
20 October 2010

A Date for Five

I received 4 tickets for the prescreening of Secretariat.  "Who should we invite?" I asked Ryan.
We had a few names in mind, other couples whose company we enjoy, but then I thought of how sad Pearl would be when she found out we went to see a movie about a horse without her.  So Divine and Pearl were invited.  
Then, of course, how could we leave out our Olive?  The plan was for all of us to go and if they really would only let 4 of us in, it would become a daddy-daughter date.  I told everyone to dress up.  Olive took me literally.
We stopped for treats, and they did let all 5 of us attend. I wish I could say it was the best movie I've ever seen.  I wish I could say that our children were delightful the whole evening and that nobody spilled their entire box of Mike and Ike's during a particularly quiet scene.
But it wasn't and they weren't and she did.
I will say that I hope they remember we did things with them, that we tried to make happy memories for them.  That's what really counts, right?
And just perhaps my favorite part of the evening [besides being with my love and baby dills, of course]?  
Hot fries.


  1. And I am sure they will remember dressing up and even wearing the adorable princess dress and how much fun it was to go. Sorry the movie wasn't that great, we haven't see it yet but I will wait for the DVD.

  2. oh dear, you didn't like it? i'd heard it was quite good.... mixed reviews!
    i'm sure the girls gave the evening a rave review and had a blast:O)

  3. Such lucky girls to have a night out on the town!

  4. I remember dressing up to go out..... so much fun.

  5. Oh my gosh I LOVE that she wore her Cinderella dress!!!!!!!

  6. Oh my gosh I LOVE that she wore her Cinderella dress!!!!!!!

  7. My parents used to take us to broadway shows and concerts. For some reason all I can remember is Dream Girls and Ashford and Simpson. They say they took me to the Temptations but I can't remember that. I LOVED dressing up and hanging out at night time with my parents.

  8. Well, you did say dress up!

    Hubby and I went and watched "Secretariat" and we enjoyed it immensely; me, mostly because I knew how it ended, HAHA!

  9. When I was a young girl my mom had my sister and I get all dressed up, Daddy came home from work early, and we all went to see the movie Annie. It is the only movie that we all saw together, and I have very fond memories of that day. I'm sure your girls will remember your outing too.

  10. I love that you dressed up, so cute! I can't wait to see that movie (I hope my daughter will love horses when she's a little older!)

  11. Just found your blog today and I am tempted to stay an hour or so! Your girls are beautiful. I have five daughters too.

  12. I loved how they got all dressed up to go to the movies - they are so cute

  13. Too funny...Cinderella! Despite the not so wonderful movie, what a FUN time for the girls!

    P.S. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new header pic. Sends a zinger right to the heart of my obsession...sewing machines!

    I totally enjoy your blog and find it more than inspirational. Thanks you for sharing your life/creativity/skills with the rest of us!!!


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