
30 September 2011


baby boy bedhead
It's been a long week.  Like those extra long hotdogs that hang out either side of the bun.  The normal ratio of week to weekend is off.  Too much of either throws me off.
Without going into too much gory detail (although that's the detail that our dill girls seem to enjoy the most), by Wednesday I had convinced myself that I needed a D&C.  I tried to get into my regular obgyn but they couldn't squeeze me in, and that's when we wonder what good is having a doctor that you can't even see, especially for emergencies.
So Ryan, this baby boy dill, and I headed to the hospital to spend some quality (and quantity) time with the good folk of the emergency room.  After a bit of invasiveness, it was concluded that I didn't need a D&C and that I had a hormonal imbalance, remedied by a couple week's worth of little white pills.  
I felt relieved and grateful to finally know what was wrong and to get on the recovery boat.  The scenery is much more enjoyable than the uncertain boat.
I feel much more myself.  I even cleaned the kitchen.  How I like it cleaned.  Then, tonight, our kids' teachers brought us dinner.  Olive: I don't know if I should say this, but dinner was better than what you guys make.  It certainly was, because it not only brought culinary satisfaction (homemade chicken pot pie, egg bread, and raisin oatmeal cookies) but it was given with love and prayers.  I think they got concerned when we sent Azure to school without lunch or the plan to buy.
A big adjustment, this time around.  I think we've decided on a first name and getting close on the middle name.  It's just a good thing we don't have to choose a last name.


  1. Your son is so adorable! Great shots! Glad you are feeling better. I only had three-I can't even imagine how you feel after 6? Rest as much as you possibly can!

  2. I hope you feel better soon, it definitely gets harder to recover from pregnancy after a certain # and age, so make sure you give yourself time to bounce back slowly!

    Your Little Dill is just beautiful, he has such a perfectly innocent and completely fresh little face, such a lucky little thing to be in such a lovely family!

  3. Oh I want to eat him.

    With honey.

    (I mean that in a nice way.)

    He's so yummy, it makes me wish I could have more.

  4. Your little boy is lovely. I always adored those close up shots at my little baby girl, who is now not so little anymore. Glad to hear you are feeling more like yourself.

  5. He is the cutest!! So glad you're feeling better and hope you continue to. :)

  6. I know you don't know me from Adam; but I'm a long time follower of your blog. I'm so sorry you had to go back to the hospital; and so very glad that you are feeling better.

    Your son is just darling!

  7. Feeling better makes everything so much more enjoyable. I am glad you figured out what was wrong. You have such a beautiful little boy!

  8. What beautiful children you make...and what wonderful photos you are capturing him in. Thanks for sharing each detail...we are enjoying your many blessings...Renee

  9. How did you get to wait so long to name him? My parents wanted to take my little sister home without naming her (late 1990s), and they wouldn't let them.

  10. What a beautiful baby! I can't wait to find out his name. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  11. He´s gorgeous!!!! Congratulations on such a beautiful family!

  12. I am so glad they knew what was going on. So often we as patients leave not knowing as much as we did before!
    Heal fast. Your children are beautiful. LOVE those little feet of your son:)

  13. I want to come take care of you! I'm sorry you've been out of sorts but am glad you're getting back on your feet. And yes, it is getting harder with age and number.
    Can't wait to hear the name. Neither can Slade. He asks me every day. You know it better be a good one now that you've made us all wait so long. I guarantee I'm not the only one who has been checking in every few hours just in case... I met a woman in Ecuador who had a 14m old son, still unnamed. She had been debating between alejandro and francisco. The baby didn't seem to notice.
    I send much love your way.

  14. I'm so glad you went to the hospital, and glad you didn't need a D&C. Hope you get to feeling better Katy. Can't wait to hear the name!

  15. Looking at those photos I figured out his name: the Charming Mr. Darcy Dill... :o)
    I couldn't choose a middle name at first blink but I'm still thinking of... :o)

  16. ...and now I have baby fever all over again. (good thing it's well timed.) He is beautiful! And I'm so glad you're about to start feeling like yourself again. Take care of yourself!

  17. I wish I could come and help too.. I've been there, rough rough adjustments after baby. Postpartum, physical body issues, HORMONE craziness, I totally get it. Hang in there, your kids are in great hands! Don't despair! I hope you enjoy conference tomorrow, you are one of the best examples that I have of a selfless set of parents being willing to raise many beautiful children and making all of the sacrifices that go along with it. I think of you all of the time. Thank you and hang in there! Glad things seem to be looking upwards!!

