
23 August 2010

Divine is 9

We celebrated Divine's Birthday over the weekend.
Do you want to hear her birthday gift request?
Say yes, because I'm her mother.

01  Her own canister of parmesan cheese
02  A pen with a light on it
03  An electric toothbrush

All three wishes were granted.  How could we not, with such humble requests?

Now, do you want to hear her menu requests?

01  Pasta with cream sauce
02  Eggnog
03  Hot Chocolate
04  Mint Chocolate chip cookies--no cake

We happened to have a carton of eggnog in the freezer.  How fortuitous is that.  We agreed that one beverage was sufficient.  We'll have to discuss the term seasonal at a later date.

She was pleased with the results of the day.

I am so amazed by how quickly they change, yet stay just the same.


Enjoying her gifts.  

Happy Birthday, D.
You are loved.


  1. what a lovely pile of presents.... especially because it contains a pen with a light on it ;O)
    the picture of Divine's 3 year old self, so silly and sweet.
    looks as though she's deep into the new book already.
    Happy day Divine!


  3. I am so loving her wish list, both for presents and dinner. My son's wish list for his 4th birthday was "a picture of me and my mom". I'm with you, how can you refuse with a request like that?

  4. Happy Birthday Divine!

    Ask your mom to share the cookie recipe with us, cause we would kill for a good cookie recipe:)

  5. Oh, LOL that she's making the same pose. That is great!

  6. I remember that old photo. She is looking so grown up. Happy day to you, Divine! Loved hearing her requests--she's a girl who knows what she wants.

  7. Her requests are cute - very similar to Kylie's (her own milk, her own goldfish, treadmill, soap, toothbrush). Happy Birthday, Divine!

  8. Happy birthday Divine! What a lovely daughter and lovely celebration. BTW I didn't know you can freeze egg nog!

  9. happy 9! she's adorable, my brother is nine, and its a very nice age!

  10. How cute is it that she is acting the exact same way at 3 and 9!

  11. I LOVE her drink requests. It just occurred to me that Divine and Azure look a LOT alike.

  12. I love the fact that someone requested an electric toothbrush for their birthday. My (not so) little 3 yr old asked for one too. A green one. They arent easy to find, but we suceeded. I mean how can you refuse the request of a toothbrush?


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