
02 January 2011

THE day-Christmas part o3

Christmas morning and Santa found us all the way in North Carolina!
Divine got her cast decorated by relatives
We started something new this year and all voted that it should certainly be a tradition.  All the adults brought three gifts, each containing their favorite things.  Then we had three rounds of drawing names and opening presents, and presents from that round could be stolen by those who still didn't have a gift.  It was so much fun to see what each person chose to give.  Olivia stole my hand made gift from my dad, a matching game I made using photos from everyone's blogs.
And of course Christmas would not be complete without made-from-scratch Danish pastries [drawing from our heritage again, this time from my dad's side.]
It was our turn to make dinner.  Roasted brussel sprouts, baked potato soup [again with the bacon!], fruit juice gelatin salad, and my dad made ginger rice krispie treats for dessert.
Sweet Mary Deane who has Cystic Fibrosis, which makes recovering from a cold a nightmare, caught a bug that was going around. Keep her in your prayers.
The youngest and oldest sibs, Ben studying to be a landscape designer [their first baby expected in a month!] and Ashley who teaches art at Brigham Young University.  
The lovely hostess, Jordan, who convinced me to start this darn blog in the first place, even when I dragged my feet and said it was something I never had any interest in doing.  You can thank her for my endless photo-laiden posts and nonsensical ramblings ;)
Ann was the best trouper of us all, having just had a baby the week before, driving 8 hours [should have been 4] with a broken tailbone.  I know!

The chickens seemed to endure the snow just fine, except for Gloria who had to learn how to fly in order to join her sisters over the giant circle of snow, as she had no intention of walking on the stuff.

Dr. Gooch, Jordan's love, who is the best hide and seeker in the world.  He even found Pearl who I tucked in the garbage can.
Baby Ivy who was so generous with her smiles, as long as her mom was RIGHT THERE.
All of us.  Church was canceled due to snowy conditions.  We held our own meeting.  Which was fine with us.


  1. I've really enjoyed getting a glimpse into your Christmas celebrations. It looks like you had a wonderful time with all your family!

    Also, I had no idea brussel sprouts grew like that!

  2. Well first of all Happy New Year!
    I had great time reading about your family traditions, and warmed my heart to see all taking part in the activities you undertook, and enjoying the presence of other members! And that last picture is fantastic - three generations together!

    P.S. If I happened to die yesterday (God forbid)I wouldn't have known about brussels sprout growing like that.

  3. lol I did not know that is how brussel sprouts grew either.

    Sometimes just being all together is the best kind of Church.

  4. Okay, that is quite possibly THE most beautiful family photo ever (the one in the snow). Breath-taking! And I love the gift game that you all playes - such a nice idea! And lastly, I must know where you got (or probably how you made!) the stockings with handles! Happy 2011!

  5. God Bless. warms my heart to see family togetherness on such a large scale.
    thanks to your sister for getting you started here and thanks to you for having something to say!
    happy new year

  6. Can I be in your family? It just looks and sounds like so much fun!

  7. love the stockings.. love the last family picture!! :) Looks like am amazing Christmas!

  8. How lovely are all these photos?! Those family get-togethers for Christmas are only going to get bigger from here on - but the squeeze makes it special, too, doesn't it? I'm still trying to work out the rules of the present-giving-and-stealing...
    So glad Jordan convinced you to do the blog thing. Originally I came here from Sew Mama Sew, but I'm an avid fan of your work, your photography, creativity, and the adventures of the baby Dills. Thanks for sharing your beautiful celebrations with us!

  9. That last picture is fantastic. How many are there in your family? looks like you didn't need a church with your own little congregation. XOXO

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Our church service was canceled after Christmas too!! I absolutely love the group shot at the end! It's beautiful!
    We live in NC as well, and while the snow was absolutely beautiful, I wish it would have showed up a day earlier, and melted before Sunday. ;-)

  12. I LOVE your group shot!! Looking at the picture, I can just feel your family's Christmas!

  13. SEW MUCH FUN! Thanks dear Katy for all your wonderful photos and commentary! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours!
    love you!

  14. A lovely story in pictures!

    I have to ask what camera you use as I know you love your tools and must have a good one!

  15. I always enjoyed reading your blogs but this one is the greatest!! I know you had a wonderful, busy Christmas with your family!! Thanks you for sharing and Happy New Year!!!

  16. I don't want the photos to end!

  17. That last photo is SO beautiful with the snow and everyone's co-ordinating outfits! Magical!

  18. Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us through photos and script. It was full of family, laughter, love, delicious food, and snow! I love how you began with a "trying to get settled" photo and ended with a spectacular family photo masterpiece. Priceless!

  19. I really enjoyed seeing all of your family Christmas pictures. The white scarf with the button on it looks like one I just knitted. The last photo of all of you is simply beautiful.

    PS. Just ordered from the link you gave and waiting for my ruffle fabric to make your skirt! Love!


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