
27 September 2011

Lifting Spatulas

This kid is a fantastic nurser.  
He fills his diapers beautifully.  
He squawks like a pterodactyl  
and burps like a pro. 

first bath

I am slowly picking up the pieces of normalcy around here--picking them up and weakly trying to figure out where they fit, because the Whole Picture has changed.  I sat on the couch the other day, feeding this boy with the rest of the kids freshly home from school ( = chaos and general inability to stop bouncing off the walls) and thought to myself, there are a lot of kids in here....and they're all mine.  I felt overwhelmed in that moment and wondered what.have. we.done.   

There are debates about who gets to hold him next and for how long.  I must admit I like that I have first dibs, seeing how I'm his source of food and all.  Everything I eat Azure will comment on: You need to eat lots of popcorn so you can make more milk, right?  Exacaaactly.  I've been instructed by my midwife not to lift anything heavier than a spatula, (because, apparently 6 babies puts mileage on one's body odometer) but then we laughed about the absurdity of that request and settled on anything heavier than this boy.  Does that mean the laundry? ;)  I walk by my sewing studio with a bit of yearning in my eyes, but then pick up this bundle and remember that he is already growing way too quickly and to let him sleep on my chest if that's how he sleeps best, and to pick him up the moment he makes a squeak, because he's so easily consoled that I just can't resist and to Enjoy this time.  I went through the girl baby clothes that are too small for Clover to give away and was rather melancholy about the fact that there won't be another baby dill to fill them, holding them up, remembering when and from whom we received them or the occasion for which I made them.  I've taken for granted the fact that there has always been another little body on which to see my creations pop up again and again.  

That's when the advice from strangers about "enjoying this time while they're little, because they grow up too fast" smacked me across the face.  Yes, we have our hands full.  Yes, we are starting to realize just how much our offspring consume and how they all have opinions about everything, voicing them right in your ear sometimes, but seeing the tangible evidence of onesies that once fit our ten-year-old helps put things into perspective.  I smile as I fold the freshly laundered itty bitty (BOY!) clothes, look forward to the moment he wakes from a nap, and enjoy talking to his attentive little face as I change each diaper.  And there are a lot of them.


  1. so sweet, definitely enjoy every little minute, some of my favorite memories are watching my kids nap while rocking them. :)

  2. I just read your blog post on your birth experience and it brought back a flood of memories of my own experiences. So beautiful your story and family. My goodness, you are blessed. Thank you for sharing these precious parts of your life.

  3. Great post, but the thing I love almost as much as your sweet babe is your green sink!

  4. Isn't it funny how life can smack you in the face like that? I have three girls and when that little boy arrived for us it was the first time that I actually felt we were "complete". Not because it was a boy, but it just felt like we were whole now. So I did treasure every infant moment a little more. And I still do. Congratulations.

  5. You are so very blessed. I think I've had that "what have we done?" moment after each of my 3 children came along and again and again, but the joy outweighs the chaos.

  6. Love this message and the time you are spending with this baby. You'll never regret time spent, but will regret not taking the opportunity. All too soon, they are gone and then you'll know what real loneliness is. I love you all so much.

  7. Congratulations on completing your beautiful family!

  8. What a sweet little guy! You are a wonderful MOther and you do have a beautiful little "quiver full":) What a blessing! Thanks for the reminder to enjoy our little ones! They do grow up so fast!!

  9. I did the same with the latest little guy. I had visions of doing a million projects. Then I realized that my oldest was fourteen and time is FLYING. He will be 32 when this one graduates from high school :0!

    There is always that one moment where you question your insanity...then they coo or, like my 7 month old, kiss me on my cheek. Yummy......worth every minute!

  10. Your post is precious. I fully agree, enjoy your little boy and girls. Again, congratulations. The mystery of birth and life is so wonderful :)

  11. a wonderful reminder.

    i am just over 1/2 way growing our first little boy. we have three sweet girls, and i was sure this baby was another. i was wrong. and i still can't wrap my head around it.

  12. so so sweet.
    Spatula eh? hmmmm does that mean cooking only I wonder?

    Last week wasn’t so great and I was feeling grungy about mostly everything. Saturday rolled around and I got to babysit our newest grand magnificent who turned 1 month on Saturday. I quickly donned my Moby wrap and popped him inside. My mum stopped by and told me I needed to be careful or he would get accustomed to being carried. I chuckled and assured her "he will get accustomed to being loved and know he has a safe place to go if life gets to be too much". Don't think she appreciated my philosophy.

    When he went home that evening I realized how much better my mood was and life didn't seem so grungy. If only we could all hold a babe in our arms each day, how much better our days could be.

    I say inhale as much of your children as you can!

  13. I've been stalking your blog since summer, and I must say I love it! Congratulations to you and your beautiful family! I'm currently pregnant with our #2 and lately I've had some projects that needed finishing and my poor #1 has been such a doll and entertaining herself so well but I feel selfish and neglectful. Time does go by so fast and I've lost sight of that. Thanks for my slap in the face!

  14. I am saving my son's special clothes and will ultimately make a quilt (or two) out of them - perhaps a baby girl Dill quilt is in order?

  15. Good for you, Katie. It's hard sometimes to keep perspective. In my world, perspective only comes when things are quiet and organized. Not in the midst of my children creating chaos! :-)

    The fun thing to remember about passing little dill days is that big dills bestow their own blessings too. Todays quickly fade into yesterdays, and in just a short while the kids who look "big" to you today will once again seem small when you look back on today. Funny how life works....

