
13 January 2011

Tight Hold

As I was shooing the kids out the door to get them to school...late, Pearl asked if I would go to the grocery store.  One of my least favorite things to do.  We'll see, hoping to get through one more day with out making the trip.  Will you get bananas, and corned beef [is this my daughter?], oh, and I think we need some more bread, and probably milk and eggs.  Thank you, Pearl.  Will you remember all that?  Yes, Pearl.  

Clover and I were off to the grocery store.  Even before we walked through those sliding glass doors, Clover said, I don't want a balloon, the balloons they give out at the check-out stand.  Why not?  Because it goes up in the sky, with a look of sadness in her eyes.  

This one.  This one is already guarding her heart at the tender age of 2. 


  1. My daughter feels the same way... apparently I traumatized her at her 2nd birthday when I let the few balloons go. My mom unknowingly got her a balloon a few weeks later, and my little one gripped it to her chest for hours, fearing it, too, would be let into the sky :( I would have kept those balloons if I had known how it would traumatize her.

    weeshareblog at

  2. Oh, Clover. Life is hard. And full of balloons!

  3. Awww your girls sound sooo sweet!!! I love things that kids say, they are soooo sweet and innocent! Thank you for sharing! Brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  4. oh, that broke my heart. so sweet.

  5. ack! you can see it in her sweet, already knowing eyes.
    oh life.

  6. laughing out loud. clover's so clever.

  7. That is so funny! All my kids are that way when we go to the grocery balloons. They hate having to retrieve them from the ceiling and the tragic popping of the balloon (that's Daddy's job - why can't he just do it when they go to sleep?).

  8. Sweet Clover, that girl. And, all your others.

  9. oh sad. I remember when my balloon flew to the sky when I was little. Things like that stick with us, don't they!

  10. what an amazing photo. love it!

  11. Aw! So cute! Such adorable girls.


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