
23 September 2011

And We Became Eight

I had a look at these photos for the first time just two days ago.  The birth is still so fresh, but simultaneously seems distant and dream-like already.  It was hard.  All natural labors are hard, but this little one did not want to rush.  It puts a smile on my lips to think how content baby dill was inside.
3:45 am.  My water broke, or rather sprung a very small leak.  I got up to see if it was real, if this was truly happening.  I awoke Ryan and my contractions began, about 8 minutes apart.  I called the midwife to let her know and she said to call her again when the contractions were 5-6 minutes apart.  Ryan sat down and began to fold laundry.  It was just half an hour later that we called her again and she instructed us to head to the birthing center.
Some dear, kind, sweet friends came over to be with our 5 slumbering girls as we headed out the door.  
Once we got to the birthing center there wasn't much progress for a couple of hours.  The midwife suggested I walk around, so Ryan and I walked down into a residential neighborhood that had houses tucked away amid an array of greenery.  The morning was just awakening and there was even a hint of coolness to the air.  We walked and walked, anticipating this new little life, just the two of us.  We talked and laughed how this little soul just didn't want to come.  It was beautiful.
I still wasn't more than 5 cm dilated, so the midwife broke the fore sack of water in hopes to help things progress.
That's how Clover was born so quickly, as soon as that water was gone, she came rushing out.  Progress of any kind, however still wasn't happening.  We would later find out why.  Ryan and I went out for more walking.

Finally around 10:30 the contractions began increasing in strength.  I slipped into the water and joked that this baby just might wait until 12 to add to the numerical convenience of the day: 9-10-11.

With each contraction I focused on the progress being made so I could finally meet this stubborn little dill. 
I have never had to push so hard in the history of all my labors.  This little one had a fist up by the cheek and was trying to come out without moving it.
There was a gasp as she brought a 9lb 1oz baby out of the water and onto my chest, a few minutes after 12 noon.  I simply held that body tight for a few moments, reveling in the absolute miracle all this, all the pain and waiting and mess, until I was ready to find out if this was our boy or our half dozen girls.
I took a peek and announced to Ryan, We have our boy!  He made me check again, so I showed him the proof.
Shocked? Surprised? Most definitely ecstatic.
We had our boy.
With five older sisters, this boy will be well nurtured.
Clover is coming around.
This mama's body is still recovering and very tired, but enjoying the snuggles and squirms of
her BOY!
the little famous hand

All photos taken by Taylor DeMaio


  1. What a beautiful story...and so well documented. I am so very happy for you and your family. What a hard-wrought work you have done. I wish you lots of rest and a quick recovery.

  2. I'm so grateful that you had the birth you wanted! I love that you documented it with a photographer and that you are sharing some beautiful pictures with us! This brings tears to my eyes! Congratulations once again.

  3. I just love the photos! I will for sure book a photographer for our next baby's birth!! I must say, I am very anxious to hear this sweet boy's name!

  4. Love it! What a beautiful birth story. thanks so much for sharing. I'm anxious to hear what you name him, too. Are you still deciding? ;)

  5. Beautiful photos, beautiful story, gorgeous baby boy!! May God bless you all!

    Hugs from Brazil!

  6. What a beautiful beautiful story. Congratulations. You and your family are absolutely darling. (I'm ashamed I don't want to have another, ever)

  7. My boy came out the same way! Fist to his cheek :)
    Congratulations, and thank you for sharing these photos of your beautiful birth.

  8. This is just beautiful. Can you imagine what could happen if every woman expecting a child read this before they read anything else? They wouldn't fear childbirth. They would maybe trust their bodies and not make decision based out of frightened uncertainty. Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. what a lovely story! Congratulations on your 6th blessing!

  10. My first had a nuchal hand too and she was sunny-side up, it was two and a half hours of pushing!

  11. yay and wow and beautiful!

    i feel so privileged that you shared this sacred stream of moments with us. (and thank you to ms. demaio!)

    welcome boy dill!

  12. A beautiful story for sure. I love that you shared it with us! Welcome to a beautiful world, Baby Dill!

  13. These photos are so beautiful! Congratulations!

  14. Just gorgeous! A beautiful story and baby! Congratulations!

  15. You are gorgeous! Love the story and pictures. :)

  16. Yaaaay for boys!!! Love this, and thanks for letting us take a peek into such an incredible experience!

  17. Absolutely beautiful story and pictures. Wow... congratulations on the whole process. God bless this family immensely. I´m glad Clover is coming around :)

  18. My oldest son decided to come with his hand and arm wrapped up around his head. It explained my 32 hrs of labor! Oy vey! You brought the memory back!

    So beautiful and congratulations!

  19. Congrats! Congrats!!! As a mom/step mom of 4 girls total our last little bundle (7yrs ago) was a little man and my oh my what a difference! How much fun you'll all have. WARNING! those little boys sure do know how to tug at mommas heart :)

  20. Beautiful birth story. You made me cry....maybe because I'm 9 months pregnant and in the waiting period right now. Congratulations on the newest baby Dill.