  18. Every single birth comes with its own surprises, doesn't it? Kudos for getting yourself seen and not waiting for the specialist, too many women don't listen to their bodies these days.
    I love, love, love that baby bedhead! When my boys were new I could never decide what to kiss first: those pudgy baby cheeks or the stupendously soft, beautiful lil back of the neck, lol!
    Tonight my children and grandchildren took me out for dinner and graced me with gifts of hugs, kisses, conversation, laughs and some tangible gifts, as well. My babies are grown men and I am blessed with two grandchildren; today was #43 for me.
    After watching your blog and waiting for Baby Boy Dill to make his solo appearence, I have been reminded of the beauty of those long ago newborn days and I honestly don't know HOW.IN.THE.WORLD.THEY.GREW.UP.SO.DARN.FAST! Just yesterday it seems that I was washing out teeny little cloth diapers and nursing the babies. 25 & 23… the time is fleeting and fickle. {Sigh}
    I shall be praying for your body to recover from the trauma that birth placed upon it, for you to be able to do only what is needed for yourself and BB Dill as you ease back into full-scale parenting.
    Wow, I didn't intend to write a book. Sorry.

  19. So so glad your feeling better.....your son is just beautiful....I can't wait to see all 6 together in a picture! Take care.....

  20. Oh, I'm so glad you followed your instincts and made sure that you were seen by somebody. And your little boy? Just gorgeous!

  21. happy to hear you are on the mend~ and little boy dill....i just wanna kiss those little cheeks!

  22. I may have to stop coming around here for a little while :) all of the beautiful baby pictures make me want a new one! He is so stinking handsome. enjoy

  23. Here's wishes that you are better soon! So glad you found out what was wrong and are on the road to recovery. Lovin' the baby pics. He is just precious :) Exicted to hear his name and had to smile at your last sentence!

  24. So glad you are feeling better, having babies can do different things to our body - after no 2 I had to have a D&C after the next 3 - placenta broke up for some reason - at least you got onto it smartly and didn`t need that - thank goodness for modern medicine, thats all I can say !

  25. Such touching photos of a beautiful baby. Hope you are soon recovered.

  26. he is just adorable! Hope you start to feeling better and next week runs smoother :) I will be keeping you in my prayers!

  27. So sorry you were feeling horrible, but glad that you took the initiative to do something about it - you never know. Praying that everything continues on the up and up. PS - Wish you were closer so I could pick your sewing brain (when you are fully recovered, of course) about a dress I am sewing for Kylie.

  28. I'm glad you're okay. ps. I'm excited for your little boy to have such a great family/mom!

  29. I love your blog. I love how you share about yourself, your family, and your life. Your children are beautiful, each and every one of them. And I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been yourself, and those devilish hormones have been tampering with you so badly. I'm going through a similar thing, not due to childbirth issues, that was long ago for me. I'm at the other end of that deal, and keep my trusted fan close at hand.
    I'm happy to hear that your little pills helped, and things are on the up. Excellent news! Oh, and I can't wait to hear what you're going to name your darling son.
    x H

  30. Oh Katy! I don't know you irl but I wish I was nearby to drop off homemade soup and bread and cookies and play dress-up with the girlies. Don't over exert yourself! xox (one of the atheist Mormon-obsessed girlfriends from NJ, now in California -- my girlfriend and I bond over long distance late night posts about baby boy dill!)

  31. what a beautiful baby. hope that you continue to heal!

  32. He is so precious! I am glad you went to see the Dr and are now on the mend.
    I can't imagine getting kids (much less 4 of them) ready for school each morning with a new sweet baby at home. Guess that's because I had my 2 21 months apart and called it done.
    Praying for continued healing and growing at your house!

  33. I'm so glad that the doctors were able to help you and that you were able to clean your kitchen! Clean kitchens always make things better. I hope that you continue to feel better. That baby is adorable and I'm glad you're getting closer on a name. :)

  34. I'm loving those pics of your beautiful baby boy! :) And I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well! :( That makes everything so much harder. I'm glad they were able to help you and I hope you feel all better soon!!

  35. I know you know, but he is beautiful. :-) I hope you're recovering least better now that you know whats going on. We miss you! I'm so glad that you can recover and relax without having to worry about the girls (the older ones that dont belong to you). :-) I'm so excited to know his name! xoxo

  36. Nothing like some homemade comfort food. I am so glad things are looking up for you. Sorry you had a rough go of it for a while.

  37. Congrats on your new boy!! They're so much fun, I had three! (Any tips on getting a girl?:)) Can't wait to hear your little guys name!

  38. Oh, Katy! He is ADORABLE! Congratulations! Yeah for a boy!


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