
06 January 2011

Lucky Day.

She's a dancer at heart.  She's always known it, I think.
Just watch her move: those long, graceful limbs.  She feels the rhythm.  
She started her first lesson yesterday, and I asked if I could snap some shots for a few minutes.
Apparently, according to another mom, they don't normally let us in there.

Olive waited for weeks, then counted down the hours, and was ready well in advance.
  As I was pulling her hair back in a bun, 

She smiled and looked at me in the mirror.  
"This day has been waiting for me, hasn't it?"
Yes, it has.
What a very lucky day.


  1. Yes, yes, yes, Olive is a dancer and she looks like a ballerina. I am so excited and thrilled that she began her ballet lessons. I love her long hair and that she's able to wear a bun. Please let me know when her recitals are. I want to be there! Yay for Olive, the ballerina.

  2. I love this. My little girl is a dancer too; we started last summer. She is the happiest little thing on that floor. Love the pic of your Olive with her leotard and tennis shoes. Adorable! ;)

  3. <3 So wonderful!! I'm glad your little girl is doing dance. I thoroughly enjoyed my dance days!! :-D
    And you're right, they don't normally let parents in. It's too distracting. You're lucky if they have one way mirrors instead of regular windows so you can watch. :)

  4. We went to ballet today too! Its so much fun to watch them take the class so seriously. XOXO

  5. How many days are waiting for us to discover them? Such a great pearl of wisdom.

  6. That is one of the sweetest stories I've ever heard! I have to say how much your daughter looks like you... lucky girl!

  7. I love how you seem to capture the amazing-ness of this day in your pictures!! Fallow me around with a camera pretty please!!!

  8. Oh man, what I would give to have taken ballet at that age! I started at 28! And LOVED IT! Those pictures... beyond words precious!

  9. Love love love the last photo! And her insight about the day waiting for her is priceless!!

  10. O-O-O-O-o-oh-h-h-h!
    What a priceless day. Wish I were in your pocket to sneak a peek.

  11. I think it is the most beautiful thing I ever read or heard... Shouldn't we all thing that about every day... that it had been waiting for us?

  12. Don't children just have a habit of filling your life with magical moments like that...and you have a magical way of expressing them...thanks for sharing.
    Portia (MissP)

  13. What a precious moment! God, kids can be so wise at times - they never cease to amaze me. Simply magical.

  14. This is so sweet! I love that she chose to wear blue as well rather than pink or black. Sweet and a bit different. Congrats to her on starting something that will bring her so much joy!

  15. Oh, that was so precious!!!! I have boys, so I'll never know what it's like to have a first day of dance class! That's okay...I'll just live vicariously through you! =)

  16. :) love this. The dance studio was my favorite place to go for about 15 years. :)

  17. Why did that make me tear up? These little people come down so solidified in themselves!

  18. Oh, precious! She really does look like a dancer, especially with her hair pulled back in that darling bun. Lucky girl.

  19. The sweetness of this almost made me cry!

  20. I see " Étoile" in olive's future. A blessed day for the dance world (ballet specifically).

  21. She's just perfection! So glad you got to witness Olive's first lesson. How could you miss that?

  22. How perfect! Such a sweet memory.

  23. That is absolutely precious! I hope she enjoys her lessons!

  24. How delightful and exciting! I was thinking of signing my three year old up for a kinder ballet class, thinking maybe it would help her learn to Be Still a little bit, but we decided kinder gymnastics is more her thing so we'll sign her up for that. (Three seems maybe early to sign kiddos up for stuff like that but winter is super nasty here so there are lots of that kind of thing around to give kids a chance to really move around!!)

  25. did you make her leotard and skirt? Love it in blue. So sweet.

  26. That is soooo sweet! My daughter is 8 and we just started dance again, it has been about 4-5 years. She is so excited and loves it too! Great pictures!!! Brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  27. so beautiful! My Sophie is the same way. She is now 13 and dances almost every day. I could watch her for hours..but they don't usually let us in either.

  28. Yeah! I am SOOOO glad you signed her up! She looks absolutely adorable! You'll have to let me know if you like her studio and how she is doing! :)


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