
31 October 2011

The Craft that Coulda Been

It was the daddy-daughter pumpkin carving with Olive at school.  Of course I needed to complicate things.
 How about instead of carving the pumpkin, you make it look like a spiderweb with seed beads and pins?
I drew the spiderweb the night before, following the natural indentations, made a little wire black widow, and showed Ryan and Olive what to do.
I asked Ryan when he came home if she was embarrassed about having such a unique pumpkin.  He laughed and said she LOVED it.  Not only did she enjoy doing it, but our little social butterfly attracted an army of little assistants.
Maybe if I had a whole crew of Martha Stewart employees we could have finished it.
Or maybe we'll try it again next year, and start in September.
Happy Halloween.


  1. I love it ... it's awesome just with the bit that's finished. Do you ever run out of fabulous ideas??

  2. I can see the vision! I like it, even half finished :). She did a great job.

  3. What a great pic of her trying to hold it.

  4. What a fun idea! We didn't even get to carving this year. Maybe I'll just scoop out the seeds and bake them and call it good. But it'll have to wait til at least tomorrow! :) Happy Halloween

  5. How sweet! What a cutie... and my what a task... dots of puff paint next year?

  6. That's a cute idea! I love that the pumpkin next to Olive's says Jesus. Maybe the little girl was confused about which holidays we were celebrating today :)

  7. Now that's my kind of pumpkin!

  8. That's really cool! I love that Jesus pumpkin the little girl next to her is holding.

  9. Me parece una preciosidad aún a medio hacer.

  10. Clever, Katy. And charming. Nice work!

  11. I love love love this post...but probably mostly because you couldn't finish it! Imagine the time involved in finishing that project-you could have made a meal to feel 1000 in that time! HA!


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