17 December 2009

Day with Divine

When was the last time you got on a bus full of 3rd graders?   I forgot how noisy it could be.  I let each of my kids choose one field trip for me to go with them each year.  Divine chose Kingsley Plantation and Fort Caroline.  It was the all-day kind and Divine offered to put my lunch items in her lunch bag.  Coordinating that many 8 & 9 year-olds is not a position I desire any time soon.  We loaded the bus, Divine and Jordan in one seat, me in another.  If it had been Pearl, we would have all squeezed together. Divine likes her space and I can respect that.  She just wanted to know I was there.  

The other parents quickly began chatting with each other, you know, the full-time-involved-all-the-time-at-school parents?  The ones who help at every single school function and party, volunteer for everything, and accompany all the field trips.  I'm just an "occasional" parent, not "occasional parent" mind you.  I bring treats on birthdays and send gifts for teachers [another post] and go to only ONE field trip.  So, they weren't particularly interested in me.  Which was fine with me.  I snuggled into my blue vinyl seat, popped in the ipod, and pulled out my "traveling project bag" [also another post.]  I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  No quarrels to interrupt, no mouths to wipe or feed, no diapers to change in odd and inconvenient places.  Divine just wanted my presence, which I obligingly gave, and I kept my hands busy, my ears full, and my shutter clicking.

Divine's pre-field trip haircut which was supposed to be a trim, but she requested this do instead

If Divine was a slave, she would have had to pick 70 lbs of this a day

The delightful field trip duo

Maybe I'll even up the limit to 2!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE the hair cut! Such a gorgeous girl (1 of 5 gorgeous girls, that is).

  3. I love the one of Divine looking through the hole in the wall. Very artistic.
    Also, Brenda is now in Korea for the next two years. In case you haven't already seen it, you can find her blog off of mine.

  4. These images are beauties.
    I am an "occasional" parent too :)
    I think my kids like it that way.

    And that hair.
    Looks divine on Divine.

  5. Oh, field trips. Sounds like you picked the perfect one! Love the pixs.

  6. what a gorgeous neckline she has! She has your profile. I feel the same way at functions. I have the most kids in my kids classes and everyone looks at me like I am totally out of control. Well, I am really... but still.

  7. Your photography is as amazing as you are. I love, LOVE everything you do.

  8. I am so glad you went on that excursion and I love the little hints and forthcoming posts...do share!
    What a great thing to limit the field tripping to one.


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