
13 December 2010

Gift Rut?

For that person who you think has everything.
Hand engraved Be Glasses.

Just think of the fun dinner would Be:

katy: Tell us what your glass says and how you were that Be today.

divine: Be Still-I folded my arms and bowed my head during prayers.

pearl: Be Positive-I helped Lauren feel better about her dog dying, that he was in Heaven now.

olive: Be Involved.  What does that mean?

ryan:  It means you participated and took part in something good.

olive:  Oh.  I played kickball at recess.  Is that good?

ryan: yes!  exercise is good for your body!

azure:  [divine whispers in her ear] Be Clean-I washed my hands and sang the abc song.

clover:  [pearl whispers in her ear] Be Twue!

katy:  now everyone switch glasses and do it again!  Just kidding.  Don't.  Really, Pearl, don't.

You can get your very own, original set from my papa here.



  1. Here's another Be:

    Be thankful you have such a talented father!

  2. So cool! Your dad is so talented. I wish I could afford to buy these for may grandma...she would love them!

  3. Your father is so talented... as, it seems, is your whole family. I wish I could justify those beauties, but I have to stick with my favorite 6 for $1.50 IKEA glasses until my kids (and I) drop things less. :D

  4. You have bunch of cute little girls there!


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.