
21 October 2010

Short Changed

 I've been refilling bobbins and clipping threads like crazy lately.  I love it.  Well, not refilling bobbins.  Who loves that, really.  But I love what it implies.
Clover's shirt was the object of midnight oil being burned.  Okay, more like 10:30 oil.  It's funny how something that would make me mad broad daylight makes me laugh when it gets late at night.   

 I'm sure it was completely my mistake, but somehow the front of the shirt was shorter than the back.  Majorly, as in whole inches.  Thus the laughter.  Then I decided it was fortuitous after all and put a horizontal pattern from the fabric across the front piece.  I like it.
 Yes, it is awfully wrinkly.  After all, it has been worn the whole day.  And yes, there might also be some chocolate on it only because Clover now thinks she can have cookies for breakfast, too.  She's her father's daughter.
 This is where the pattern came from.  So you see, not reading Japanese, I could have very well short changed the front of this hippy-esque tunic myself.
One more thing.  I've got a post and link coming up tomorrow I'm ecstatic about.  All I can say is it has to do with Billy Blanks.

* * *fabric came from my mother-in-law's stash years ago* * *


  1. definitely fortuitous mistake.
    i want one in my size!

  2. Gorgeous blouse! I love the embroidered stitch along the keyhole opening in back--such a nice touch! I maybe have to start buying Japanese sewing books but I don't know if it's wise to add to my pile of "someday" patterns. I love the mistake-turned-brilliant!

  3. Beautiful! I have that book as well, and I adore all of the beautiful patterns in the book. However, I am still too intimidated by the fact that the patterns are written entirely in Japanese.

  4. I think it's brilliant!
    I really do love it!!!!

  5. Love it! I think it looks great!

  6. I would never have guessed that the panel on the bottom was not planned from the get-go. You should start lying and pretend like it was your whole plan.
    I'm way too pregnant to laugh at my mistakes right now. I'm more likely to keep going and hope it's not really all that bad, and maybe topstitching or pressing will somehow make the world better. And then scream a mental scream and toss it in the garbage. I'm doing so much better with quilting than sewing clothes for my daughter lately... In my head everything looks like it's way too big so then I stupidly make the seam allowances bigger everywhere, using my serger of course, where mistakes like that cannot be undone, and then it's always too small. *shriek of rage* I should really get on with accepting that my child has GROWN.

  7. Oh, it's beautiful Katy. You did great--I just made a skirt that had the same thing happen--no idea how, but it did.

  8. I'm intrigued, I love a good Tae Bo session.

  9. Gorgeous! If I ever get a daughter I will be commissioning you!

  10. gorgeous as usual.
    clover is getting taaaaaaaaaaaaaall.
    time for baby dill #6?

  11. i am in love with this shirt! if only i could convince my husband that my sons would look just as cute in it... hmm, probably not. i also just have to tell you that whenever your blog pops up in my reader, it is the first one i read. you always have such lovely things to share - thanks.

  12. I am pretty sure that is THE CUTEST shirt I have ever seen!!!
    Gosh, you have an adorable model too. but seriously. Just beautiful!!!

  13. VERY pretty shirt, and I'm with you 10:30 is late!

  14. OH! But it's so perfect! That one strip across the bottom sets of the shirt just right. It wasn't a mistake but very good luck!

  15. i love love love it!!! I want one!

  16. One of my favorites so far and such a sweet little model!

  17. Can you make one in my size? I love it!

  18. I think it is adorable! I love happy mistakes. :) And bobbin winding is one of my least favorite things to do for sure!

  19. That is the cutest thing I've seen all day! And the shirt too, I really love it.

  20. oh i LOVE this! and the fabric too! can i ask where the fabric is from?

  21. Oh Katy! Clover looks adorable in it. I wish I could sew clothes like this for Sophie. :)

  22. That is one gorgeous shirt! Now i'm here wishing I had that fabric so i could make one!

  23. I totally agree with you, things are so much funnier at night. I think all hard things should be done in the late PM! It would make for a much happier hard thing! Fab shirt on a gorgeous little one!

  24. Beautiful photography and the little shirt (and little person) are simply sweetness itself.

  25. Love your first photo. That is the sweetest shirt! I want one now. ;)

  26. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shirt. Dang! She is a beautiful baby. What a little angel!

  27. There aren't even words to tell you how much I love that tunic! And what a cutie-pie model!

  28. that top photo is so sweet! the top is gorgeous.

  29. I especially like your first photo of Clover! She's super cute. I love the shirt. I love the print of the fabric and the pattern. Brilliant work!

  30. This top is adorable but working at 10:30PM - way too late!

  31. Breathtaking blouse on a beautiful baby!!


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