
04 January 2011

Once Upon a Time...

...actually, 2 years and some months to be more exact,
there were 4 pregnant sisters, pregnant in chronological order.
Sister four due with her first, sister three due with her fifth, sister two due with her fourth and sister one due with her first.
Fast forward 2 years and some months and we have 4 really cute two year olds.
Three girls and one boy to be more exact.
They were together as a foursome for the first time.
The girls thought it was the best thing ever.  The boy?  
Not so much.
Two girls were very cooperative.
One was not and preferred to eat the bribes instead of do tricks.
The boy was forgiven, because, as a male someone put it I would cry too if you put me in that.
But I thought they all looked
picture perfect.

Special thanks to Christy who over-nighted half these to make this possible ;) 


  1. two, two cute ;)
    how i wish i had a sister...
    i'm kind of jealous of my daughters!

  2. This is so sweet! And the poor little boy - wanted nothing to do with those yucky girls! haha. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time and it was so much fun (she now has a 7 day old. I'm still waiting...)

  3. That is SO sweet! I wish my sister and I could get along enough to get our boys together. But that will probably never happen. So, I have to count down the time until I get together with my husband's cousin who's boy is only a few months younger then mine.

  4. I love same-age cousins!!! These ones really are all adorable. And I totally thought you were going to say that you thought they all looked... 2 cute. :)

  5. That is so fun! Myself and my 3 sisters-in-law were all prego at the same time about 3 yrs ago. So now we've got 4 cousins within 6 months of each other. It's so fun!

  6. What cutie patooties! And those dresses are fabulous! A+ for effort on the matching boys

  7. I can't believe how much they all look alike! They could be quadruplets!

  8. How neat! I hope it won't be two years before you get them all together again.

    I love the clothes, and the 2 fabric. Well done!

  9. Oh.My.Gosh. That shoot turned out so great!

  10. i love this. our kids won't have any relationships like this unless one of their plentiful aunts and uncles gets going in the right direction to baby making. starting with.. marriage. or even a first date. all these aunts and uncles and not a cousin in sight! i am jealous.

  11. awww that is great!!!! The girls look so happy, the boy, not so much!!! I love the dresses, what fabric is that??? Brooke

    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  12. so sweet...we can almost relate in that within 6 months (3 years ago) we had three little girlies born into our family. It's so much fun to watch them together!!

  13. this is the cutest damn thing I've seen in a long time!

  14. Adorable!
    Beautiful shots as always!

  15. Thank you Katy for making three 2 dresses and one 2 overalls! The photos are the best!
    -Grampa to them all!

  16. You know which of these cuties is my favorite!!! I missed her in nursery these past few weeks and can't wait for Sunday when she's back.

  17. Please, please do tell - where did you find that fabric? Loved the pictures.

  18. I got the fabric at IKEA! But it was last year and it was on clearance, so you would have to call around to see which ones still carry it.

  19. Cute! Does any of your sisters have blogs too?

  20. iheartmotherhood-they do! their links are on my sidebar under "It's all relative": Ashley, Jordan, Ann, plus my sister-in-law, Olivia is expecting her first.

  21. "The boy was forgiven, because, as a male someone put it I would cry too if you put me in that."
    Katy, I read that and laughed so hard I had tears. Those are the cutest and most fun 2 birthday outfits ever! Even the boy's overalls! If I could turn back time I would love to put my son in those overalls. He's 5 now, and would probably cry if I put those on him. ;) Lovely photography. Did you ever take classes? or are you just naturally talented this way? ;)

  22. Beverly- You are so kind! I've never had any real photography lessons, but thank you.

  23. Oh, how bright and cheery those pics are. I would cry if I looked that cute, too. He was under a lot of pressure, the girls' cuteness is x3!

  24. Hello!
    I found your blog today through Project Run & Play and I really admire your enthusiasm and all your efforts in making all these wonderful dresses for your daughters (how blessed it is to have 5 daughters!). I spent quite some time browsing through ALL your 'Sew Sew' posts and I was really amazed. I have started sewing for my baby daughter since May last year and wish I could do more (wishful thinking: ditch my job and sew all day!). You are truly an inspiration. Cheers!

    (my sewing blog)

  25. How fun it is to be all pregnant together! My oldest was born #2 out of a batch of 4 all-boy cousins born between July and January, 6 years ago. It's been really fun to watch them grow up together. A month and a half ago we had another 4 sisters pregnant (this time we switched the oldest sister out for the youngest, though). Baby #2 of the batch was born yesterday, mine is due in 3 weeks, and the last is due in July. Siblings and cousins are priceless!


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