much fun joining in on this OUT.
    Enjoy the book- it's one of our favorites!

  69. Wow! Love to see all of these.

  70. Love this series!! Thanks for sharing.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Fantastic ideas - perfect timing for some inspiration for Xmas making - thanks to all those talented people who took part.

  73. I love love love your Princess and the Pea embroidery!

  74. sew awesome!

    kirenmoore at yahoo dot come