  21. I too am awaiting another soul to join this little family... and your story stirs the momma heart in me. I am teary-eyed at the anticipation.

    So happy for you all.

  22. Beautiful!
    What a little miracle.
    There is nothing better than holding your baby for the first time...

  23. beautiful, lovely, thank you so much for sharing. I mean it when I say you are an inspiration to me as a new mom of one. The fact that you give birth this way, is beautiful and inspiring. I want more kids!

    Enjoy your boy! So exciting.

  24. It has been pure joy following your wonderful are a beautiful family.....bless you all....

  25. Sweet, beautiful, loving birth story.

    Every birth I am blessed to be part of is so special to me. Reading your son's birth story brings a tear to my eye, a smile to my lips and joy to my heart. What a lucky little lovie to be born into your family.

    Thank you so much for sharing your babes birth.

  26. Second what Olivia said. And absolutely amazing!

  27. what beautiful photos of your birth! my 8lb 13oz son came out with his hand by his face, too! also a natural birth for me, though my labor was quicker. he slept with his hand up by his face for a few months after birth, which i hear is common. very sweet.

  28. Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and beautiful story with us. Such an amazing birth! That's a lot of love for one lucky little boy.

  29. beautiful photos, beautiful mama, and beautiful BOY! congratulations!!!

  30. Just beautiful photos. It makes me smile that you finally got your boy - Ryans expression is amazing and truely shows his joy. He will be one nutured boy that is for sure.

  31. thank you for sharing these beautiful words and photos! I adore Ryan's glee filled face and YOU were radiant the entire time. i hope you are resting will and healing quickly Momma Dill.

  32. Wonderful, beautifully told story. Thank you for sharing it.

    I've had 2 out of 4 children deliver with their left hand beside their face. My longest two labours as well. Lovely girls these days ;-), my oldest is 21yo.

  33. Aww! Such a beautiful story, beautiful pictures, and beautiful family. Congratulations and I hope your recovery is swift!

  34. Beautiful story, amazing pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  35. very sweet. I would love to have photos taken of our next birth but I can assure you mine would not look anything as put together as yours did. Those are amazing.

  36. Oh Katy, so beautiful! Makes me cry. I looked at the pictures over and over--what a precious thing to be documented so beautifully, and of course you look so pretty the whole time:). Congrats.

  37. OH...what a good story. I feel so content to have read it. Perfectly beautiful...all of it. So happy for you.

  38. A wonderful story, and such beautiful photographs. My son was born with his hand on his head also, after two older sisters. Must be a "finally a boy" thing! Congratulations to you all.

  39. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I can't deny that I have a few tears in my eyes right now. The photo of when you are first holding your little man expresses so much; the joy, relief, happiness, that you were feeling. Ryan looks so ecstatic. Xox

  40. Katy, I felt every stage with you! What a beautiful story.

    My second boy was born Superman- style with one arm up. This might explain his fixation with these type of characters.

  41. This is one of the nicest birth stories I have seen. What a beautiful telling and gorgeous photos. Congrats on the boy!!!

  42. beautiful pictures and a beautiful story! it's amazing how each birth is so different and special. we also had a boy but after 4 girls :)

  43. such a beautiful story. just amazing. beautiful photos too, they capture the moments so wonderfully.

  44. Beautiful story and lovely photos too. Congratulations on your new addition!

  45. I am just still smiles for you! I am glad the little miss is coming around to her new brother!

  46. Katie, your story is beautiful and your photographer did a wonderful job. I just got the lastest Threads here in Mexico and while reading the Tips from readers I saw yours there about the girls pj's. While reading it, I thought this seems familiar and checked out the name. No wonder.

  47. I LOVE me a good birth story! Thanks so much for sharing :) You have a lovely story all documented with beautiful photos! (Gives me ideas for our next baby). That photo on Ryan's face when he found out it was a boy.....priceless! What an amazing feeling! Wishing you much rest & recovery :)

  48. SO so happy for you . What a beautifully documented story.
    Hope Clover comes around soon.
    You give me hope for a natural childbirth-you are so inspiring.

  49. Hey Dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you know what.........
    i am just a young girl & a student,this post was kinda thought provoking for much difficult it is to bring a new life in this world..oh my God..after seeing all these i am scared really!! i will try to avoid being a mom...hopefully..hahahahaha
    well there are tears of joy in my eyes..i am so happy for you that now you have a boy in your family now..wish you tons of blessings! your girls will enjoy their brother's company now :)
    Congrats again! you are so very cool...! stay blessed

  50. Beautiful story accompanied by beautiful photos. Congrats again!

  51. I was just a garage sale today and we were talking how it always seems like it is always the six kid that is always the different gender...she had five girls too and her sixth one was a boy and she knew a few different people that there first five were all the same and the sixth was different and my best friend the first five are all girls too and the next two were maybe there is hope for me too:))) Congrats again on your precious baby boy!!!

  52. Oh, Katy, what tender and telling words and photos. I am so happy for you. Love you.

  53. Oh Katy... how we loved these photos! I've been showing your postings to my husband lately (I like sharing beautiful things with him... you see...), and sometimes they are so amazing, that they bring tears to my eyes.

