19 May 2011

Clever You

I knew I had clever readers, that I could count on you to solve my cryptic post yesterday, because no, it is not a belated April Fool's joke, and yes, baby Dill number 6 is indeed on the way. Thank you for the congratulatory comments, we are SO excited!  And, yes maybe it is slightly mischievous of me to keep you hanging without all the details . . . so I thought I'd fill you in.  

We have never found out the gender of our babies.  No, not even our first.  And you know how people still make you guess what you're going to have?  Well, to appease them, I have guessed a boy, every single time.  I think sometimes life is just one big long opposite day.  
Remember those in grade school?  
So, this time, I'm guessing it's going to be a girl.  We didn't secretly find out and decide to not tell you.  Do you think I could keep a secret like that? 
This one senses there are changes in the air; she has become defiantly independent, yet clingy.  It's always hard, being booted from the baby position, but she's enjoyed that luxury far longer than any of her sisters.  It will be the end of the summer when our 7 will become 8, and I look forward to another beautiful birth like I experienced with little Cloves.  It took my fifth to finally get it right, how I wanted, so this will just be a bonus.

I smile when I slow down, taking time to think about holding a new little one again.  The newborn smell, those tiny hands, the little squeaks and grunts.  I get nervous butterflies in my stomach when I imagine a boy.  
A boy?! What would I do with a boy?  
Wouldn't that just turn my world upside down.  Half a dozen girls would be an awful lot of fun.  What's your guess?  In fact, want to make it official?  Go here to legitimately predict the statistics of baby Dill number 6 [because people always say, Oh, I knew you were going to have a ___, after the fact].  You get to guess on eye color, hair, all sorts of things.  The winner will be sent something delightful.  A collection of fabric?  Something sewn by me?  A couple of my preferred patterns?  Or a smattering of a few of my favorite things?  We will have to see.


  1. AWW Congratulations Katy (and family!) Can't believe it's number 6 but they're sure lucky to be joining such a beautiful family. Hope it all goes smoothly xo.

  2. Awww, how exciting! very glad it wasn't a late april fools, babies are awesome. :)xxx

  3. I am not clever so I did NOT get your clever post. Number six? I love this news so much. I LOVE having a baby in the house and as she starts solids and cuts new teeth I get sentimental and wonder how we EVER survive without babies in the house? I'm so glad you are having another one. Happy happy joy joy!

  4. WOW. End of summer! that is soon, you kept that secret for a long time!
    You are AMAZING. Number 6 makes me feel giddy for you. I love big families.
    We are expecting number 3 in about a month, but 6! That seems so far away!!!

  5. Enjoy your pregnancy! We didn't want to know the sex in advance either, it's such a nice surprise that I didn't want to spoil for myself...

  6. congratulations ! I wish I had your courage and grow another baby too, but I'm so, so glad you have it and tell us !

  7. Congratulations! You never cease to amaze us with all your energy.

    My vote is a girl, btw.

  8. Congratulations! I hope you have an enjoyable, easy pregnancy with many fine moments! Best wishes! I love my girlies, but wouldn't a boy be fun?!!

  9. I quite enjoyed reading the comments yesterday and waited to see if it is true so now - officially - Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations!!! I didn't think it was possible for your Super Mommy powers to amaze me more than they already do. Now I know you have reserves I couldn't even fathom. 6!
    Hope this birth goes just the way you'd like.

  11. Another baby didn't even cross my mind ... in fact, I didn't understand your last post at all. I'm a moron.

    Congratulations!! That is so exciting. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy.

  12. Clover looks like your little twin in this photo. Beautiful.

  13. What great news for you. Six is so fab. I can't help but dream of a sixth myself...I love big, beautiful and lively families. It's the best there is.

  14. I am so excited for you and your family! Congratulations! I am due mid July with #2 and we have not found out the gender with this one or the first. I love it, and love seeing other people enjoy that surprise as well!

  15. congratulations!! what a joy for your whole family :) i'm expecting boy #3 in august. i'm secretly (or not-so-secretly, i guess!) hoping you have a boy, so i can see what wonderful sewing creations you come up with for boys ;) hope your pregnancy is going smoothly so far and continues to do so!

  16. we had a boy after 4 girls so it could happen :) we never found out either-we don't get alot of wonderful surprises as adults and this is one of the best surprises! so happy for you-i wonder about having a little one every now and then-enjoy and i hope you can get some rest :)

  17. Ok, I am not one of your clever readers - I had to go back and look at yesterdays post again. I just thought you were being cool posting about eggs. Again, congratulations!! So happy for you!


  18. well dear, we need to actually see that belly to make accurate guesses on gender and the sort! (at least that's what people always say to me- you're carrying like its a ______). I was just thinking earlier this week that Clover is such a grown up little girl now and not a baby! My Emory is the same way, and right in time for little brother- 2 weeks left over here :O)

  19. Congratulations! I hope you have another girl (so it must be a boy!) Hope you feel well and can accomplish all your heart desires.

  20. Congratulations! What happy news!

  21. What lovely, lovely news! Congratulations!!

  22. Oh Katy! What joy! I'm so excited for you and your family. Boy or girl, I know baby dill #6 will be gorgeous- just like your other baby dills! I can't wait to 'meet' him or her.

  23. Congratulations!
    I can't wait to meet the newest addition to such a sweet family!

  24. Congratulations! half a dozen girls would be fun, but I adore having 2 boys!

  25. Congratulations! I think having 6 girls would be a blast! Or 5 girls and a little boy ;)

  26. Congrats. So happy for you! We're trying for #4 and our baby is 6. She'll have a hard time if the day ever comes.

    Love the pic of your belly and shadow. Great!

