
09 October 2011

Lucy Shark Update

Some of you have wondered how Lucy is recovering from her shark encounter this summer.  
 My sister, Jordan, and her family just returned to "the scene" for the first time.
 You can read about it on her blog.  Thank you for the prayers offered on her behalf.  They were and are felt,
and appreciated.

all photos by Jordan Mangum


  1. Me and the girls had been praying for her (and even saw her on the Today show:). So glad she is doing well. Thanks for the update.

  2. Unbelievable story. Thanks for sharing. What a brave little girl!

  3. This was such an amazing story! I'm so inspired by Lucy and her family. I'm glad she's doing so well, and thank you for introducing me to this blog!

  4. oh my! she is one brave little gal. thanks for the update. Our friends were vacationing there that same week and were shook by the news. Continued prayers :O)

  5. What a courageous little girl! What a story to tell! So happy to see her looking so great.

  6. I am laughing at myself because I follow you and your sister's blog, but never realized you 2 were sisters (or even knew one another!). Both of you are such great writers!

  7. It's such a blessing that your niece is recovering so well, her scars are so faded already, they will just be a part of her unique beauty for the rest of her life, rather then a tragic event!

  8. I have been away from blog land all summer, so I had no idea this had happened. I'm shocked and feel so much for Jordan and all of you. I'm SO glad she's doing so well. What a scary thing it is to be parents in so many ways.


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