
01 January 2011

The "Talent" Show-Christmas part o2

In our family, we have our big dinner on Christmas Eve.  
Everyone dresses up,
and there are usually luminarias, paper sacks filled with a bit of sand and a tea light, lit just before the sun goes down.
These are the good men [and Pearl] who braved the cold to light each one.
The table was stamped by Olivia [and Pearl] with etched glass stars as place cards done by the patriarch of the whole clan.

And did you notice we got friendly with the fire department the morning of, you know.....
.....just in case!
The adult table was fed pork and sauerkruat [a tradition, calling on some German heritage], twice baked potatoes, rolls from Gugglehupf, sparkly beverage, green salad with bacon [which we consumed rather consistently and abundantly while here--several pounds worth!]
Following dinner, the grandkids graced us with the Nativity, although one of the wisemen was scared off by the donkey and as I was sending out the shepherds I had a straggler who wanted to participate suddenly, so I whipped off two pillowcases from the bed and put them on her arms as wings and we had ourselves an angel.  Baby Jesus was barely a week old.
Then came the talent portion of the evening.  
There was lots of singing
and lots of dancing,
but only one nose-blowing recordist,
and one act who watched the rest of us sing wheels on the bus, and kept us laughing with his funny faces,
one family growth chart prediction,
only one hand puppet singing a new version of "Noel" [that my kids promptly memorized and sang non-stop for the next day],
and one shadow puppet enactment of Little Red Riding Hood, 
which caught the fascination of every single person.
We especially liked grandma's voice done by my gentle-giant-of-a-brother Jacob.
There was some ukulele playing and singing by this duo
that made us laugh

and finally the pajama photo,
with the two who made it all possible:
This boy was never put down.
Then there were kisses and off to bed for visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in our heads.


  1. What wonderful wonderful photos! You all look so very happy.

    I love the horse looking at the baby Jesus.

  2. beautiful family, beautiful storyboard...precious memories made I'm sure :)

  3. Wonderful memories were created for sure. Thank you for your example. It motivates me to strive harder in my calling as a mother.

  4. Beautiful pictures! What a great looking family. The love comes through the computer. :) Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Look at all those wonderful cousins!! I grew up in a family like that, and wouldn't trade it for anything!!

  6. Perfect! I bet the whole family will grow to treasure those pictures! I hope that someday we can have a picture of us with all of our grandchildren amongst us... too special!

  7. This was one of the best times I've had at Christmas! Thank you for capturing the evening so beautifully.

  8. Next year I want to spend Christmas with YOUR family!!! It looks like you guys have a blast together!!! =)

  9. I love you all! what a perfect holiday!

  10. That has got to be the sweetest Christmas blog I've seen! Thank you for sharing. :)

  11. Sometimes, I like your family posts better than any good tutorial.

  12. Sounds like a delightful Christmas! Love the little baby Jesus. So sweet.

    I'm sure you were sad to leave your family in NC, but know that we've missed your family here in Florida! See you soon.

    Oh, and, come visit our new little one later this week, when you have some time...

  13. A beautiful family with beautiful traditions. Thanks for sharing these. Your Dad has the most expressive face!

  14. There is something about you all being together that is making my eyes tear up.

    I ran into Ashley today. She was tall and beautiful and we wandered alone in the mall for a minute together- pretty out of our element. She seemed refreshed and happy to have been together as you were.

    Merriest of late Christmas my Katy friend and happy New Year!

  15. I LOVE the one of your parents and all of the kids... must be Heaven for them! Great pictures, Katy!

  16. That is just beautiful! I love the pic of the grandparents with all the grandkids. Is there room for one more? ;) (me!)
    xo MODELmumma

  17. I LOVE your photos!

    Also, I find it amazing that not only your girls are amazingly beautiful, but also the other kids in the family.

    And you all look like you love each other, which is amazing.

  18. My mom and I were just taking about how much we love your family! It looks like the merriest Christmas ever for you and yours! Please give my love to everyone.- Matisse

  19. Oh Katy! Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU! for documenting the Christmas gathering. It is priceless! We miss you already.

  20. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing these photos. It made me think of all the wonderful Christmases I was able to spend with my grandma and grandpa before the both passed away. Kisses, hugs, pinches, songs, cooking...beautiful. Thank you.

  21. Wow, you captured all of the moments so wonderfully!

  22. Looks like a wonderful time!!! Where did you guys get those wonderful shadow puppets?! I need some!!!

    Crafting by Candlelight

  23. Wow. What a fun night! And I seriously want your sister's sparkly shirt. LOVE.

  24. you captured everything!! simply everything! not only do you have the skills, but you have the EYE for every good memory that should be captured.

  25. this is sweetest of sweet:) I wish, that I have so many childrens, so big wish, that I cray now....


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