
25 September 2011


We can't call him baby forever? 
He doesn't seem to mind.


  1. Love these photos! He is adorable. Can't wait to see what name he will have. You have so many other unique names, no wonder it will be hard for you to pick.

  2. That's one sweet little boy you've got there :-) Isn't it amazing what God has in store for us? Congratulations Katy!

  3. Why not? Has a nice ring to it. He is so adorable, it hardly matters!

  4. He is so cute!! Congrats to your family on the new little guy! The photos sre just so wonderful, very creative.

  5. He is gorgeous!! Congrats on your newest addition!

  6. I have been looking at your blog for about ...forever. I suppose I was stalking never commenting.. But i have to tell you ((In case their is any question)) that Baby is a BEAUTIFUL little one. what a sweetie pie. I am sure he will be ooohed and ahhhed by his bug sister's. What a blessing.

  7. Thank you for sharing! He is so absolutely precious that we are all drooling over him and jealous that you get to love him for real. I'm sure you will choose a wonderful name for him eventually. He's got to keep it forever, might as well make it a good one!

  8. I have a friend who's boy has the longest most complicated name. She calls him baby. He's one. Your baby boy is a doll.

  9. I love that GIANT calender! And the little one is super cutie (like all your babies)!!

  10. My readers have come up with so many great suggestions, in case you're short of ideas: Noble, North, Merit, Zephyr, Shepherd.

    Can't wait to see what you choose! He is just precious.

    Elisabeth, You Can't Call It "It"!

  11. Elisabeth--thank you for the post and suggestions!

  12. He is so very precious. I know you didn't ask for name suggestions, but I thought the names: Sage, Reed, Stone would fit SO perfectly into your theme of "nature" names for your family! But then again, "Sage Dill" might not work. LOL Or you could do Hunter. I have a Hunter and it's a lovely name.

    I'm sure you will find a name that suits him. =) Best wishes.

  13. He is one very cute baby and I love how you have marked his birthday in the photos. Still no name aye? Oh well you'll get there one day. No point in rushing such an important decision. Enjoy your cuddles!

  14. We have four children and our last two boys went a few days without a name as well. The ones we had in mind just didn't fit. The right name will come in due time. For now, you have your BABY boy!!!! :)

  15. WOnderfull pictures, beautiful son!!

  16. What cute photos! Love the idea of the calendar. He is soooo sweet and cuddly :) Enjoy your time with him. Anxious to hear what you decide to name him.....gonna be great I'm sure of it!

  17. Oh, such a beautiful baby boy! Darling pics! There's one where he's laying on his side in which I think he looks a lot like your husband. I can't wait to find out what you name him!

  18. he is delicious!!! your pictures makes me feel like I want another baby-boy!!

  19. I LOVE the calendar pictures! He is so beautiful! I'm sure whatever name you pick out for him will be perfect :0)

  20. Love the B&W one with BBD on his side,

  21. Oh he is so so lovely, I am so happy for you and your family :) Whatever name you give him it will be perfect. Little boys are wonderful, and they certainly change the dynamics of your family - my daughter was like a fresh spring morning but my boy was like a supernova, we were never the same again ;)

  22. So,so alert!
    He already looks a month old!

  23. How about "Wheat"? It fits in with the other food names and it sounds like the French word for eight ("huit"), seeing as he's the eighth member of the family :)

  24. oh my...arnt little baby boys gorgeous???
    with all the girls we have another little boy would be soooo nice, this would make 6 for us also...
    names are so hard, so i'll throw in a couple of boy names from our families


    and that is it, all the rest are girls :-)))

    if we had a little boy my last preganacy my husband wanted him to be called Oden...
    Not a huge fan, but it kinda grew on my...p.s we have a sweet cherub called Clover also..
    goooooodluck, naming a baby is so huge!!!

  25. My baby nephew has been nameless for 2 1/2 months and doesn't seem to mind either. At first I was frustrated about this but have found there is something surprisingly special about calling him "the new baby" and getting to know him before associating a name with him. Your little man is adorable. Congratulations x

  26. I honestly thought you were going to name him Sun from your announcement... which I thought was kind of neat :)! So thrilled for you Katy! He is precious and you must be over the moon!

  27. Well.... I supppose you could name him baby that is...if he will always be. Otherwise, maybe another name is in order.

  28. I think waiting is good. You have the time to choose carefully. He's just perfect, yes?! I'm so happy for you guys!

  29. This is undoubtedly the cutest infant photo shoot I've seen. The giant calendar.... LOVE. (The baby is ridiculously cute, as well, so that helps)

  30. Loooooove these photos!!!! Just had to pin one :)

  31. I like to wait awhile before naming my babies too...I think partly because once they have a name, I feel like I have to share them and I love that time where they are just mine (ours)...just my baby.

  32. Kinda like B.W. said, I thought you w ere going to name him Sun! I thought it was so cite and creative and it tied in with the "enlightening" aspects of having a son. I actually knew a little boy who's name was Sol, the Spanish word for sun...which i think is another perfect name...just something to think about. I hope you enjoy all the sweet new moments with him!

  33. What a handsome boy. I love that birthmark on his cheek.

    You might have said it already. I'll try searching your blog, but where did you get that awesome calendar?

  34. Never mind. Found a link for it on your site. I love how you laid him next to his birth date. So beautiful.

  35. Ohhh thats not fair ! I was sure his name was going to be at the bottom ! Can I suggest a strong NZ Maori name - Tane (Taa-ney meaning Strong

    beautiful boy with a very kissable spot on his cheek.

  36. i so look forward to your post. thank you for sharing your family stories. your son is lucky guy. :>)

  37. I love how you did that photo shoot! And I love his shirt, how fun! What a beautiful baby.

  38. you're killing me! i keep waiting and waiting to see his name! ;)

  39. Am I the only one that thinks you named hime Ten? I love your story and the photos, they are sustaining me through my pregnancy- keep them coming!

  40. Yummy, precious, smoochable Baby!!!

  41. How adorable! Great photoshoot!

  42. Oohhh, such beautiful pictures from your son. He is so cute.

    Greetings from Belgium,Martine

  43. Photo number eight where he is on his side - he looks like Olive.

  44. He is only a couple weeks younger than our newest! We had a hard enough time naming our baby, and she is only #4...don't tell me it gets harder! Congrats!

  45. WOW!! My Avery was born on September 6th!! So fun! I wanted her to be born on 9/10/11 tho, such a fun birthday! Congrats on the new little guy!


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