
26 October 2010


 I've been working on the 

I wanted a tag for it, but I'm the type of person who has a hard time committing.
I almost did, but backed out at the last moment.
Hundreds of tags that look just the same?
 Perhaps one day.  Or perhaps not.
But I still wanted to 'sign it'.
So, I made my own. 

The deets:

 o1 Hologramish cars for the boy.
o2 Retro mini ric-rac.
o3 Options for strap length.
o4 Signature.

email me if you're interested in purchasing some cLOVEr 2 OVERS for your favorite 2-year-old, and if there's enough interest, I'll rally my supplies and put some in the shop.


  1. I was at our Ikea a couple of weeks ago and they had tons of this fabric left. If you decide to make these and want me to try to get some let me know.

  2. How adorable!!! And that tag is simply sweet!!

  3. absolutely adorable! GREAT fabric, great job!!! Like the tag placement :)

  4. Would love to purchase some of the two fabric if you put it in your shop. Everything that you do is so cute!

  5. katy-
    i'd love to get a pair for mary margaret. for her 2nd birthday we're doing her party at our family farm and these would be perfect!!
    email me at twougaalums *at* bellsouth *dot* net with a quote. :-)
    size 2t.

  6. I know exactly what you mean about committing. lp'

    that last part was from Avery...she says she loves them!

  7. I only wish my little ones were small enough to wear these - so sweet! Thank you for sharing:)

  8. UGH! TAGS! I have been shopping for 6 months...I have big problems committing to stuff like that. When we go shopping I have to bring my husband to actually tell me NOT to put it back on the rack...

    Your personalized one looks GREAT

  9. love, love, love. want to own. so, yes.

  10. I just scored a yard of this fabric in the As-Is section today for ONE dollar! I couldn't believe it! I picked up a couple other fabrics too for $1. Love it. Maybe I should make overalls..
    I was thinking of making a Valentine's pillow for the couch, since it's uh..almost Valentine's day...

  11. I love that tag and all of the details! She is just the cutest thing ever!!

  12. Hello Darling-

    Just found you via A Room Somewhere and I'm adding you to my blog list zip zip just like that.

    You space is charming.

  13. It's just as perfect as always! The details are amazing and so is your tag ;-)
    No 2 yrs old around here unfortunatly...

  14. Oh my goodness! I want a pair. How adorable.

  15. Where did you get the pattern? Can you share it? I want to make some too! I have 3 little ones that would look fabulous! I love them!!

  16. Hah, I know what you mean about commitment to a design! I do like your solution. Love those buttons, too.

  17. Yes, do you make big size? So, so perfect! I love your label.

  18. I would LOVE a pair of these for my little guy, too bad he just turned the big 3. : ( IKEA needs to get on it and make more number fabric so you can make cute little dresses and overalls for bigger kids to wear too ; )

  19. So clever and adorable, Katy. I really need a girl for this outfit! Clover's so stinkin' cute! I love your label, too.

  20. Very fun, Katy! We were wondering why you had a dangerous boy book with only five girls? It must be Ryan's?

  21. I saw the Dangerous Book for Boys in the background and also the hologram buttoms for a boy..are you thinking of adding one??

  22. I love these 2 overalls. I won't need some for a while though.....

  23. those are AMAZING. i want some for my 2 year old!


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