
30 August 2010

T minus 2 days

Since we have 2 whole days before September gets here [come fast, please, lovely number 9!], I am introducing a little challenge.  Some of you have said you don't sew or have very basic skills.  I want this month to be about trying something new:  a fabric you've never used, a technique, an embellishment, a foot that has never set itself upon your feed dogs, learning to thread your machine by yourself, a hand stitch you have always wondered about, putting in a zipper.  Regardless of what you have done in the past, try something you've never tried before this month.  


We play show and tell!
  [Didn't you love that as a kid? I always loved to bring my dad's wooden, Tongan pillow]  
Leave a link to a post on what you've tried.
I'm going to keep this link up all month to showcase all the projects you've been working on:  So and so sews!

And, if there is an additional incentive needed [I can't imagine why], I will choose someone to receive something splendid from moi.



  1. great idea! I tackled quilting for the first time ever... My quilting feet and attachments that came with my machine never saw the light of day until now... I had to actually hunt down the box they came in! lol

  2. I love the idea as I have just started to try sewing after many years of ignoring the craft. The only problem is I dont have a link to give you! What do I do instead!
    I am pregnant with my second child and have decided to tackle a diaper bag. I forgot how wondrful and fullfilling sewing can be!

  3. What a great idea... wonder what I'll try?

  4. what a great idea. I wonder if the button I (ahem)attempted to sew on the hubs pants would count? Warning, it's not pretty. I would have been better off using hot glue! bawhahaa! :)

  5. I just made a faux-fur coat, which is a first for me:

  6. Tried to post to the linky but kept getting an application error screen so I'm putting it here instead. ;)

    It's not rocket science and the process wasn't necessarily pretty but my first lined tote IS. :) And fun.Fun.FUN!

  7. Oh Katy, I just found this link to your fantastic blog and spent nearly an hour enjoying all of your ideas and your beautiful family... as usual, I have been inspired. I am now heading to the sewing room to complete the skirt I began 2 weeks ago.

  8. Thanks for hosting such a fun month! I've been busy working on a dress for my daughter to wear to a wedding next week.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.