    This beautiful posting was one... and your best!

    Thank you so much for sharing your family's beauty with us all!!!


  54. This brings tears to my eyes! Congratulations!! :)

  55. So beautiful, congratulations

  56. Beautiful story and wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing with us! I enjoyed all the details :)

  57. Perhaps the most beautiful series of photos I've seen. I lost it over those ecstatic faces. My 6th was born just 7 weeks ago tomorrow - and she arrived brow first, fists at her face. These #6's come ready for anything!
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!

  58. This was so beautifully put. All of the pictures were amazing. I'm so glad that he finally got here and that you finally got your son.

  59. my first little one came out with her hand over her ear....argh!! what a lovely story. and pictures as well. congrats again and again.

  60. just how beautiful life is !!!!!

  61. So wonderful! I just told my husband we're having another baby, and considering our twins our 4 months old I think he took it pretty well :) Thank you for sharing your story and someone earlier posted that if all pregnant women read this before anything else how wonderful that would be and I agree. And I was very disappointed I had a brother at 18 months but quickly came around and now we are best friends!! Congrats to the whole family!

  62. What gorgeous labor photos...thanks for sharing your lovely photos of a normal birth...

  63. I love hearing birth stories. There is something magical about how each life comes into this world. I love the pictures of Ryan when he found out, reminds me of my husband when he saw our two month old was a boy (we have a 2 year old girl as well). I really, really wanted a birth photographer, but it just never happened. Maybe next time. Thanks for sharing!

  64. This was so emotional to read. I'm so happy for you and hope the the recovery is swift. Sure love you.

  65. These photos are insanely beautiful, no more babies for me but if I did, I would hire whomever you seriously what a miracle and so wonderfully documented.

  66. thank you so much for sharing, this is just as beautiful and perfect as i expected it to be...still no name? ;)

  67. absolutely breathtaking. thank you for sharing such a beautiful part of your life.

  68. My family is the exact same - there are five girls and then my little brother at the very end. He's the sweetest kid. Enjoy your new little guy!

  69. is just a beautiful moment, an excellent photo report

    you're fantastic even in that moment, i admire you!

    you and i have same age but i only have three boys who drive me crazy!

    anyway, i´m very happy for you

    god bless you all

    my english is so bad but i wanted to send you best wishes

  70. beautiful. The photos of the birth are so vivid, reminds me of giving birth. Congrats again!

  71. Congratulations! On everything! Your lovely life, adorable family, success on making a small (er if you call 9lbs small) human, ect. With all it offers life is gorgeous and that baby boy just made it all that much better! I've been enjoying your pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  72. omg! so beatufil! u make me cry

  73. Katy, congratulations. Your lovely account brought me to tears and I'm so happy for this sweet little guy that he gets to join your family. How wonderful and sweet!

  74. So moving and beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing experience!!

  75. What a beautiful post. You've shared so much and I feel honoured. Gorgeous photos - thanks so much and congratulations!

  76. None of our babies were named either for a few days! We had to just absorb their little faces first to see who they were. Such good stuff!

  77. This brought tears to my eyes. The photos are absolutely beautiful and tell the story so well. Natural birth is such a beautiful thing... I wish more women would choose it. I'm proud of you!

  78. I am an adoptive mum and so have never experienced childbirth. But you wonderful story reminded me of our journey to becoming a family.

    We took a different path but it was no less wondrous.

    Thank you for sharing. I wish your family much happiness.

  79. those are beautiful pictures and a beautiful birth story!! Congratulations a thousand times over on having a SON! :)

  80. Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story! My hubby was #6 and the first boy. Maybe there really is something to that, as another commenter said.

  81. So precious. Gorgeous photos. Soak up those little boy snuggles--they're SO sweet.

  82. 3 of my 4 were born at home with the last unassisted. Lovely sharing, and reminds me I still need to write all my birth stories down .)
    You have a beautiful family.

  83. What a beautiful photo story, thank you so much for sharing! I'll be passing the link to my sister who is planning on having a natural birth next year. God bless you and your family xx

  84. Oh, Katy! You made me cry! Brought back memories of the birth of my own 9lb. 3oz boy three years ago. I don't know how you manage to look so amazingly beautiful while giving birth.

    Crafting by Candlelight

  85. I just had a 10lber with a hand up by his cheek so I can totally feel you there. It does a number on you and don't be surprised if it takes much longer for you to feel better. Good thing they're worth it though. You photos are amazing.

  86. I've been reading your blog for a while now but never commented until today. Beautiful birth story, beautiful baby boy, congratulations and thank you so much for sharing those precious photos.

  87. I have looked back at these photos at least three or four times. I am continually struck by how beautiful and tasteful they are. I normally think birth photos are a little I know labor is supposed to be a beautiful thing, but ewwwwww. Even during one of my own labors, I told my midwife, "This is sooooo gross!" Somehow you managed to pictures that show the beauty and joy and emotion of the process. And they were tasteful enough for me to show my husband. I am inspired!


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