
30 October 2010

Final Candy Corn Project

A few weeks ago the brake lights on my car weren't functioning very brightly.
I took a trip to the car parts place and for five bucks picked up some new bulbs and some free labor.
Lights installed and still no success.  Turns out to be an electrical problem valued at several hundred dollars instead of just a few.
Yesterday I went to have the oil changed.  I brought Olive and Ryan for back-up because those guys always convince me to fix this or that.
 Turns out my little Vanessa [that's what I just named my car] needs even more several hundreds of dollars sunk into her.  
How does this relate to Olive's Candy Corn Skirt?  
There happened to be a plethora of orange photo op spots in the neighborhood.
And in case you're confused, Olive's skirt is not such a blatant candy corn copycat like my other projects. 
I went the route of interpretation and creative license based on the chocolate candy corn.
 I let Ryan be in a shot since he happened to dress color coordinated with his accessories.
So, the upside of this car news: I got a photo shoot out of it that was free.

Thank you for indulging me in my Candy Corning.
Want to see all the projects together?

Pattern: Oliver + S
Fabric: Upholstery remnant and variegated wale corduroy


  1. as usual, a fabulous garment! I haven't gotten to sew for my girls the last few months but you always make me want to get my oliver and s patterns out!!!

  2. That skirt is gorgeous. Of all the blogs I read, I think I'm the most inspired by yours ... I love the way you mix patterns, textures, and colors, and of course, your photos are beautiful. Thanks for providing such inspiration!

  3. Okay, first of all, as soon as I saw the first picture I was like, "Shut up, that is NOT the candycorn project!" Because on the inside I'm a 17 yr old valley girl or something, apparently. That looks gorgeous!
    Secondly, that is eXACTly why I am scared to take my SUV in. It does funny little things every now and then and my husband is all like 'yeaaah, we just need to get the brakes tightened and they can run diagnostics, it's probably fiiiiiine.' but I just know, just KNOW that it will need MAJOR work. I know this because I am about to have a baby, and we have not blown a tire. That might seem irrelevant but we have a little history of having to drop big dolla on a vehicle every time we have a big event. On our wedding day my husband blew TWO tires. Just before our first daughter another tire blew. I have a screw in my tire that keeps emptying it, but I've been assured that can be fixed by a patch, and the other tires are great, so the engine is definitely about to blow on that sucker.

  4. Love the colors, texture, and your signature on the skirt. Sorry about your car; car troubles are annoying and I often feel like I get taken advantage of b/c I'm a girl and know little or nothing about how cars work.

  5. You are awesome. I just love your projects and your blog. You are so talented. I know I've probably said that a million times. It's true:).

  6. The skirt is fabulous, as always. I love that you turned a bad situation into a themed photo shoot. It may not technically be lemons into lemonade, but it's close.

  7. I absolutely adore this skirt Katy. If somebody made it for me I'd wear it every day!!

  8. Yum. Chocolate and orange! The best combination on an Olive.

  9. You're killin' me with these CUTE Oliver + S designs. You know, I don't have nary-a-one of their patterns. That is soon going to change girlfriend!

  10. Wow! You are so amazingly talented! I love your attention to detail, the embroidery of "no big dill" is the perfect detail!

  11. How is it that I covet your kids' clothing for myself? Love it.

  12. what a pretty skirt and I love all the candy corns in her pocket

  13. I have the same electrical problem w/ my Honda Odyssey. Stinks. Too bad my daughter wasn't wearing such a cute skirt and backdrops to photograph during our wait! :) It's lovely.

  14. that orange corduroy kind of reminds me of an orange headlight somehow...

    love olive's face in that last one!

  15. Love that little skirt with an autumn-y color. Such a cutie! :) I am so sorry about your car though.


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