
15 September 2010

Red Thread

Marrying into a family of artists, you have to have unflinching courage.  We scrutinize even the smallest of details on everything.  So really Olivia should be awarded some type of honor instead of me making her do a post on my blog.  She is an artist herself, so fits in really well.  I love Olivia because she is always happy and so kind.  Everyone loves Olivia.  In fact she might be the first person I would clone if I had such an ability.

Also, she's clever.  Just read her Red Thread book.  Then wait on pins and needles to hear from her again[!] later in the month.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

read the book:

closer look:


  1. that book is genius! I love it. So adorable!

  2. sooooo creative. simple. love the red that pops on the white paper. love it!

  3. Oh my goodness I love this! Is this something we can make or do we have to buy it? Either way I want one! :)

  4. What a beautiful idea...tell Olivia "Thanks for sharing it with us"

  5. @Becky--I'm afraid it's one of a kind! Hop on over to Olivia's blog, though, to see if you can sweet talk her into selling it ;)

  6. BRILLIANT! So fun and creative. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I want one! So cute.

  8. O, K-T:

    I am flattered beyond belief at your kind words. And those of the comments! Thanks for making me feel like queen for a day!


    And Becky—I think it would take an embarrassingly high amount to sell THIS one, but perhaps we could work out some sort of commissioned deal. ;) Email if you like:

  9. Oh! I love it!

    Katy, maybe it's better I didn't get into your family. I might have felt too much pressure to create and then I'd have caved.
    No - I'm sure I would have risen to the occasion. I'm sure of it.

  10. That book just made my morning! So creative! What an amazing gift idea for those that have 'everything'!!!
    Katy-thank you so much for doing this September celebration, and Olivia, thank you SO SO MUCH for being such a creative inspiration!!!

  11. @Olivia--I think mass production might be your only solution.

    @Jennifer--Risen. Definitely risen.

    @Althea--It's people like you who make me want to do this!

  12. I am so inspired by your lovely blog and seeing my beautiful cousin on here today made me think of how I've been reading it for awhile now without ever commenting. So, thank you for the mounds of inspiration!
    p.s. your tribute to Olivia was perfection. She is so easy to love and very well-suited to the creative Knudsen family!

  13. WOW!

    Like really, WOW...

    Can't breath!

    I love red. I adore this book.


  14. Love every single thing about this...oh and I also want her shirt!

  15. Loved seeing this again, Olivia. My favorite part is the spool--it is perfect!

  16. gorgeous! stunning simplicity.
    you have an amazing creative talent.
    now i'm off to write my own colored thread book:
    green with jealousy

  17. I LOVE it, I want my very own!

  18. I'm with Hannah- love the shirt and just can't get over how perfect this book is! so original and engaging!

  19. Lovely, lovely, lovely book!


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