
15 November 2010

So Worth It

How was your long weekend?  Was it almost too long?  

This time in my life and the ages of my kids makes everything so intense: there is a lot of noise, a lot of mess, and certainly a lot of sibling squabbles.  I mentally apologize to whomever we sit next to in church before the meeting begins.  Perhaps I should start vocalizing those sentiments.  But there were two especially sweet moments from this weekend.  During our two hour meeting on Sunday I felt like it was a wrestling match, though on hard metal chairs instead of in a ring.  Up and down.  Up and Down.  Offering this book to read, this picture to color, or these stickers to stick.  Getting back from taking 3 to use the bathroom and Clover says, "I need to go potty!"  I admit that I whispered in her ear to go in her diaper, after she confirmed it was number one she needed to go.  She refused and got louder in her request until Ryan took pity [or felt embarrassed?] and took her.  I felt like it was a parade, the circus, and a wrestling match, all rolled into a bundle of 5 Sunday-clad girls.

At the end of the meeting, the older woman sitting next to us went up to Ryan and told him what well-behaved children we have.  What?!  I think she had dementia, or needed glasses and most definitely a hearing aid.  How I appreciated her simple comment.  It was almost as if she refilled my parenting confidence, encouraging us that we are doing an okay job, because sometimes I wonder.
Then last night as I was tucking my sweet Olive in bed, she said, "I'm sorry I've been naughty this weekend, will you forgive me?" with tears flowing.  And then my heart melted and I thought, it's worth it, parade, circus, wrestling match and all.


  1. Oh the magic of those, will you forgive me. Thank you for the reminder, once again.

  2. so very sweet!!!! your girls are adorable :)

  3. What a sweet post. Sitting through church is the ultimate challenge sometimes, isn't it:)!

    In church yesterday, my little 2 year old was picking her nose and when I stopped her and told her not to and it was yucky, she yelled, "No, boogers are YUMMY!" Ahh! so embarassing.

    Anyways, thanks for this post!

  4. i think when those ladies come right when you think you will loose it, to compliment you on your kids behavior its such an encouragement. and sometimes for me a needed reminder that they ARE well behaved kids and sometimes i expect a little too much.
    we took our 2 camping/hiking/cave exploring this weekend, the perfect example (like church) of something difficult but so worth it, to experience with your darlings. would have been much more relaxing to go just the two of us, but to miss those faces and the joy of new their experience... would have been a travesty :O)
    as always, adore those sweet tan faces, wide smiles & big eyes.

  5. Oh man, this post made me cry. I feel the EXACT same way on Sunday. It is always a circus and I'm always so thankful for the sweet ladies that understand. Confession: I whispered the same thing to my little Maisy about two weeks ago! But those sweet moments make it so worth it. What a sweet little Olive you have!

  6. People always say the nicest things to me-- I hope that when I'm older, I will remember to do that. I think that hearing nice things makes me believe in myself more :) And I hope I can pass that on!

  7. so excited to MEET them little apologetic dills.

  8. I feel your pain and I only have two little squirmers each Sunday in Church. Each time I see a family with many children in Church, I make sure to compliment the parents as they are doing their best to bring up the next generation in the faith and no amount of encouragement is too small in those trying (but oh so rewarding) years!

  9. I have four kids and the weekly wrestling match we have at church is amazing. But it is all worth it and we keep on going. Thanks for your post. I need to remember the "Will you forgive me?" and ask my kids for that forgiveness, as I am often in the wrong.

  10. GREAT post! Very real. It is such a sweet thing when we occasionally get a glimpse of the grace of God on our children's lives (and our parenting). It really does make it worth all of the stress and fuss and everything else that comes from having a large family when those little ones say or do something that just makes our hearts want to burst with joy, maternal pride, and relief that they DO seem to be getting something good from us! :)

  11. That is so sweet, Katy. I feel the same way about our children whenever we go anywhere! I'm always very conscious of how loud they are. But every so often people will comment on how well behaved they are and I think the same thing... Um, are you talking about MY kids??

    I guess I should enjoy it. Soon they will be teens and it'll be like pulling teeth to get them to talk to me.

  12. Whatever you tell us, I still dream I too could be a mother of at least one ;-) More than that, whatever you tell us, it gives me hope again. thank you, Katy

  13. I've said it once and I will say it have the most beautiful children. :)

  14. So sweet!
    We were on an overnight ferry journey a couple of years ago with 4 kids including 1yr old twins, having a circus of a breakfast in the morning, and a big burly trucker came up and told us what well behaved kids we had! I could have hugged him!

  15. How sweet. Your girls are beautiful, healthy, happy and loved. You're doing a wonderful job!

  16. so true. i am there. you know? i am right there. my 20 month old boy and my 1 month old (today) girl. there IS a lot of noise; there IS a lot of mess.

    and i am tired but i love it.

  17. As a mom whose daughter is well past that age, I can definitely say there's most likely no need to apologize. When other mom's do, I'm quite honest in say 'no need'. Your girls sound joyful and loved.

  18. That Olive is one special girl.

  19. Reading this reminded me of traveling on an airplane with my nephews. I was put in charge of them because my sister had a new born baby to attend to and wasn't even assigned to sit by us. Boy did I not have any idea what I was in for!! Between screams, obnoxious whistling, whines, and kicking the seats in front of us- I thought the people around us were going to come tape their mouths shut or something. But to my surprise, the first thing the people in front of me said as we were unloading was how well I managed the kids. hah YA RIGHT. But you gotta love when people are understanding.

  20. God sends that encouragement right on time. I am always thankful for those.Like when my seven year old said to me,"mom thanks for taking such good care of us". or my two year old says," I wuf (love) you mommy". Or my son says, "mom we should adopt some orphans they would like you" These all come after those long days in grocery store or the doctors office etc...


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