
10 August 2010

Back to School

We've started school around here.  
Thought we'd start it with a bang, but it didn't go quite as I planned [does anything, really?]  

I began by getting angry at Clover pre-dinner because she crawled up and pulled things off the table.   

As we sat down, I tried to give a speech about how blessed their teachers are to have them in their classes this year when I was interrupted over and over until I gave up. 

And somehow in all the school supply purchasing, I failed to get Olive some new shoes.  Then Pearl was mad because I put pesto on the pasta [she's since forgiven me.]

Everyone got new underwear, socks, and shoes [minus Olive] as polyester uniforms show absolutely no wear--unless you cut them up to make pretty clips ;).

We want to be pristine from the inside out.

And maybe with a little luck, some newly made accessories,

and lots of work,

the school year will go much smoother than our back to school dinner.


    I appreciated just the photos.

  2. Mother of the Year Award = YOU!

  3. At least you tried right- back to school round these parts is a lot of stress and a jump for joy from my mutti :)- in england we arent back until september- but i guess we started later :)- good luck to your girls xxx

  4. Those girlies sure are blessed to have you! What a fun tradition!

  5. Good luck, I hope that it all goes smoothly and that they have a great year!

  6. I know!! Grrr. But we press forward right. The demands are high when the ages are low. Good job.

  7. Thank you for the giggle to get the day off right. My older daughter and your Pearl may be cut from the same cloth, although mine might smile is usually a devious one. This year will be too crazy for a proper setting off, but once we're settled again, I love the dinner idea.

  8. We started school yesterday too. I thought we were the only ones in the US who started this early.

    E got new shoes too. He told me they were wonderful and felt so good that they didn't even make his feet hurt! Oh! Seems I should have purchased some new ones quite a time ago!

  9. Bless you Katy, such a fun way to begin school. I love you all so much.

  10. I think that was an awesome Dinner...I think it is good things never go as planned, it makes much better stories :)

  11. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who goes over the top to make something awesome and then gets kicked in the knees by the recipients! haha I can't tell you how many times I have tried to have a Sweet talk with my kids just to hear I have to go potty, Phoebe just licked me... yadayada
    It looks Beautiful though!

  12. WELL your pictures were DELIGHTFUL even though your evening was not! it's the honesty that counts here though as we try to make things fun and perfect for our kids, then it's disappointing and upsetting when it goes hay wire! they'll have that memory of your efforts even if they didn't act appreciative that night!! :)

  13. sounds like you outdid yourself momma dill:O)
    this post made me think of an Austen house full of women-- i'm sure they aren't *that dramatic.
    i love the shoes and flowers, what a perfect back to school treat for the girls and amazing picture candy for us.

  14. I applaud your efforts! Even though it didn't go as planned I'm sure your children felt the love. Such a beautiful table and vignettes and accessories. Your children are lucky to be surrounded by love and beauty. Here's to the school year!

  15. ha ha way too funny! Great photos :)

  16. I love the idea, and your table set up! Sounds like something I would attempt and would be so much more romantic in my head than in real life (as all things are when kids are involved!)

  17. Your girls are so adorable. I hope this school year is off to a great start! Just came across your blog and am enjoying it. As a mother of two girls, ages 3 and 1, you keep me humble! :)

  18. WOW! I just stumbled upon your blog. Your children are beautiful! And so is your amazing work. I'm exhausted but keep scrolling down to see more. Thank you for sharing.
    xo- Paige, aka Working Mama.

  19. Just found your blog! And you do such fun things! i just love your table! where oh where did you ever find such a great round table?


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