  27. Congrats to you and Mr Dill.

  28. 1st- CONGRATS! That's awesome. 2nd- If it's a boy, you'll have a lot of fun. Though they seem to be more mischievous, and rambunctious, they are adorable, harder to make clothes for (not impossible! Plus, I would love to see what creations you come up with, maybe that could help me add to my little guy's wardrobe) and they are super sweet. My son cuddles with me SO much more then my daughter ever would.

  29. Ok, I totally missed that one. How wonderful for you, Mr. Dill, and your family! No matter the gender, I know it will be loved, nurtured, and well dressed. We didn't find out the gender of our children, much to everyone's chagrin, but it was so fun to keep it a surprise. Going through natural child birth, it was also a tiny bit more motivation to push when I felt like I couldn't anymore.

  30. Yay! Congrats. We didn't find out for our 2 children either. It makes it way more exciting that way!

  31. So so happy for you--you two make some beautiful children! I mean, look at that picture of Clover!!! Just a little angel! Beautiful. Anyways, hope you are feeling well and I'm excited to hear more and see more pics of your pregnancy progressing:).

  32. my mom had five girls (i was the third) and then got a boy. she always had a feeling that she was going to have a boy in the family... of course, then she couldn't stop at just ONE boy and ended up having two more!

    i am always impressed with women who have the capacity for large families. i also have all girls, but just three! (by the way-- found your blog thru your sis Jordan!)

  33. oh, and P.S.-- we never found out the gender of any of our children either (because i think it is THE best surprise ever) and every time i really thought it was going to be a boy! i was 0 for 3-- so much for mother's intuition!

  34. Oh my! What fun and fabulous news! This expected baby is very blessed to be joining such a family as yours.

  35. I can't even handle ONE, Katy!!! But what wonderful news! I hope it WILL be a boy because then I know I will get some wonderful boy-inspired sewing inspiration from you.

    Crafting by Candlelight

  36. Congratulations!!!! I knew a family who had 9 boys before they finally had a set of twin girls :) Maybe it won't take you as long ;)

  37. I didn't have a clue. How wonderful for you and your whole family. I always want a dozen, God gave me five so I am thankful. It will be fun to see what this little Dill will be...boy or girl...a very blessed baby indeed.

  38. Hooray for you! You must have done all of these great projects during your second trimester when you were feeling good. I am one of six. What fun for all of you!

  39. i am so excited I am almost crying (joy tears... and a bit of envy ;-))
    I don't want to know yet, I don't want to guess... but I jus can't wait to find out ;-)

  40. Congratulations! I did not derive any special meaning at all from your cryptic egg post, other than thinking it was another beautiful photograph on your blog! I am so happy for you and I can't wait to find out who this little one is going to be!

  41. I didn't get your post either. I thought maybe you were going to post a belated easter post! LOL

    Congratulations! You seem like such a natural mother, sometimes I envy you! I have no kids yet, but if I was like you, 6 would be easy! :-)

  42. How wonderful, Katy! I am so happy for you. I'm weeks away from delivery baby girl #3 and have been having many of the same thoughts. Enjoy this wonderful time!

  43. How wonderful! Im pregnant with number 5 and never found out the sex of any of my kids too, and having a homebirth too!

  44. congrats girl (and fam)! so amazing, sorry I didn't pick up on the hinty. :( cute though!

  45. I'm a long time lurker but had to come out of the shadows to say congratulations! Wonderful news! :-)

  46. Can't think of a better family to have another. Congrats! Think how well rounded he'll be if it's a boy. I've heard that boys with older sisters make ideal husbands.

  47. Well count me in on the totally-flew over-my-head group. We have a chef friend that says this about having all girls, "I just have the recipe for girls". He's French and the accent makes it sounds so, well, Frenchy!

  48. so exciting! I am still in shock that my baby is about to turn 6.

  49. Wow! Congratulations! I love new born babies! One of my sisters just had a baby girl and I can't get enough of holding her cute, tiny body :) This is so exciting!

  50. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Will you update the photos of your girls under your info now that you've got another on the way?

  52. Congrats! I'm very happy for you expanding family!

  53. Ohhh-kay, I totally didn't get the hint either! Congratulations on the new babe, how fun!!

  54. Congratulations - all the way from India!! Reading ur blog for such a long time makes me feel i know your family for so so long...
    All the best with the sixth!! :)
    Me n my boyfreind too want oour first one to be girl (that is when we get married :P).
    I am guessing a girl for you :)

  55. OH MY GOODNESS CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now I'm trying to figure out if I would have guessed it or not (I was pumping out tops and missed your clever egg post) or if I'm the sort of person who's too daft and spacy to even notice there's some sort of riddle involved. I think I've answered my own question. But oh my goodness SIX!!!!!!

  56. Yay! That is great news!!!

  57. Katy congratulations! I totally missed the meaning of your post! (but now its so obvious....blame it on post-partum spaciness). What a blessed body you have to house six baby dills! The very best news. I am so happy for you.

    love Danielle

  58. How fun! I never comment, but I love your blog. We have six. Our oldest just turned 8 and the youngest just turned 1. It's a crazy beautiful life to have so many children so close together. Congratulations!

  59. Such happy news!
    Will be excited about the big gender reveal at the end of the summer.


  60. wowwee, one thing is for sure, whether its a girl or a boy babe, its going to be gorgeously cute...just look at the other 5 adorable ones. great news!!!

  61. im so excited - for both of us! i'm with #2. I so hope you'll do some maternity tuts!

  62. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys! :0)

  63. I'm going to guess girl, but only cause I grew up in a family of 6 girls, and there was definitely never a dull moment! But then, I have a neighbor that has 5 boys, and baby #6 was a girl (can you imagine how spoiled she is, I imagine similarly to if this one ended up being a boy for you).

  64. Congratulations! I'm guessing its a girl!


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