18 June 2010

Whoa, Cosmos!

I wasn't sure I had enough seeds for all those who sent me their addresses!
But, then I went outside in the garden
and found many newly seeded flowers
who had opened up and shouted to me
take me, for I am ready!
So, I did.
and they will be sent your way.


  1. I love it when you shout that! RD

  2. your photos are simply breath-taking! thank you for your kind comment & of course, I wasn't joking... why would I? ;-))

  3. hahahahahahahahahahaha. the above comments are hysterical. and seems so familiar. :OD

  4. beautiful pictures as always!!! i'm SOOOO hoping i made your cosmo list!!!

  5. Your photos are really seedy!
    I have a place for the cosmos...

  6. i can't believe i missed this. am i too late? should i just take the bull by the horns and email you my address? how do i know you aren't really a 48 year old man in ninja turtle boxers?

  7. Thanks so much Katy! I got them today. Gave you a shout out on my blog http://holy-craft.blogspot.com/2010/06/half-finished-projects.html.


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.