
24 August 2010


the kids like to get her to say "I do the dirty work"

we all think it's hilarious

if you call her any type of nickname like cutie pie she says, "no, I CO-VER!"

she tans very easily, except in her chub creases

she's strong-willed

we have to wrap packing tape all the way around her diaper before naps/bed

i could stare at her for hours


  1. I don't know how any SO cute could do any dirty work!

  2. What a beautiful shot! What a pretty, pretty little girl!

  3. I could stare for hours also. In fact I could stare at all the girls for hours.

  4. She's so beautiful! I love the chub non tanning. :)

  5. She is gorgeous. All of your girls are just beautiful!

  6. packing there's an idea I can use!!!

    I love your photos

  7. beautiful photos, I love the names that you gave you children so unusual and perfect! I look at your blog almost everyday I love it!


  8. I'm so excited to have found you! I found you through MJ&G and I just wanted to tell you that I think your photos are amazing, your ideas are inspired, and I love how you insert your spirituality into it all. This is one of my new favorite places :)

  9. I chuckled at the no tanning in the chub! My Ella is the same. I love the picture too. Kerri

  10. My son Seth, who is 2 1/2 could not be convinced that these pix of Clover were not him. I'm kept telling him it was "baby Clover" and he kept saying "No, baby Sef!" I guess their cheeks DO match....cute pix!

  11. I am a total stranger, but just had to post. Gosh your girls are just dolls! I have two of my own (and a very new little boy). I have been following your blog for just a couple of months. Stumbled onto it one day looking at crafty things and fell in love. You seem like a great momma and your family is just gorgeous. Enjoy your celebrating. :) (P.S. LOVE the idea of letting them choose their own birthday meal at the grocery! I may do that with mine next time. Though I am not sure they would make as healthy choices!)

  12. Who is in the last photo? It can't be Clover. I've never seen her with straight hair. Is it really Clover?

  13. @Susan--YES! It's her morning hair. The more humid/sweaty, the curlier her hair goes.


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