
29 November 2011

Belated Thanks

Wowsers, as the great Inspector Gadget would say!  After your comments, recipes, links, ingredient recommendations, and encouragement from yesterday's post, I feel like I can do this non-dairy thing wholly and enjoyably!  Thank you for all the suggestions.  Drummer isn't colicky (we've done that and it's a wonder we had any more kids) but he is an awful light sleeper or his stomach doesn't agree with what I eat.  He seems to be doing a bit better, and hopefully we can figure out how to get more sleep.
I am behind on my Thanksgiving post, happily due to Once Upon a Thread, and beware of the photo explosion, but I do have 6 kids.  
We took a walk up the beach for some yearly Starbuck's hot chocolate, but of course it's better when it comes in a fancy cup and when we pay an entire paycheck for one round.  Ryan and I stuck with the apple cider, mine sans whipped cream. 
Ryan strapped little Drummer to his chest and he slept the whole time (Drummer, not Ryan.)
I had the kids write in the sand what they were thankful for.
In case you can't tell what they say,
Olive is thankful for nature.
Clover is thankful for messes (and noise and chaos and more messes.)
Pearl is thankful for her blue beta.
Divine knows what to say ;)  She's growing up, that one.  The other day at dinner she replied to someone's story, TMI (too much information).  Yeah.  She's already speaking in acronyms and abreeves.  I told her that her parents aren't Peeps, are we?  Sheesh.
Azure is thankful for God.  Ditto, Azure.
Drummer is thankful for snuggles with his dad,
and food from his mom.
We didn't do turkey.  
Neither Ryan nor I like it.
We had homemade pizza, and the kids don't seem to mind we don't do a traditional Thanksgiving feast.
I told them to make a funny face.
Then I told them to each kiss their neighbor.  Ha.
We spent the morning painting toenails.  That's a lot of nailpolish.  Yo. (I'm practicing having a tween.)
Then I told them to spread out their toes.
And tangle their legs.
Then tangle their arms.  Clover doesn't like to mingle, apparently.
The hot chocolate was guzzled and made for full bellies and warm bodies.
They're all so different, from what they'll eat, wear, and do to how they need to be loved, parented, and teased.
Some slip their hand into mine without even noticing, just needing a touch.  Others you have to sneak in a hug when they're not looking ;).
They make us laugh and want to pull our hair out from one moment
to the next.
I'm grateful for the man who made them with me.
He's pretty amazing, you know.
He makes me want to do and be better, supports me even when I have crazy ideas.  Plus he's a hunk.
Okay, enough mush.  Happy belated Thanksgiving,
and off to wrap Christmas presents, hang stars and snowflakes (that's the only way we'll see any snow here.)


  1. AWhat a darling family:) I love all your sweet pictures!! happy Thanksgiving and i hope little Drummer sleeps for you soon!! xo

  2. so pretty, from the beach to the babes to the kites, ice cream and southern feel. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you work out a cure for Drummer's insomnia.

  3. sweet and beautiful girls. You are the only blogger that I will stick with a long post and read it all :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. What a delightful week. Homemade pizza sounds delicious. :) Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

  5. Why, Gingercake, how you do flatter! :)

  6. And thank you for such beautiful pictures! It is especially nice for me because my husband and I lived in the neighborhood behind the Sun Dog years ago and I used to looove walking around that neighborhood. Now we're far away, but you've given me a mini-trip down memory lane...

  7. LOVED reading this. I'm thankful for the Dills!

  8. I agree with Gingercake! Looks like a gorgeous day! Hope Drummer decides that sleeping isn't so bad after all. :) We had homemade pizza on thanksgiving too. My awesome friend invited us to join her family dinner (which was at noon) since we don't have any family nearby and it was delicious but we were hungry again in a few hours. :)

  9. Maybe Mrs. Claus could convince Heat Meiser to let it snow in South Town ;). Great post Katy :)

  10. not sure if someone suggested this already but have you tried probiotic drops?? in canada we have BioGaia

    you might have something similar, but on my honor they work, they are safe, and something your body needs to to help promote good 'gut' flora.

    check it out.

  11. it's so nice to see you in the sun and on the beach!
    we can swap if you like, there's gonna be a lot of snow back here in Germany...

  12. I'm not a seamstress, so the "Once upon a thread" thing amazes me, and frustrates me all at the same time. But these kind of posts are my favorite. A huge amount of pictures and little comments to go along with them. I have missed these:)

  13. Im so jealous you live near the beach... :-)..xoxox


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