
13 November 2011

2 months and 4 winners

Drummer--2 months

His other leg really isn't gone :)  Every single one of our girls wore those little orange overalls. Sad and glad they're being used one last time.  

Announcing giveaway winners:
Carolyn of Moose Mouse Creations wants to send a sweet, crocheted hat to two readers:

Lindsay will be sending a copy of The Janey Jumper Pattern to:


If you don't hear from me, I don't have your email address, so send me your information, you four, and your prize will be on the way!


  1. oh that little Drummer is looking like a man already! I'm hating to miss OUT and your lovely words. we are with out internet for the unseen future and i miss you and your Dills, Katy!

  2. I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here that I missed Little Drummer's birth announcement. Congrats Katy!!


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