  16. So sweet, thanks for the reminder!

  17. Yes this is the best time. At least you know it now and are taking the time to cuddle. Those cuddles are the best and don't last long at all. And yes six little people is quite a lot especially when they are all over five! Trust me four seems that way quite often. But the are lovely and soooo worth all the work. Have fun!

  18. I love this post. I love everything that you write. Your family is beautiful, and you make my husband and me excited to start our own. Thank you for the beauty that you bring into this world!

  19. And his name is................
    Sorry, I love your blog I am just not known for being a patient woman.

  20. The birth story post brought tears to my eyes, and now I want another little one to hold again. Ah!

    Little Boy, We share something: I have a very similare birthmark on the cheek, same place. With time it faded away. I'm sorry, you'll get the "You have something there... Is that spaghetti sauce?" All the time, but most people won't notice it at all. Welcome to the world, sweet little thing!

  21. I only have four, the youngest is 18m, but I still relate to all that you've said. It's so comforting to hear these thoughts from other moms who have many children. I appreciate your honesty.

  22. I always wonder how that 18 kids and counting woman's female parts can hold up!. Good advice from your midwife I say. They are only newborn for a short while, glad you are making the most of it.

  23. goosebumps, your words gave me goosebumps...I remember bringing home baby number 5 and having that exact same realisation of "what have we done...we are so outnumbered here"..having more babies is like adding more hours on at work when your already pushing 24/7...but oh my goodness isnt it sooooo worth it...
    I so want baby number 6...
    enjoy your sweet cherub, my Clover Blossom just turned 1 and its killing me how quickly the year went..
    p.s i found your blog nabout a monnth or so after I had her, and was so excited to see another Clover... :-))))

  24. Ahhh.... I too, have loved those precious few weeks when my babies were tiny.

    I so miss those wonderful days, and wish for "just one more".

    But, alas - my fourth child, now 2 1/2, solidifies his position as "the Grand Finale" daily.

  25. what are you bathing him in? your sink? It looks so shallow, I must be out of the loop but what is that for? Hes so yummy. I totally have baby fever!

  26. Oh, sweet little guy! I know you are so in love.

  27. Don't worry,Katy, it will be okay. I remember very clearly having trouble just sitting to nurse my #6 with all of the commotion around me. I got very adept at nursing walking around! Now my #6 is 3 1/2. Is there still chaos and noise? YES! Tonight was crazy trying to help 3 kids with homework, cook dinner and keep #6 happy without using the tv -- but I did it. And I know you can, too! Can't wait to hear what his name is going to be!

  28. I made it a rule #1 for myself - not to rely on my feelings and emotions for a month after delivery:)I keep telling myself that what i feel right now is misleading and deceiving, with my body exhausted and hormones playing and kids screaming, you know it all too well, Kathy,right. MY dear baby girl (kid #5)is 7 weeks old now and my emotions are finally coming in concordance with reality and i feel ready for all the challenges of life with my God's gifts:)

  29. Yes boys are very good nurser....kinda funny isn't it?

  30. Katy-- I thought I was the only one who's child was a baby pterodactyl! Glad to know I'm not alone-- most folks look at me funny when I talk about her prehistoric squonking... Our Quinn is 7 weeks old. Can't believe how fast time has shot by, how big she's gotten, how amazing she is. It was lovely to have you remind me to be mindful of our days together. Thanks....

  31. I am right there with you. The "what have we done" thought came today as I was feeding #3 and twins #2 and #1 were in an all out kicking/slapping battle 15 feet from me. As I am on a weight restriction too... I just had to do my best to try and separate them while BFing. But thank you for the reminder. Enjoy this time. Sewing will be there when I have more time and energy. I can't imagine having 3 more kids... blessings to you!!

  32. This made me smile. We think our new little guy (6wks old) sounds like a dinosaur, too.

    Adjusting IS hard, and if your body isn't feeling good yet, even harder. I had to learn to let go of my expectations for each day - eventually, all those things will get done, and it doesn't do me or my household any good to get all crazy trying. Give yourself time to heal, and ask for help as much as you can.

    And DO enjoy the baby! They do grow so's bittersweet how soon they go from one clothing size to another, how their skinny baby legs get fat and rolypoly... I look at mine - he's #4 after 3 girls - and wonder if he will be my last, and try to appreciate even his grumpy moments. :)

    Eagerly awaiting the naming of this little pterodactyl... :)

  33. Hi Katy,

    Today I found out I'm having a fourth girl. And I'm ashamed to say that I was pretty down for a time. This is my last child, and I had so hoped for a boy.

    But then I felt God's still small voice stirring inside my brain... the children aren't given to me for my pleasure but for me to serve. How quickly I forget.

    Did you go through this phase too? I do feel ashamed at my selfishness. The little pipsqueak is going to be so loved by her three sisters and her adoring parents (when one doesn't fall into narcissism).

    Sigh. :)

  34. Such beautiful thoughts! We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our little addition, and I am amazed to remember how small my 5 year old daughter once was. Enjoy this time!

  35. I spoil my baby by picking her up as soon as she makes a noise, and rock her to sleep (all the time). I feel that I rushed through this time with my 2 boys, and I'm determined not to do that again! And I want at least one more baby so I can have someone to take pictures of my labor and delivery - I never thought of doing that, and your story is so beautifully captured in those pictures... Thank you for sharing that!


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