
31 December 2010

Not So Warm Welcome-Christmas part o1

First up: Savannah, Georgia.  Boy was it chilly!  Our thin-blooded baby dills weren't quite prepared for such temperatures and windchill.
We walked along the riverfront, popping in and out of shops, mostly to warm up before continuing our journey, but we did purchase some really thin cashew brittle that was scrumptious, [this coming from someone who doesn't like brittle.]

The kids enjoyed the s t e e P steps the most.  I enjoyed the old stones and flourishing moss on the steep steps.

Then we came across this stained glass wall of HONEY!  Isn't it beautiful?  All those shades of amber from different types of flowers.
We had a honey buffet, and tucked under our arm to bring home some local Savannah Tupelo honey, although we are always tempted by Acacia honey, which is the smoothest golden goodness you'll ever find.  I also grabbed some mint julep chapstick which has even replaced my Burt's Bees.  I know.
Such an actress.  You know which one I'm talking about.
We left Savannah to join the cousins in North Carolina!  This was our welcome come Christmas Eve morning:
[not from the cousins, of course.] Thankfully, nothing was stolen, not even the GPS, sitting right there on the seat.  So, off we went to visit the firehouse with a slew of cousins.

A couple of my coneheads cracking up
Furry fun Eli
Seriously striped Clover


  1. I love Savannah. It's so pretty there. I haven't been in years though. Thanks for the memories. Question: Where did you get the grey jacket your little girl has on?

  2. Hahahaha, the coneheads are hilarious! Their own idea? So funny!

  3. you're girls are too cute! pearl never ceases to make me smile!

  4. the coneheads is absolutely CLASSIC - love!

  5. Phyrflie-It came from Target years ago.

    Deanna-I'm not sure. It might have been my dad's ;)

  6. beautiful pictures. I love how adorable your family is.

  7. You never seize to amaze me with the wonderful stories you tell of your family life through pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  8. Love this photo journal of your travels!

    The car is a mystery, maybe it was an accident? Lucky though!

  9. I LOVE the coneheads pic! cracked me up. I really love your photography too. You capture everything so well.
    Bummer about the broken windscreen. How very annoying and rude but at least nothing was stolen.
    xo MODELmumma

  10. Your truely are a genius photographer...some of those shots are a amazing. And you're husband obviously has patience. My husband gets so irritated whenever I try to set up a shot. Happy New Year! XOXO

  11. I live in Georgia, and about a week ago, every car that was parked on the street in our neighborhood got their front windshield hit with a baseball bat by some teenagers. It was not smart of them, not only because the front windshield is the strongest windshield, but because half of the cars were unlocked.


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