
30 December 2010

We've been away.

It was breath-taking, capricious, and so worth it.

And, we got a White Christmas
More to come. 

p.s. there's one more day to enter the MasterCard MarketPlace Review here for a $100 giftcard giveaway!


  1. I love the picture, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Such a pretty Christmas! XO

  3. BRRR looks cold but lovely. Especially considering today here is 40C (104F) and strong gusty winds and fire danger warnings. Can't wait to see more pics.
    xo MODELmumma

  4. Great picture!! Ah a white Christmas it was so awesome..I dont know who was more excited for the snow the adults or the kids..I think the adults were..haha! We havent had a white Christmas in years..we are originally from SD and live in the south so it was a picturesque perfect Christmas for us!!! Glad u had a great Chirstmas!!!

  5. That picture is worth framing! Beautiful!

  6. Beautiful photo Katy. Happy New Year to all the Dills ♥ look forward to seeing you in 2011.


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