
12 October 2010

Giant Honeycrisp

Did you think I had abandoned my candy corn quest? I haven't. I have abandoned my life. But just for a few days. I'm off celebrating something much more enjoyable and lasting than the conical confection: our marriage of 10 years and all the things we've done, the people we've made, and just being us without diapers and homework and whining and naps [unless...] Is it horrible that I adore this photo of my love so well, when he isn't actually in it? One of the first things I fell in love with about him from a safe, platonic distance was his chin. Mighty fine profile.
We come home to our baby dills who hopefully have been kind to their caregivers. We left them a visual countdown with snacks, treats, toys, and such. I will post visuals for you of our getaway and then get back to one or two more candy corn projects. Or perhaps the other way around. You never know with me.


  1. have a great, refreshing, romantic getaway!!
    that is one handsome chin :O)
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Have fun!- my parents are going on 25 years now! congratulations!

  3. Have a wonderful time! I do so love you both.

  4. I love this idea for the kids. How cute are those!?!
    Have a fabulous time!

  5. Happy anniversary! Hope you had a great giveaway. Love the countdown idea. :)

  6. A very happy anniversary! Hope you're enjoying your time together.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your special time together!

  8. Congrats on 10 years! Fantastic effort.
    Love the countdown idea with the brown paper bags. Cool!

  9. 10 years and 5 girls is definitely cause for celebration! Have a wonderful time!

  10. That chin is just a shadow of the real thing!
    Thanks for the memories this past week!

  11. It sounds like you all had a blast together!

    Happy 10th!

    What a fun mom you are.


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