
20 August 2010

Over at Maryjanes and Galoshes Today...

[looking for the cLOVEr 2 dress giveaway?]'ll find my tutorial for these fisherboy shorts!  Taylor of Maryjanes and Galoshes flattered me by asking if I would be a guest blogger.  I was delighted to come up with these to share.

Azure teaching Clover the fine art of stick fishing

While we were out, we saw about 6 manatee!

They kept coming right to the edge of the dock, poking their nose out and blowing water, just about scaring me over the edge!  It was great fun, because I'm usually the one doing the scaring around here ;)
(If you don't know what a manatee is, google it)

There were real fishermen, but they didn't have cute fisherboy shorts on.

Azure was disappointed she didn't catch anything, but we'll try again, maybe with something besides string.
Thanks for the invite, Taylor!!


  1. I just found your blog, and I love it!

  2. Oh, I think these are adorable! And your photos are beautiful.

  3. Those are great, Katy! I think I'll make me a pair!

  4. Adorable pictures! Off to check out your tutorial. :)

  5. These are sooo sooooooo cute! You had the perfect models at the perfect spot, and I love every single picture. If I had a sewing machine, I'm pretty sure I would make some of these. Alas, my machine stayed behind when I moved overseas.

  6. the shorts and the models are to die for!

  7. the shorts and the models are to die for!

  8. Just found you through MJ & G, and i had to add you to my blogroll. I can tell I'll be spending much, too much time here.

  9. Those are so cute, Katy! Oh and the shorts are cute too!

  10. great! Leland is obsessed with fishing these days and looked at every picture intently for about 30 seconds.
    love the shorts and blown away by your manatee visit- so awesome :O)

  11. I love the shorts!! Where did you find the manatees in this area? I'd love to go....

  12. WOW, you and your kiddies are so lucky to see manatee up close and personal. They are at risk of extinction, esp after the horrible bp disaster. I would be so drawn to them you probably couldnt get me to get off that darn dock!!!

  13. Months ago I repinned the bias headband tutorial that originated on your blog. I'm just now getting ready to make it and haven't been able to stop browsing all of your tutorials!! You've got me in the mood to sew again. Unless these pics were taken on vacation, you must live pretty close to me too because I only know of one area that has manatees swimming around like this!!! Florida!!


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