
03 November 2011

8 out of 10

If I had to rate yesterday on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it an 8.  Almost a 9.  8½.  It really was a great day.  Why?  It started out with this cute boy.  Drummer did some serious sleeping today.  So nice, as much as we love to chew on him.
It was early release day so I picked the girlies up from school and we went to get the car washed.  I pulled into the vacuuming station and began barking orders.  YOU hold Drummer.  YOU dry the windows.  YOU clear the floors so I can vacuum.  YOU just don't make extra messes.  Everyone was cooperative and we were outta there in minutes with tidier traveling in tow.  Plus we found a bunch of missing shoes, socks, ribbon and hair rubber bands.
After lunch some of the baby Dills played nicely outside in our 70 degree weather.  When I told Olive she couldn't have pierced earrings she caught some little clip-ons.  Oh, the creativity of these girls.
Then Pearl and I got some sewing in!  She's been working on some fun projects lately, her own doing.
I loved it, sewing side by side with my Pearlie.  A sneak peek at what she's working on:
And a sneak peek at what I'm working on for Once Upon a Thread.
Then, Ryan came home a mite early and had dinner planned--that's the hardest part for me.  If someone would just plan really yummy meals and shop for them I don't mind cooking!  We got the kids in bed early and had some nice quiet time.  There were a few bumps in the day, but hardly noticeable with the surrounding pleasantness.  It's days like these that carry me through and remind me how very blessed we are and what joy it is to be together as a family.


  1. Oh my goodness, that photo of Olive with the lizard earring takes me back! We used to do that all the time growing up. Love!

  2. I had no idea you could do that with a lizard! Looks like a fun day!

  3. Way to go, Pearl. I love that you are creating. :)

  4. So glad to hear life is settling down. When, oh when, are we going to see those gorgeous little Drummer peepers in your sidebar?

  5. What a great day! Can't wait to see Pearl's project (and yours). Those earrings are hilarious, only b/c it didn't happen to me (I'm totally squimish).

  6. An almost niner! I love those days! Baby drummer is so sweet--wish I could get my hands on that baby love!

  7. I'm with you on the cooking! My hubby shops and I cook. I just need SOMEONE in my house to say make THIS mom. I just don't like to figure out or plan it!

  8. That is exactly how I feel about dinners! Doing weekly meal planning and shopping is fabulous, but that day where you sit and plan and shop kind of stinks. It truly makes the week better though.

  9. Figuring out dinner and shopping for the ingredients is TOTALLY the worst part of cooking.

  10. I'm the same about dinners! Or, when I say what I'm planning, the family goes, (*disappointed voices*) "Ohhh..." (*make faces*). I'm impressed by the lizard earrings. When we lived in Florida until earlier this year, it was always interesting with my three daughters trying to get the stray lizards out! Looks like that wouldn't be a problem for you!

  11. so THAT's why i don't like cooking. ;)

    yay olive! love the earring!

    excited to see pearl's concoction.

    love the carwash moment.

    especially love the drummer boy.

    yesterday was higher-ranking for me, too. but i'd need ben home for more than 2 hours to get up to an 8...

  12. Pearl's darling smile says it all.

    That boy is growing by the minute and has the most gorgeous sleeping face!

    If my kids did the meal planning it would be pizza every night. I agree that meal planning is awesome but getting that organised can take so much organisation.

  13. You should try the fresh 20 menu plan. I love it!!

  14. It's nice to have those days every once in a while :) So refreshing! Like a little golden nugget from Heavenly Father!

  15. Glad you had a pretty good day! It's bliss when things feel more normal...yet better now that there's another one to love. :)

  16. I'm so glad! Those days are so great :) They make the other days worth it!

  17. I'm glad you had a great day. You are such a great mama!!

  18. I showed my husband the picture of the lizard on Olive's ear and he didn't believe it, told me it was photoshopped. But based on teh comments, I'm like, "it has to be real!" Lizards really do that?

  19. Rachel--if only i knew how to use photoshop! those are genuine lizard earrings :)

  20. sends out a menu mailer.. one weeks menu, with grocery list. and lots of other fun stuff. check out the site, try the free sample menu, I really liked it. full disclosure, i did not buy it, but took the idea and made my own list of 10 dinners that my family loves. a good starting point, if you like to plan dinners.

  21. love that earring! such a cute little babe boy!

  22. It's so great that you're showing her how to sew at a young age. Looks like you two had fun sewing together.

    Thanks for always sharing with us :)



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