
16 November 2010


An unintentional bubble bath was made by two mischievous girls this balmy morning.
I was so pleased with myself for not getting angry.  
After all, 
what else would one naturally do with a 32 oz bottle of a suds producing concoction sitting within reach?
But as I rinsed off the offenders,
  I panicked with the closeness of Christmas looming and me with a list as long as a full grown palm tree of what I want to do/make/accomplish before the star appears.

And you?


  1. I am I am I am!!! I keep saying I will put it off until after Thanksgiving, to try to give myself a little peace now, but that doesn't seem to be working!

  2. Yes. It's hitting full tilt this week.

  3. Today is the day that I start throwing myself into the Christmas frenzy. I really hope I get it all done.

  4. girls after my own heart :)
    I went looking for my christmas presents this morning, found them.
    I need to pass a couple exams, so the fun of christmas is a way away for me!

  5. YES!! I should write it all down; however, if I do than reality of all that should be accomplished is so very overwhelming! The only thing that I have about done is my girls clothing for a picture. Wish me some grace that they co operate:)

  6. YES! Massively panicking. My side's Christmas must be finished before next Sunday, I'm hosting my first Thanksgiving next week, and my little man's first birthday is next Saturday. I may or may not be drowning in projects.
    Yep, I definitely am.

  7. Oh yes. Yes I am. Am attempting to jumpstart by having a crafty night here with some friends on Friday....but AEEIIIIII!!!

    I need to make the billy cardigan for my sister (right after I figure out how to drive to where she lives, steal one of her shirts, trace it, and return it before she notices). I have an idea for a set of reusable grocery bags for my dad that will all be contained in some kind of pouch (he's big on reusable grocery bags AND trunk organization). And do not even get me STARTED on the "rainbow dress that twirls!" that my daughter has requested. Horizontal stripes? Vertical trumpet skirt? The mind reels.

    :) Happy sewing!

  8. I think I might have to admit what I want to be done, won't be done before Christmas without losing the joy of the season.

    We need to reevaluate and prioritize.

  9. Yes, I have so much to do and so little time! Good luck :)

  10. half way there! but my husband thinks that it is cheap to give homemade presents like we are poor. his words not mine. i do i convince him this crafting thing is good.
    and don't worry i have all confidence that you will get things accomplished.

  11. Panicking also. I've gotten a few requests this year so it's going to be a long few weeks.

  12. so with you!
    trying so hard for more effective parenting this week and being tested!
    and flipping out about Christmas... and Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK> how did that happen?!
    so much sewing, organizing, etc.... let the praying begin.

  13. I am in complete panic mode over here! and it's not just Christmas that I'm freaking out over, my daughter's birthday is this coming Monday and I have set out to do all of her presents by hand this year.. I am just hoping that I can get it all done in time.

  14. totally panicking

    it's not pretty

  15. Almost panicking. You shouldn't, you are superwoman.
    I'm ignoring all that I have to make and do, haha.
    I have a similar bath story...but mine involves bath bombs (that I was planning on sending to YOU) and a naughty Mr. No (son's new nickname)....
    Take a deep breath, sweet Katy!!!!

  16. ohmylanta! I am so worried! This is the first year I've committed to at least attempting to make most of our much to do! We'll make it though!

  17. This is my second totally handmade Christmas and I have 3 halfway finished quilts for my boys that I'm freaking out about right now!!!!!!! not to mention the gifts for the rest of my family that need to be finished. I keep saying I can do it I can do it I can do it. But i'm not convinced yet.

  18. I totally feel ya! I have Christmas projects out the wazoo to do, and I'm moving across the state on the 15th of December! Ha! Wish me lucky family may get kits of projects instead of actual finished products. :)

  19. YES! I wish we lived closer... at least we could work on our projects together! The kids could play with bubbles... :)

  20. What we need is to have you ALL come over and we can work on projects through the night and into the morning.

    Althea-thank you. That's just what I needed. I made some great progress today, but of course more things came up as well....

  21. Complete's almost crippling.

  22. I hear you! I'm totally panicked! Seems it's summer one day and the first Advent Sunday the next! I am trying to prioritize...! Good luck to you and me and all the rest of us who try to make as much as we buy--it's the harder but more rewarding route for sure!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Big time. Having nightmares and everything.

  25. Thank you for your sweet comment about Madeline!

    I'm in a total panic! I have a feeling we will all have kids getting into bubble trouble as we scurry to create the perfect Christmas gifts.

  26. Heck ya! I'm so panicked in fact that I took the week off blogging and that is serious panick in my book...haha, I never not blog.

    We all need to cheer each other on and of course, drink a lot of coffee!

  27. No panicking about Christmas yet, but good grief! Thanksgiving is next week and I don't even have a turkey!

  28. Every day closes with me a tiny bit closer to being done, but not close enough. I'm also working on two December birthday parties for my kids too! It doesn't help that everyday I'm constantly inspired by more things!

    Good luck crossing things off your list.

  29. What a good mom you are.

    Yes I'm a little panicked because my star appears almost three weeks earlier than normal! :) I almost have my Christmas cards done.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.