21 October 2011

One Thing a Day

Did you notice my absence this past week?  No?  That's okay, we can still be friends.  I'm usually not that easily offended.  Yes?  Oh, how very kind of you to notice!  I've been doing a lot of vacuuming lately.  Not necessarily because my carpets need it, nor that I have excess energy I need to spend, but when I flip that switch on and start cleaning the carpets while holding my little Drummer boy, sleep swiftly takes him within 27.3 seconds flat.  It's to the point where I think it's so comical, I'll re-vacuum a room just to see it happen again.  Oh.  This boy.  He loves a good snuggle.  But, if you want to see an infant furious, you try to swaddle him with his arms down.  It makes him so mad.  Maybe he thinks he needs to have his dukes up to defend all these sisters he was born with.  If you want to see a momma furious, you just wake up that infant she spent all day trying to get to sleep for more than 10 minutes.  You really don't.

It was a good week.  I saw a new doctor and got some more answers about what is going on with this 6 post baby body of mine.  Answers are good.  The first step in becoming well again.  Another good thing?  I found my ipod that I convinced Ryan had been stolen months ago. Okay, so maybe he didn't ever really believe me, but I convinced myself that's what happened to it.  Turns out, it was in the glovebox in the car, you know, hiding it from someone who might want to steal it.  Do you ever do things like that?  I'm glad to have it back so I can play music in the house again.

I am behind on many things, which is okay.  I try to get at least one thing done each day.  Sometimes that's making the bed, or having warm cookies waiting for school girls to return.  I used to dread those after school hours when everyone has a million things they need done, but recently I love that time where we all sit down at the big round table and I nurse Drummer while they ask questions about their homework or tell me the exciting things of the day (like the ceiling fell down in another classroom--details were sketchy, but it did sound awfully exciting).  One thing I've neglected to do is pick and announce a couple of winners.  Remember when I had you guess the gender and other details of this birth?  Well, Kristin is the winner, guessing the correct birthdate, gender, and length!  She was off on eye and hair color, but had the least amount of points against her, so I will be sending some fun handmade items her way.

I also need to announce the random winner of the reader appreciation giveaway for the above bracelet.  It happens to be a fellow orange-aholic: 
So, that's my one thing today.  I might even get wild and make the bed, too!  Have a glorious weekend.


  1. Yes, you were missed! I love seeing the heart-melting cuteness of the little boy of yours. Your older one's are adorable too, but he is a BABY! I'm actually amazed you post at all with a baby that age at home. I certainly couldn't have done so, and mine is my first! But I suppose by number 6 you have a few more things figured out.

  2. Glad you've got some answers and a way to help your darling baby fall asleep. You were missed but I'm actually impressed that you're blogging at all. :)

  3. i did miss your great posts too!

  4. Lovely pictures, Katy. And hey, WHATEVER gets baby to sleep! You'll do just about anything, right? I suppose it's a good thing he prefers noise to silence for sleep. It's probably hard to have silence with the other five around. :)

  5. I missed news about your big family-team but didn't mentioned -- it wouldn't be fair with schoolgirls and a baby in your house. :o)

  6. I am happy to hear about the iPod being found! I know how hard it must be to live without music.
    One thing per day is a great thing. I have four children and my youngest is almost two. I still find it hard to do more than one thing per day!

  7. I remember those days, my Grace Monster was the same way. But put her in the moby and vacuum and she just couldn't stay awake. =) She was the same way about swaddling as well. She got her arms free the day she was born and the nurses kept trying to wrap her back up and she was having none of it. Congratulations on your gorgeous already opinionated boy. =)

  8. We did miss you! So amazed you even blog right now :) But really enjoy it! The vacuum thing is really funny - have you tried a white noise machine?? I've used one with all 3 of my kids. The one I have is called a Homemedics Sound Spa and it was $20 at Walmart (in the candle isle). It has 6 different sounds, but I always use "rain". It sounds like pouring rain, is loud and drowns out alot of other noise. It runs on plug-in or batteries so I take it with us when we travel too :) HTH! Love the pics too!
    Here's the link for the one I have on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/HoMedics-SS-2000-Relaxation-Machine-Nature/dp/B000F3QG0U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319223817&sr=8-1
    Also, I've heard you can download vacuum sounds, etc... on iTunes?? Haven't done this, but just may be perfect timing since you found your iPod!

  9. You were missed. I also hope you start feeling better now that you have some answers.

    My oldest had reflux and vacuuming was the only thing that would get him to sleep many days. I stayed at home then so our house got vacuumed about twice a day for a few months.

  10. Drummer is absolutely beautiful (but I know you know that already :) ). I loved reading how you picked his name and the care you take into choosing something meaningful. Have you shared on the blog before about the names of your girls?

    Glad to hear your recovery is progressing. Prayers for continued healing.


  11. I second the sound machine....baby life saver. (And we used the vacuum on in baby's room for naps. Yes, electircity wasting and all....I was THAT desperate.)

  12. I DID notice you were unusually silent. BUT, I also decided that you were probably snuggling with that little Drummer boy of yours, so that makes it all OK :) It's funny what our babies like...mine liked to go to sleep while listening to radio fuzz. Hey, it works for me! I'm so glad that you are on a path to feeling better. That's encouraging! It's always so frustrating to feel miserable and not know how to make it better.

