05 February 2010

Giveaway Winner: #9

send me your info, Jenny of Bizarre Celebrations and you'll be wearing this soon!
Thank you for all the great suggestions:

1 Company over
2 Bump up the tunes
3 Lists
4 Pray
5 JayneJayneJayneJayneJayne
6 A small task at a time

I'm off to be productive!!

PS I'm working on more patterns for my Etsy shop, one of which will be a beaded bracelet for those interested!


  1. I think this is the first time I've won something in about 10 years. I am so, so excited!

  2. Jenny, I'm glad you got it!

  3. I was wondering if you have this particular bracelet pattern for sale? I saw the cuff on etsy but I really loooove this one. Thanks, Brandi


Be a lamb & tell me what's on your mind.