
10 January 2011

As seen on...

I feel completely humbled, honored, and flattered that the kind women over as Sew, Mama, Sew invited me for an interview over there about a review of 2010 and predictions for 2011, and then they said such nice things about me, like "Katy Dill from no big dill is one of the bloggers we’re looking to as a rising star this year!"  If you'd like to see my small input over there, go here.  However, I wouldn't place any bets on my predictions, I'm not that reliable ;)


  1. You are a star...rising or not. Great interview.

  2. And then you wonder why I was so "star-struck" to have met you! :-) you're so cool and that interview was fun to read! And as far as the embellished t-shirts go, I never got it. But, to each his own!

  3. 5 girls and such gorgeous figure! what areyou doing to keep your waist line? :)

  4. Congratulations! Looking forward to the reveal of this big project. By the way, how in the world do you have time to keep up such a great, robust blog with five girls? I think you should write an entry about time management. :) Would love it actually. I have a hard enough time with just one (boy).

  5. Rising star...I completely agree!!

  6. WOW!! that's incredible! congratulations on being discovered. :) but "we" found you first, right? thanks for all your beautiful blogging. i love reading about your family & your sewing. i even got excited once, thinking we were related, as i have knudsens in my family. but no luck.

    ANYWAY, hats off to you & your future fame and seamstress stardom in 2011!!


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