
08 November 2010

Heavy Laden

They are recent to the neighborhood renters.  Ryan asked if we could come over and pick their persimmons.  Our what?  That tree in your backyard.  Oh, I don't know what kind of tree that is.  It's a persimmon tree.  Sure, yeah, take what you want.  While we're back here we'll pick your kumquats, too.  Imagine what they'd think if we asked them that.
 Are you feeling heavy laden?  
I am.  I do.  I was.  
That's what I love about the Sabbath.
 It always softens my heart.  I feel censured, pruned and sheered, but lighter and with hope in my soft[ened] heart.
It's fortifying to remember I don't have to be in charge of it all.  I cannot control everyone, nor do I need to.  That's not my [p]lot.  I just need to have my heart softened so what I have to offer, my fruit, can be used for what God wants.
 That is easy. 
And hard.

Do you have a to-die-for persimmon recipe?  Quick!  I need it pronto!


  1. I grew up in Florida (St. Augustine) and my grandmother used to make persimmon jam and it was fabulous!! She passed away but I inherited all of her cookbooks. I will look and see if the recipe is there! :) Your blog is so fabulous!

  2. Yes, Amy!! I'd love your grandma's persimmon jam recipe!


    I haven't made it (no persimmons) but her recipesare fabulous!

    I picked pomegranates like that this year; my sister-in-law did the asking and we got enough to make jelly.

    Hre is a persimmon jelly recipes (scroll down the page a bit):

    I remember the first time I saw a persimmon tree. I was in France, and I wondered what fruits those were, hanging up in the tree with no leaves, like ornaments.

  4. Just a few...YUM!

    Cranberry Sauce w/ Rosemary and Persimmons

    1 bag cranberries, rinsed and picked through
    juice from 4 tangerines
    1 tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
    3 fuyu persimmons, peeled and diced
    2/3 - 3/4 cup sugar (depending on how sweet you like it)
    1/2 tsp kosher salt

    Add all ingredients to a saucepan. Stir. Place pan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium and cook for about 15 minutes or until the cranberries burst, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow cranberry sauce to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

    Persimmon Rosemary Tart

    Use your favorite pastry crust for this recipe.

    4-5 ripe persimmons, par-boiled, skinned and sliced thinly
    2 tablespoons of rosemary simple syrup*
    1 tbsp sugar
    1 tsp finely-chopped rosemary

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Roll out chilled dough. Place rolled dough into tart pan and dock the bottom with a fork to help release steam during pre-bake. Place tart crust in the oven for ten minutes to set, and remove to cool slightly before adding fruit slices.

    Take the persimmon slices and toss with rosemary simple syrup, sugar, and chopped rosemary. Arrange evenly in cooled tart crust. Brush some of the leftover syrup onto the exposed parts of the crust before placing back into the oven at a lowered temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and let it bake for another 15-20 minutes, until the fruit is slightly browned. Serve with fresh whipped cream, small scoop of vanilla ice cream or by itself.

    *To make the rosemary simple syrup, combined one part sugar to one part boiling water over the stove. Dissolve sugar, let mixture simmer for a few minutes with a large sprig of rosemary to impart flavor. Remove sprig and let the syrup cool before using.

  5. go to! she has 3 clean eating recipes with persimmons: jam, butter, and bread. they all look very yummy!

  6. Wow! Same day you posted this another blogger I follow just happened to post about persimmons! Stef says you can use them in any recipe that calls for pumpkin at her post here:


    Check out my dad's latest persimmon craziness!

  8. I am SO jealous!! My hubby served his mission in Japan and persimmons are a fave. Try making persimmon pudding, similar (loosely) to bread pudding, it is fantastic! The recipe in the Joy of Cooking is amazing. Good luck!!

  9. I've lived in Florida my entire life but I've never had a persimmon! I always thought they were one of those elusive northern fruits!

  10. What a lovely post! And yes I do feel more hopeful and less burdened on Sunday's. Well really any day that I dwell on His perfect, holy and righteous nature, that we are not worthy of Him but through Christ we are made worthy and share in His kingdom. Is there anything else better than that? I think not!
    Sorry I don't know a whole lot about persimmon's OR kumquats!

  11. Никогда не видела как растет хурма, теперь знаю, совсем как яблоки :)
    Спасибо за фото!

  12. Makes me miss Korea--all those plump persimmons. You do have my recipe still? But more important, thank you for the Sabboth reminder. I feel the same way!

  13. WOW! Thank you for all the recipes. I need to get cookin'! Clover carries the bucket of persimmons around calling them 'persons'.

  14. I'm not usually one to comment but this recipe is so ridiculously good that I had to:


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