  13. That little Drummer sure is a cute boy. My newest boy addition will be in December. I'm going to have to try that vacuum trick. And yes I think all moms agree when someone wakes up the baby you've been trying to get to sleep all day is so frustrating. Hang in there. Those first few weeks are so precious and yet so hard. I'm hoping the best for you.

  14. Drummer is so cute and I love reading about you and your family. My second did the same thing with sleep. I thought I was going to go crazy. Ironically enough, he turned into my best sleeper.

  15. I DID notice, then worried, then prayed, then remembered you had SIX children to keep you busy, so worried less, but the worried a little again. Anyhoo... glad you're back!
    Glad you have a solid trick to get that sweetie to sleep!

  16. I missed you too! Curious...does he require more cuddling/rocking/walking/vacuuming than your girls did? I've got some theories about boy babies--I swear they need more than the girls do? I'm expecting my 3rd boy early next year and I'm already mentally preparing myself for lots of sling time, walks around the block, hours and hours of bouncing and shushing...and silently hoping that he will be my easy baby...we'll see!

  17. he's just cute as can be! i have missed your post but i'm always amazed that you take time to update~ glad to hear you are on the mend!



  18. I just love the name Drummer. It makes me think of that beautiful version of the song with David Bowie and Bing Crosby... Do you know it? "I hope my dream, will come true, for my child, and your child too... To see the day of glory, when men of good will live in peace, live in peace again. Peace on Earth, can it be?" Those lyrics are so pretty... Your little boy's name makes me think of them... Your life sounds crazy right now, but in a good way!!!

  19. welcome back! you were missed...especially pics of that darling little baby BOY (of course every one of your baby dills are darling)...

    i hope recovery starts to come along a little faster for you.


  20. Beautiful pictures!

    I had my fifth child five months ago, so I totally related to your description of the after school chaos. Three kids needing help with schoolwork and a baby wanting to eat, a toddler tearing the house apart... Mercy. Not to mention the added stress of deciding what to feed all of them for dinner.

    And you have one more then me, so... Yeah. One thing a day is enough.

    Love your blog. Your kids are adorable.

  21. Yes, you were missed. Everyday that you didn't post worried me because Clover and I prayed every day that you would feel better. Happy to see this post. Love you!

  22. Just started reading your blog, and missed your posts! Love seeing your sewing creations! In our house my kids (11 and 12) are NOT interested in my sewing, so I sew for myself! Would love to see more sewing for us mamas!
    The bracelets are really pretty! Is there a good book to learn how to make these?
    Thanks for sharing your life!

  23. Oh yes! You have been missed! I check your blog every day. You and your family have been in my prayers. Accomplishing 1 thing a day is a HUGE success. Keep going strong!


    walls.jennifer1 at gmail (d0t) com

  24. I was at your parents house with Jordan with your post baby body ailments were starting(sorry!) I hope you are starting to get better. I am an alarmist, you are CLEARLY not...which is a good thing :) rest and relax all that you can with 6 dear Katy. I hope things get back to normal soon. Did your mom ever find her phone?

  25. Hello, my name is Ligia and I am from Romania, somewhere in Europe. I am so glad I discovered your blog because I am a mother of 5 kids. I know now that there is somebody like me, trying to do at least one thing a day. Thank God I am not alone. I like to sew and this hobby helps me not to get crazy some days. I enjoyed reading your posts and encouraged me to keep going. God bless you and your family. Blessings, Ligia

  26. Sara--good! That gives me hope he will be my best sleeper ever!

    Benjamin.and.Bunny--hehe! that made me laugh. Thank you for worrying about me :)

    Leah--other than our colicky baby (our first) the others would sleep in big chunks of time. NOT this one :)

    Marybeth--yes, we know it, and it is a sweet song.

    Familjen Persson--I used to have the pattern to my bracelet in my etsy shop. I'll relist it if you're interested!

    Tasha-No! it just mysteriously disappeared. So strange.

  27. I sure hope you're feeling better shortly. Wishing you the very best!

  28. Yes, please relist the pattern for the bracelet, and link to your Etsyshop!
    Thanks, Eva

  29. This post really scares, me! i don't know what I am in for. Already I have felt my body be so much more thrown out of wack then ever. I hope you start feeling better soon. That little boy could not be sweeter!

  30. I just wanted to say that we lost our ipod on our honeymoon. We were convinced that one of the parking lot attendants at our hotel in NYC stole it. It was 2 (yes, 2!) years later that we found it in the shoe pocket of our garment bag. We don't dress up often. I just thought I'd share my own stolen ipod story. Oh, and of course by the time we found it we had already replaced it.

  31. Static on the radio turned up LOUD did it for my boy. I also LOVE the pilates ball. It works your legs as well as calms that baby and puts him to sleep. Seriously it if you have access to one! My friend recorded the sound of a vacuum on a tape. Once the tape ended so did the Baby's nap! She swore by it!

  32. Katy, your cute. Some of this sounds like a moma with her first child ;-) Good thing is, you already have proof those first chaotic months end eventually. And isn't is fabulous how each child is a new and fresh experience? Incredible.

  33. one thing is quite the accomplishment with a newborn and 5 girls besides! Not to mention feeling unwell. I hope that the new Dr has answers that are quickly helpful. That little fella is so precious, and i was thinking about the vacuum trick just the other day- my best friend's parents always had to run the vacuum for her to fall asleep and as i was vacuuming yesterday i looked over at oliver whose eyes were like saucers and wondered how on earth this trick work?! haha- sounds like it works for Drummer though :O) i took a picture yesterday that made me think of you at the grocery.


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