
18 November 2010

Secret Weapon

Want to know a secret weapon of mine?  Short on time and an easy way to get a whole bunch of vegetables in your [kids'] diet?  From-the-box fondue!  Don't ask me why it doesn't need refrigeration--it's almost too good to be true.

It comes in a foil pouch that slips out and into your pot.  We are now officially a two cheese box family.  Can you believe it?  We do have a fondue pot, but we don't mess with digging it out dusting it off, we just warm the cheese on the stove and return it whenever it cools off too much.  Creates anticipation, you know?

I steam all my veggies together.  You could even buy precut to save additional time.  I almost couldn't find my apple, it was so well camouflaged.

Big chunks of dipping bread are known to be popular with the little people of my house.  You could also dip cooked chunks of your meat of choice for additional protein and iron.  I'm more of a veggie/carbohydrate girl myself.  

We always do fondue on New Year's Eve, but we love it so much, I pulled it out a little early this year.  And we might be seeing even more of it with it's luring simplicity and ease.


  1. I always love to learn ways to get kids to eat better. This would work for all but one of kids. My four year old has an embargo on orange cheese.

  2. We do a yearly New Year's Eve fondue party too. We've been getting together with the same group of friends for years. It's so much fun! We look forward to it every year!

  3. We do a New Years' Eve fondue party as well!! Since like forever!! Love cheese fondue!!

  4. Great idea! Love the apple picture and the crown on your daughter. :)

  5. I will have to try this. I'm not sure I've ever had cheese fondue! How sad for me! :)

  6. this is what we have done also with our kids, except we don't have fondue, we use reduced cream dips ( something that is quick in New Zealand ) Its basically reduced cream mixed with a soup packet for flavour. Then we dip in our carrot sticks broccoli and cauli raw, it works a treat! Although when they are young they just suck off all the dip, until they one day take a bite :) I'm glad you put it out there, because it really works! That and fresh peas !! yum :)

  7. I'm so glad to hear that this works for dinner! I'm a HUGE fondue fan, and haven't had it in years. I picked up a package the other day, and have been thinking I needed a special occasion for it ... but it seems like a last-minute weeknight dinner might be it! Thanks!

  8. We love fondue and haven't had it in way too long. Guess it's time to break out the fondue pot!

  9. Can you believe I have never tried fondue? I may have to put on my Christmas list...and I love that pic of the apple :)

  10. I love fondue..and I love the idea of just opening a BOX! Where do you buy it?

  11. ditto what paige asked. where in the supermarket is this stuff located? i have never seen it. thanks.

  12. forgot to ask another question...what is the temp of this stuff? does it stay creamy when just warm or does it need to be hot? thanks again.

  13. Paige and Neeley--I just get mine at our local grocery store which is Publix in our part of the country. They even carry two different types. Sometimes it is by the pepperoni and sometimes I have to hunt and ask for it as it tends to move around. I'm sure you could also find it in more specialty grocery stores like Whole Foods or perhaps even Trader Joes(?).

    Neeley--It just needs to be very warm to stay dip-able, not necessarily hot.

  14. I may have to get some of this next time I am grocery shopping as we do fondue at my brother in laws house but never here and my girls love it.


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